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Better Guild Controls and Captain Dashboard

Discussion in 'Suggestions & Ideas' started by BattleRascal, 2 Jul 2018.

  1. BattleRascal

    BattleRascal Well-Known Member

    26 Jul 2017
    I'm pretty sure most guild captains would agree that improvements are needed to better run a guild.
    My suggestions for improvements:

    1. Create a new structure of leadership:
    One Captain
    Two Co-Captains(have as much control as the captain, except being able to kick the captain or the other co-captain, and can see all the data the captain sees)
    Officer Level(can kick or promote Veterans or Members)
    Veterans(no guild control, just a recognition title for people that have been in the guild for a while)
    Members(basic entry level guild members)

    2. Guild Quest Controls:
    We need a way for the Captain to MARK guild quests as priorities for the guild to see easily. It's really annoying to have to keep posting them in guild chat, because they keep getting pushed too far down the chat screen and nobody sees it.

    3. Guild Homescreen:
    Be able to post a private guild message that stays on the main guild page. This is different than the 1 sentence message that is shown on the public guild profile.

    4. Guild Captain Dashboard:
    Shows date of last battle played for each guild member
    Shows contribution of trophies for the past 3 weeks for each member

    Any other suggestions, please post below. Thank you!
    wreck your day likes this.

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