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Battle Command Complexity

Discussion in 'Suggestions & Ideas' started by NathanaelK, 27 Jun 2018.


What would you want to see implemented?

  1. Idea 1, for some crazy reason

    0 vote(s)
  2. Idea 2

  3. Idea 3

    0 vote(s)
  4. Communication after being destroyed

  5. None of these

    0 vote(s)
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  1. NathanaelK

    NathanaelK Well-Known Member

    11 Jun 2018
    Anyone out there…? :(
    There is a BB Subreddit. My in-game tag: #GDHYNGJQ
    First of all, I really like this game. There's not much that feels limiting, or useless, or insanely unbalanced. But there is one thing I would really like to see in the game that I think could add a bit more strategy.
    The current Battle Command system is relatively simple. You press a button with a preset command, such as "Together!" or "Capture!", and you can specify teammates or Unfriends if you want to ("Friend#1, go capture!").
    Sometimes, these commands are enough. In a lot of battles, you won't have to say more than "Follow Friend#1!" or "Help!". But occasionally, you have to press buttons in a series to fully explain what you want to say. If your teammate says "Attack! Together!", but you think your team should split up into groups, you might have to say "Attack yes! Together negative!"
    This is not only difficult to say and interpret, you'll have to pause for a moment at some point becuase you can't give more than three commands in close sucession.
    (Don't get me wrong, that's a good idea. I don't have a problem with an anti-spam system.)
    I can think of three solutions to this:

    1) A full keyboard setup
    Somewhat self-explanantory. Whan you want to give a message you click the speech bubble and your keyboard pops on-screen, letting you type put whatever you want.
    This would be chaos — full of spam, and different languages, and expletives. Not to mention the difficulty in typing out a full message as you battle. This wouldn't work.

    2) Editable commands
    What if we could choose what each button says in the app settings? One could decide that since they hate capturing, they want to replace the "Capture!" Command with one for "Follow me!"? That player could then say, "Friend#1, follow me!".
    Someone who often plays as a Selfish Fixer could replace the "Help!" Command with one for, "I am a Selfish Fixer.". That kind of communication can be crucial in a battle, and avoid a situation where, for instance, a Speeder runs halfway across the map looking for a heal they won't get. They could say, "Speeder#1, I am a Selfish Fixer.".
    I think this idea could definitely improve the current system. The only problem would be implemeting a profanity filter to keep people from spamming expletives.

    3) Chain commands
    This idea wouldn't provide for ease of communication, but players could ignore the whole thing if they wanted and stick to the current system without having to do anything differently.
    What if some commands were designed to connect to other commands? The first part wouldn't be given until the whole thing was complete.
    This would only work well if the "Yes!" and "Negative!" buttons were given the same "slide out" feature the other buttons have. "Yes!" would slide out to a list of your teammates' names, and "Negative!" would slide out to a list of Unfriend names.
    Now, one could say:
    ["Yes!", slide to "Friend#1"] - ["Together!", slide to "Follow me!"] or
    "Teammate#1, follow me!"
    One could put a "Negative!" between them to say "Unfriend#1, don't follow me!".
    This would probably work best if a bar was added outside the whole thing (curving around "Capture!", "Help!", "Together!", and "Attack!") which could be pressed to indicate the giving of a Complex Command.
    Here, a Selfish Fixer could say "I don't help."
    My favorite part of this is that you could totally ignore the whole Complex Command system and be no worse off (unless you accidentally hit the extra outside bar, which could maybe be undone by spamming "Negative!").
    Unlike the other ideas, this one doesn't increase someone's ability to spam — unless they have the patience to say "Friend#1, don't capture! Follow me! Help me destroy Unfriend#1!"
    This might be the most difficult to use, but it would be somewhat compact. I can't think of any drawbacks to this.

    And one other thing I like to see:
    What if we could communicate after dying? We could watch a Teammate's back. Here, one would have the time to type out a message by use of a keyboard. They could say "There's someone behind you!" or "Destroy Unfriend#1, Unfriend#2 has way more health!". If your Friend didn't want to hear your advice (or if they were being spammed), they could swipe the message to the left offscreen and not recieve any more messages from destroyed teammates (and swipe right if they change their mind).

    What do you guys think. Would you guys want to see one of these in-game?
    NeptuneGaming likes this.
  2. wreck your day

    wreck your day Well-Known Member

    29 Dec 2017
    Enforcer! And future ultimate selfish fixer >:D
    somewhere, nowhere, and everywhere
    Yes YES *spams negative unaffected by the battle* :D
  3. SupremeCalamitas

    SupremeCalamitas Well-Known Member

    19 Feb 2018
    I don't think it's your business

    -saying to fixer- heal me, you asshole!

    -fixer- I'm a selfish fixer damnit. Get a life and suck up your injuries, you're gonna be fine.

    Or get a bandage, if you don't already have one

    Recommendation for edited commands, selfish fixers.
    NeptuneGaming likes this.

    KINGIVANOV Well-Known Member

    28 Nov 2017
    Over here.
    Or maybe we could have like a custom slot in the commands

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