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Balancing fights

Discussion in 'Suggestions & Ideas' started by LuxuryLiner, 8 Jun 2018.

  1. LuxuryLiner

    LuxuryLiner Member

    30 May 2018
    everytime I fight I'm a MK1 or MK2 against MK4s and MK5s with evolution 3 or 4 weapons I'm level 11 and they are all in the 20s and 30s. This is deterring new players from wanting to play the game, it's more difficult for me to contribute to guild rivalries when I'm getting killed in one or two shots.
    how about you only let players of the same levels fight eachother or MK levels it's making me want to quit.
    HARPO! and SlayerofSergeants like this.
  2. SeaNavy

    SeaNavy Well-Known Member

    31 Mar 2018
    No, because then an mk1 can get higher than an mk7 easily, and if that happened, you wouldn't get anything out for upgrading your ships, so everyone would stay a low mk.
  3. LuxuryLiner

    LuxuryLiner Member

    30 May 2018
    well obviously I want to upgrade my ships, but facing people triple my level and 3 MKs over me is not fair. I have way weaker weapons too.
  4. SeaNavy

    SeaNavy Well-Known Member

    31 Mar 2018
    That's because you have a high enough skill to have reached that point.
  5. SlayerofSergeants

    SlayerofSergeants Well-Known Member

    16 Feb 2018
    Out of curiosity, what is your infamy?
  6. LuxuryLiner

    LuxuryLiner Member

    30 May 2018
    well I would like to think i have better tactics but getting one hit alot isnt right, plus I'm the least effective member in my guild now because when I do win I do less than 1k per battle usually and already died, when before I had any infamy I was doing 3k per battle.
  7. R@jith anand

    R@jith anand Well-Known Member

    15 Apr 2018
    Tamil Nadu, India
    Its a common problem faced by all. You must learn to roll with them. Whenever u feel tough competition u will learn more than usual. Dont let ur infamy die...push that infamy to high lvls. Good luck.
  8. LuxuryLiner

    LuxuryLiner Member

    30 May 2018
    my infamy went from 0 infamy to having 850 when I was unranked and started playing to having the 850 and it keeps fluctuating from 400-800s the lower infamy fights I do way better, sometimes the 600s to 800s my other teammates are the only reason I win
  9. LuxuryLiner

    LuxuryLiner Member

    30 May 2018
    the weekend elimination games are more fair and balanced I do better and I win more often and I dont win them all sometimes there's just crap teammates or a really good opponent that's hitting 4k-6k in the game I just cant backpack everyone
    SlayerofSergeants likes this.
  10. LuxuryLiner

    LuxuryLiner Member

    30 May 2018
    this was an elimination match

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  11. LuxuryLiner

    LuxuryLiner Member

    30 May 2018
    these fights are just all unevenly matched

    Attached Files:

  12. SlayerofSergeants

    SlayerofSergeants Well-Known Member

    16 Feb 2018
    Yeah, unfortunately this is an affect of the power creep. Every 2 weeks nightmare players are reset to 4000 infamy causing the instant deletion of a crap-ton of infamy points.

    Infamy is only generated when new users are thrown into the shark tank. The new players basically farm infamy in bot battles and that infamy is propagated all the way up the chain to the nightmare users... As the game is aging, those players with good boats and equipment but low skill are pushed down the ranks and are now swimming at the edge of the new player pool. Unfortunately, eating you guys up through sheer firepower :(.

    As your equipment improves you will begin to see progress against this bunch. You can see your skill shine through when you are fighting in the lower infamy battles where you are more evenly matched with equally outfitted players...

    In the mean time, my condolences.
    rexaroni likes this.
  13. LuxuryLiner

    LuxuryLiner Member

    30 May 2018
    thanks man it's nice to see someone actually knows and understands how the matching system works. in my opinion the matching shouldn't be more than 1Mk difference in the fight at all and the infamy too make it more fair
    SlayerofSergeants likes this.
  14. HARPO!

    HARPO! Well-Known Member

    21 Nov 2017
    I’m a Performer! Television and Stage!
    So here’s how the game does it, it’ll put one of each mk on each team, and if it can’t, it’ll just put someone of a lower mk with good gear up with them.

