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Discussion in 'Suggestions & Ideas' started by Counttitan, 29 Apr 2018.


Is there any way to create something like black list for awful players

  1. when you check someone's profile you can see if they are on black list

    0 vote(s)
  2. so as a leaders when you select players you don't have to go through drama with awful people

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  1. Counttitan

    Counttitan Member

    21 Jan 2018
    I have few bad examples when I had a chance to take great guys fir my guild and selected wrong ones and lost that chance.there are just some people who doesn't deserve any effort so I think we should have blacklist to avoid drama and losing time on people who doesn't deserve it.
    HARPO! likes this.
  2. Help I Cant Swim

    Help I Cant Swim MVP

    25 Oct 2017
    Lemme see if I understand... You want people to be labeled under a "blacklist" so that if they are looking for a new guild, you can see that they are on that list?

    Please tell me you see how quickly that is going to be abused and innocent people will be put on the blacklist for no reason.

    Big, fat NO.
  3. Counttitan

    Counttitan Member

    21 Jan 2018
    Yes,I thought about that but I was hoping that someone smart enough can build something from this,I'm sure that something can be done,we can't always look for excuses not to do something,I don't care if you want to,do something,if not whatever
  4. Help I Cant Swim

    Help I Cant Swim MVP

    25 Oct 2017
    Maybe instead of a "blacklist", you could simply see the player's guild history. "Left from ____ after ___ days and did ____ trophies per rivalry."... "Kicked from ____ after ____ days and did ____ trophies per war. Reason for kick is ____."

    Increased and automated detail is the only way it would not be abused. Being able to see a player's average number of trophies per rivalry could be helpful.

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