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Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by NAN0NAT3R, 16 Jul 2017.


What ship do you use the most/like the best/is your favorite

  1. Shooter

  2. Speeder

  3. Enforcer

  4. Defender

  5. Fixer

  1. NAN0NAT3R

    NAN0NAT3R Member

    15 Jun 2017
    Just want to know what ship do you guys use or like to use and why is it your favorite. What do you not like about it. Why is it so fun to play. What items and play style do you use with it. Comment below and tell the community all about how much you love your ship :).
  2. behumble

    behumble Well-Known Member

    26 May 2017
    I think the best ship is shooter, cant beat the weapon slots
    The most fun ship is speeder :) makes for quick battles too

    Alas, i do not have the weapons for shooter and find i can progress further as a fixer :) Heck, i aint too bad at fixer either. Its a love hate relationship however, since I do such low damage I completely rely on team mates, that often act like they dont need me :/
    But being a nurse to the shooters of battle bay is my choice haha

    BITTERSTEEL Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    They all have their ups and downs, to be sure. Statistically, the meta suggests that Speeder is the best ship, but there's so much emphasis on map-movement when you use it. It's a very risky yet rewarding, "twitchy" ship.

    Shooters are okay if you know how to pick the right targets, but most are useless once you are within their comfort zone (3 or so units). Not that difficult to outplay, and it seems that the most popular ship is also the most misused.

    Defenders have traditionally been considered the worst ship. Blue slots, HP, and defence don't seem to be a good trade-off for other base stats. With that being said, ever since global launch, there's been a huge increase of Top 200 Defenders, so they might be worth re-analyzing.

    Fixers fix. 'Nuff said.

    In my opinion, the Enforcer is the best ship. The backbone of every team, it boasts the highest turret agility, good yellow slots/points, and three red slots/points for three point damage weapons, which compliment its insane turret speed. Also, it can accelerate and decelerate rapidly, making it easy to dodge shots. So many yellow points means that, even with the Tesla Shield nerf, it can stack those annoying Shields up and be a pseudo-tank.
    Kustomz likes this.
  4. David Bonaparte

    David Bonaparte Active Member

    17 May 2017
    I think part of this is that BattleBay develops and shifts a lot more slowly than more traditional MOBAs. In, say, League of Legends, the meta can shift almost overnight, because everything you bring to a game is reset every time. The only important previous investment is experience. Here however, people have to spend a lot of time and resources prioritizing specific ships and items, so it will take time for the old speeder meta to go away. People will need time for their other ships and items to catch up in development. I know a fair few ships that are almost literally only for speeders, they largely lack equipment and levels on other ships. A lot of the top players I can see seem to be somewhat similar if less extreme.

    Personally, I would consider the slow shift away from Speeders to itself be indicative of the meta. AFAIK defenders and shooters mostly struggled with speeders, so a reduction in speeders allows the former two to rise in numbers again.
    H.A.D.E.S likes this.

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