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Better to buy epic items or crates?

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by Whoops, 31 May 2017.

  1. Whoops

    Whoops Member

    6 May 2017
    I'm curious if anyone has does to math to figure out what gives a better bang for your buck. If I let myself indulge from time to time should I just buy the specific epic items I want, or are crates just significantly better given all the resources I will receive from them.
  2. Civ

    Civ New Member

    14 May 2017
    Haven't done the math but logically speaking. If you're willing to spend real money you might as well go for the items you actually want instead of trying to get lucky and end up paying muitlple times for something you could of bought right off the bat.
  3. Greydone

    Greydone Member

    10 May 2017
    It depends how much you'll spend. If you're only going to spend 3000 pearls once then buy the weapon you want. Otherwise buy the 3900 pack cause you'll quickly end up with a legendary item.
  4. Whoops

    Whoops Member

    6 May 2017
    Yeah I'm definitely not going for legendary items. I've already got an epic cannon, epic blast cannon, and epic bandage. Maybe I'll just settle with rares on everything else for now. If stuff didn't cost so much money I would be much more likely to spend money. But I realize that the way things are optimizes the amount of money they get from whales. It just sucks when it feels like you get so little for what you pay for. Coming from the PC gaming world where most of my favorite games are $20 and I never have to spend another dime it's a hard pill to swallow.

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