    This thing happened to me, I was a mk5 at 3750 infamy facing 6’s and 7’s. I was always targeted. It really isn’t as fair as people who view your battles and who play with these higher mk ships think it is. It is tough on the little guys and I don’t think anyone wants to acknowledge that.

    I was more of a guy who said put me against other mk5’s. Everyone responded to me saying that would be unfair for you competition because you are a really good mk5 but they aren’t. But here’s the thing, I DONT CARE. I’m just as fed up with this game as you are with the matchmaking because I think it is utter B.S. the fact that they think it’s ok to put on weak guy on both teams is not cool. (I) literally have to rely on my teammates to carry me because my health gets chopped in half by the enemy always having better gear than me. Even when I became mk6 the same crap happens.

    No one seems to want to listen to us buddy because they think we’re out of our minds, when really we’re right.
    ShipCrusherCz and Ænima like this.
  15. Ænima

    Ænima Active Member

    7 Jun 2018
    The "balance" problem I hate goes like this:

    Me: 4500 infamy
    Teammate 1: 4200
    Teammate 2: 3800
    Teammate 3: 3200 (min fleetable with a 4k Nightmare player)
    Teammate 4: (Fleeted with Teammate 3): 2400

    Meanwhile other team has lowest infamy player over 3k and I'm like :eek:

    TBH it's probably about as much fun for Teammate 4 as it is for me to have such a huge infamy spread in a game - not much. He will usually have to run and hide to avoid getting focused and blown up so fast, likely loss every time.

    There should definitely be a maximum infamy spread between the highest and lowest players on a team. 2k seems reasonable, but not much more than that.
  16. LuxuryLiner

    LuxuryLiner Member

    30 May 2018
    you explained exactly what happens to me EVERY game. I feel bad for the other lower MK guy on the other team too...we are both going to be targeted first and it's basically a 4v4 afterwards maybe we can get 2 hits in before we get 1 or 2 hit to death. if ik a better MK2 why am I facing MK3-MK6 it's stupid it's not my fault the MK5 and 6s that cant play smart cant beat the other mk5s and mk6s make them learn to play then by losing.
    HARPO! likes this.
  17. HARPO!

    HARPO! Well-Known Member

    21 Nov 2017
    I’m a Performer! Television and Stage!
    Teammate 4 is me. But hey, My across the map torp aim has gotten way better. But I always die.

    HAPPY SITHSHA Well-Known Member

    24 Feb 2018
    A Place that u could never imagine :P
    Yep.Don't let our infamy die.That's a good point.But we are gaining different experiences when we play with new weapons,new enemies with some good and bad setups.Though our infamy falls,we shouldn't fall.We must try to develop our SKILLS.:):):)
    R@jith anand likes this.
  19. Brayan

    Brayan New Member

    10 Jun 2018
    That guy has a point..we should keep fighting with our own level.. like level 5 will fight level 5 & level 50 against level 50.. infamy will keep on rising or falling . It will be a fair game.. not like legendary canon will take down mk1 in one shot..its doesnt even sound right..
  20. Nooobser

    Nooobser Member

    7 Jun 2018
    Well. Finally found someone who's struggling like me.
    But for me, I'm a MK4, who has eventually 1000-1299 infamy. Months ago, I always meet MK5 ships either to fight with or fight against. Currently,I saw some MK6 ships messing around the "green" league, or even the "gray" league which means they had less than 400 infamy, seriously?
    Of course I get targetted all time the first due to my low HP, but apparently they don't seem to know exactly how to play.Also, the TDM event is even worse, as I meet mk3 ships which has high quality items...
    Over time,I experienced playing this game, now I know how to shoot a slow torpedo, aiming with a slow mortar projectile,using low accuracy missiles launcher and aiming with a slow projectile cannon weapon!
    So, all you can do is, try to join a fleet with someone so both of you will create a very nice teamwork to grant an higher chance to win,or wait until you get your own high quality gear, then raise your position to the top!
    Good luck mate.

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