I'd just like to preface by saying that I love Battlebay, I've been playing it for many months now and will continue to do so. I am not a game developer at all, just a fan of game design and would just like to share what could well be poor or misinformed personal opinions about the game. So please, no one here needs to get angry or defensive over some of my personal criticisms.
So we all know what everyones aim is in Battle Bay in regards to gear. A complete set of fully upgraded Tier 5 Legendary gear. This in itself isn't a problem even though its largely unobtainable even for a lot of whales. What is a problem is that the way the gear scales renders nearly everything else redundant. I'm sure I'm not the only one here who has thousands upon thousands on unused common and uncommon powercells just collecting dust not doing anything. Why is this? Because common and uncommon gear are rendered almost obselete by the time you get your first rare item, which isn't very long at all, even for a new player. Since how far you can level gear is governed by your Crew upgrades you can only ever make an item a certain level regardless of rarity. So a new player who only been playing for a few weeks could easily have a few rares and maybe even an epic or two in their inventory giving them no real incentive to upgrade uncommons or commons.
The items themselves scale horribly, meaning there is no point upgrading lower tier gear over higher tier gear. Just for an example to explain this point better. Lets say you just got your hands on an Epic Blast Cannon, At level 1. Upgrading this to level 10 it is nearly as powerful as a level 30 (thats max Tier 3) Uncommon Blast Cannon. It gets even worse when you factor in Legendary gear. A level 1 Legendary is more powerful than a Level 50 Rare. All that time you spend upgrading items just to be made obsolete so quickly depreciates the value a player has in their progression. Essentially for most people what ever gear you have on right now will be made redundant at some point in the future.
A solution to this is increasing the max Tiers of items the lower down the rarity chart they get, and have all max Tiers across all rarities reach a closer parity in power when fully upgraded. So for example Legendaries stay with a max of Tier 5. Epics can now be upgraded to Tier 7, Rares to Tier 9, Uncommons to Tier 11 and Commons to Tier 13. Now I'm not going to say a Tier 13 common should be as powerful as a Tier 5 Legendary, but why can't it say be as powerful as a Tier 1 Legendary. Uncommons at Tier 11 could be as powerful as a Tier 2 legendary. Rares at Tier 9 as powerful as a Tier 3 Legendary and Epics at Tier 7 as powerful as a Tier 4 Legendary. I feel a system like this would solve a lot of problems.
A. It gives items a chance to achieve closer parity in power
B. All those common and uncommon powercells now have a purpose
C. Players are no longer at the complete mercy of obtaining Epics and Legendaries to increase their power.
D. Items not so quickly becoming obselete, devaluing player progression.
It could also create problems, but mainly from a financial perspective since Epics and Legendaries won't be quite as necessary as they are now. Before anyone points out that crew upgrade barriers for Tiers its easily resolved with a similar scaling method (if you need me to explain it i will, but I think most of you can work it out for yourselves). But that doesn't mean upgrading a Common to Tier 13 will be easy. It could take say 1000 powercells plus 10 extra copies of the item to go from Tier 12 to Tier 13 then cost thousands of upgrade parts to upgrade just 1 level at the top end. But it does give players more options for achieving power and making progress in the game. This leads me on to the next point.
Progression in Battle Bay for me at least works like this. You get nice new shiny item allowing one of your weapons to go up a tier which you promptly do and then fully upgrade it to its new max level as quickly possible. Then you wait weeks/months patiently upgrading your crew so to increase your max level so you can unlock new crew upgrades all the while getting an endless stream of useless gear you have no intention of using. This creates long lulls in real progression with shot blips of quick progressions. When progress is so minor for long periods it can make the game feel stale as it just becomes a grind. There either needs to be more instances of big progression for the system to feel good, or there needs to be revamp in how progression works so real progression feels more constant.
Since I've already addressed the scaling of items as means of improving progression, I'll look at some of the other areas, crew upgrades and ship MKs
Crew Upgrades, other than upgrading items is where you spend your sugar. Having upgrades is a great idea in principle, but only if they are meaningful. Unfortunately the crew upgrades are done in a way that are there to hindrance the player more than anything. Since crew upgrades main function other than giving small bonuses here and there and unlock new tiers for your items are to give you big doses of XP so you can increase your Captain Level, which in turn allow you to increase the MK level of your ship at certain milestones.
How many times have you had to do a crew upgrade that gives you no benefit whats so ever other than to give you XP or to unlock the useful upgrades that are beyond it. This should never happen. its purely a hindrance mechanic. Every choice should be meaningful, should potentially pose you a problem with which way you want to go and should give a noticeable increase in whatever you picked. Make those 5 day waits mean something, give you something to look forward to, make you uncertain whether or not you picked the right option.
I would like to see more options per crew upgrade available, with bigger bonuses, but don't be afraid to throw in a few drawbacks that come along with those bigger bonues. You want that 10% increase in speed, well its comes at the cost of -5% turret agility and - 5% ship agility. You want that 10% bonus damage for a weapon, well its going to come with -10% projectile speed. Get rid of all the single options crew upgrades, everyone should have choice bar the Tier upgrades. You could even go one step further and have multiple branches, but thats probably going to over complicate things.
If i could remove MK levels tomorrow I would. Just set everyone to MK6 or 7 level and be done with it, but I think that would upset too many people, plus we got to take a step back and see why MK levels are a problem anyway, at least in the way they done in BattleBay. The problem with MK levels is that for most levels too much power is hidden behind them. They give a big boost in power by opening up additional slots and slot points for boats. In my progress to glory, I've found myself stagnating at an infamy levels for a few months with the only things blocking my progress to higher infamies other than the lack of better gear was my MK level. Everytime I increased my MK level all the way up to 6 i experienced a big increase in infamy. This shows that MK levels are taking away from skill in a big way which I why I'd rather see them removed. But an alternative would be to increase the number the MK levels with less gains with each one so not as much power is locked behind each one.
Capping Gold and Sugar is another hindrance mechanic. I can see why Sugar is capped as its innately tied to crew upgrades, stopping people progressing down one crew member to unlock the most powerful bonuses as quickly as possible which could potentially create some unbalances in games with people who have spread out their upgrades. But a better way would be tie crew upgrades with captain levels. So even if you have enough sugar for an upgrade you still need to above a certain captain level to do the upgrade. I hit the caps fairly often on both currencies and at that point the only thing i am achieving by playing more games is guild quests and weapon achievements really. Then when a good shopping spree in the shop happens or a big crew upgrade is ready to start i suddenly find myself without either currency available since it all gets spent so quickly. What this does is encourage me not play when I hit the caps as I know I will have to spend a few good sessions to grind them again when I'm low after spending them very quickly. And I can't spend every waking hour playing the game so in effect it sort of dictates when I play and when I don't play. And anything that makes not want to play probably needs to go. This is a pet peeve more than anything else as i realise people will happily play at full currency.
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