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Discussion in 'The World of Battle Bay' started by a_creeper_won, 26 Mar 2018.

  1. a_creeper_won

    a_creeper_won Well-Known Member

    19 Oct 2017
    Basement dweller
    The middle of nowhere
    The battle bay society to end nerfs (BBSTEN) has now been started.

    What is the BBSTEN?
    The BBSTEN is a result of the continuous nerfs to items that are over done and are truly trashing the items that the meta (The most common item that BB players use) is, causing the majority of players to quit and infamy tank.
    What is the BBSTENs goal?
    Most of the things that are called OP are simply better than another item. And those ‘OP’ items are the ones being nerfed to trash. We must save these items from being nerfed.
    How can I help?
    A simple way to help is to oppose the nerf. You can give ideas of ways to give comments that have actual info instead of the CAPS LICK STFF THT SYS THS THNG IS OP PLZ NERF that the cryers use.

    =====Things that are in danger of being trashed that aren’t op======
    Sniper cannon
    Mine (tho it could use a maximum amount of mines)
    ====Things that genuinely needs nerfs====
    None now.

    Rule of thumb: if you cannot win a 3v1 with it, it’s not OP.
    ChickenSurprise and TheAntiSnipe like this.
  2. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    Omg jingle bells are OP!
    Ultrah likes this.
  3. a_creeper_won

    a_creeper_won Well-Known Member

    19 Oct 2017
    Basement dweller
    The middle of nowhere
    Ever find it weird that players in warrior league cry about an item in their league and use the top 50 leaderboard in the top nightmare league to “back it up”?
  4. c3n3

    c3n3 Well-Known Member

    1 Aug 2017
    People shouldn’t be against nerfs, nerfs should be more gradual than what they have been.

    For example the devs wanted to nerf exp Cannon duration. Instead of doing the full two point two two seconds in one update; split it over pure balance updates every two weeks. After the first two weeks then they can see the effects on meta and usage. And decide for the next two weeks.

    The goal is just to slowly change and check balance issues, buffs and nerfs included. So every slight move can be checked before the whole planned nerf or buff is implemented.

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