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Best 5 player comp?

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by xxxBISMARCKxxx, 26 Oct 2017.

  1. xxxBISMARCKxxx

    xxxBISMARCKxxx Well-Known Member

    5 Jun 2017
    More and more posts about wanting 5v5 premades every day. It has me thinking about what the best 5 man premade would be, in terms of both ships and loadouts.

    Right now I think the best team would be 1 speeder, 1 fixer, 3 shooters. Speeder with big torp/explosive cannon, Tesla, and other usual items. Fixer with pulse/bolt/bolt and 2 snipers. Shooters all have firebomb, sniper, explosive, big b.

    Curious what others think. Please only experienced players respond thx.
  2. Gnu

    Gnu Well-Known Member

    7 Apr 2017
    No, 5 Buntas in 1 team seems balanced.
    So with 5 Diet cokes with 20k health defender.
    - ZeroFactor - likes this.
  3. - ZeroFactor -

    - ZeroFactor - New Member

    29 Aug 2017
    gonna quote bunta from his AMA on reddit:

    “In a perfect setup, defender is taking all of shots, shooters a little behind him shooting every weapons, defenders using tesla shield to cover them, speeders doing "rounds" and fixer, fixing behind.

    This is in my head the perfect setup. We all know it won't happen.

    A defender role is to defend the 4 others. If a fixer is in there, should defend the fixer. A speeder will never be next to a defender. They get bored really quick by the slow speed. I've tried and it gets boring very fast. Sure some less aggressive speeders might but it's not their purpose.

    Speeder/Enforcer should back up defender/shooter. Defender going head to head with another defender/shooter and speeder/enforcer getting around shooting/bolting them to recover from weapons cooldown.

    And always try to save your fixer. Sometimes during the heat of battles, it's hard to do so but always keep an eye of your fixer. An alive fixer is a huge advantage.

    If you see him taking heavy damages, ask him to back off and take his place instead so he can recovers. One speeder should be around in case someone does a "surprise attack" to it.

    Thing is, there are no rights and wrongs (beside the suiciders/campers at spawn). Communication is key and teamwork.

    You can have the best items in the games, if everyone is going solo, it will never work.”

    link: https://www.reddit.com/r/battlebay/comments/76enrx/ama_bunta/

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