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Are you seeing this trend?

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by That Speeder, 15 May 2018.

  1. That Speeder

    That Speeder Member

    9 Oct 2017
    Battle bay, the only game I play after clash of clans. The main reason I like this game is that every team is different, every other players are different and every weapons setup is different which makes every battle a different experience.

    Every time some friends say they are going to quit the game, I feel sad for sometime. But then we get new friends and clan mates and game life goes on.

    Sometimes even I feel very stagnant. The only thing I do is grinding to make up new weapons. But that again is limited due to the availability of parts in market.

    Today when I just checked my friends list, there were around 10-15 of my close friends in game stopped playing. They are all within infamy range of 3.5k to 4.5k. May be that is the time they realise there is nothing more to do? Not sure. I’m still exploring.

    But after realising that many of my friends have left the game, I feel so demotivated and I’m hesitant to open the game. Even if I open the game, I just check my friends list and close the game. Having played COC for 4 years and still going on, one thing I realised is that it’s not only the game but also the friends that keeps us going.

    I’m not sure if I’m in the path of quitting the game, but all I do these days are just play few game just to finish daily quests and collect care package.

    Are you also seeing this trend?

    — A speeder who loves his boat
  2. Evilchicken235

    Evilchicken235 Well-Known Member

    18 Aug 2017
    CSIE Student
    Hopefully the new update can bring life back to our friend lists :)
  3. Bennie1120

    Bennie1120 Member

    28 May 2017

    I am on the same page. I'm sure we will get a new update by the end of this year. In my opinion, I don't expect it to be sooner
  4. That Speeder

    That Speeder Member

    9 Oct 2017
    I hope the same
  5. That Speeder

    That Speeder Member

    9 Oct 2017
    End of this year? Kidding me?
    FirnenAhead likes this.
  6. Bennie1120

    Bennie1120 Member

    28 May 2017
    no lie. Im assuming it will be by the end of the year since miika said it isnt ready yet. Instead of hoping it will come out tomorrow, I set my mind on the end of the year.
  7. FearsomeChicken

    FearsomeChicken Well-Known Member

    16 Aug 2017
    Same here, I'm one of those guys who faithfully played this game daily, but now that I've grinded t4 epics, I find there is little motivation left to play. Partly due to the fact that I'm now stuck, being unable to upgrade anything because of the lack of epic duplicates, but most of all its the sudden realisation that the game has gotten boring and repetative, because everything is the same day in and out. I'm really counting on this upcoming update, it would make it or break it for me.
  8. Jamesnyc

    Jamesnyc Active Member

    22 Nov 2017
    Systems admin
    Yeah my guildmates have vanished.. this is the 3rd or 4th guild were they all just quit...

    So frustrating, then you gotta find another and wait for rewards..
    zhinji likes this.
  9. envylife

    envylife Well-Known Member

    17 Jun 2017
    I'd say 20 guildmates have significantly reduced their game participation as compared to a couple months ago. It's been so many months since anything significant has been added to the game (Wayward Pains) that it's literally a grind for everyone at this point. It takes a FULL month to level up a single Epic item which you already have pieces for, so it's very hard to change item variety at that rate. I still enjoy it, but many days it feels like a very long term grind. To keep things interesting I started playing other games with real progression... something I long for in BB so I have to reach out elsewhere to get it.
  10. That Speeder

    That Speeder Member

    9 Oct 2017
    Exactly the same. Today I was chatting with one of my guild mate. He contributes more than 200k points in every guild season. He has played more than 25k games. Today he said he got bored and gonna stop playing for few months. I’m sure if he takes a break, he would never come back. Without him we are not even gonna finish board 2. I’m afraid that our guild is gonna disintegrate into pieces.

    I don’t wanna join another new guild and start new guild mates again. Already we have lost few good players who plays for hours everyday. Now our guild is in top 150 rank.

    I’m so scared these days. Everyday our guild mates contribution is decreasing. We have almost 10-15 inactive players in guild now. We have never been like this. Many players say they couldn’t grind to build epic weapons and they don’t have duplicates. There are mk6 players in our guild who still have all rare weapons and they couldn’t go beyond some infamy range.
  11. Harsh Gupta Hulk

    Harsh Gupta Hulk Active Member

    14 Nov 2017
    I feel you:(:(:(, that's why my all hopes are with the update I have not waited for any update as for this one:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes: as it will make or break the game for me and yes players are leaving, I have mentioned earlier on another thread that the game play, the map layout all is becoming too predictable and lack of upgrades and stagnant nature of the infamy due to player's items is majorly the reason for these reduction in numbers of players.:(:(:(
    P.S. I have lost almost all of my Fleet mates because of this reasons and I do love this game, but as the one who started thread said its the friends mates which keep us going;):D;), if they are not there it will be a matter of time for me also.:(:(:(
    zhinji, Rokstrmahesh, *JAWS* and 2 others like this.
  12. BattleRascal

    BattleRascal Well-Known Member

    26 Jul 2017
    I love this game. But I also yearn for something to shake the game from the monotony of the daily quest grinding. I frankly am sick of quests and worrying about pulling my share of quest trophies every week. There really needs to be a break in the quest rivalries, such as Quests rivalries are from Sunday through Wednsday and then Thursday through Saturday have some type of guild tournaments such as:
    Only active guilds are eligible.
    Put 50 or 100 guilds into each division.
    All ships and weapons are EQUAL in power(so only skill matters)
    In the lobby you get to select your ship and weapons which stays active until you change it.
    In the lobby you are matched with people from the 50 guilds and compete in a battle royale style battle. Your damage and finish position give your guild points towards the end of tournament standings.
    For Rovio to make money, the ships should come in different colors and designs, and you have to buy your ship design with pearls. Or have a specific guild color design and guild name on the ship and each guild pays a larger amount so that they can represent with custom ships. Also, put ads after every battle to get gold and sugar rewards.
    zhinji, Rokstrmahesh and *JAWS* like this.
  13. Jason 26

    Jason 26 New Member

    18 Mar 2018
    I've found a game I'm more interested in, so if this update doesn't come soon or if this update sucks, I'm leaving for good. It's too repetitive matchmaking is always against me and it takes forever to get duplicates you need to finish building epics as well as rares.The game is dying at a fast rate so if something new and exciting doesn't come, Battle Bay will go to the dogs
    Rokstrmahesh likes this.
  14. TVNPryde

    TVNPryde Well-Known Member

    8 Jun 2017
    I too missed a few friends that rose in infamy with me. We fleeted for months. Sometimes it was really sad saying good byes. Some of the reasons they told me were progresses stalling too often, hard to get items they want to upgrade, the pathetic excuse of balancing by "constant nerfings," and others I can't remember.

    For me, the most annoying thing is epic power cells. I can grind to buy parts but there is no way to get power cells unless I pump insane amount of money into the game. I spent my fair share and now VIP only to skip ads. I only play Asphalt 8 for 4 years prior to playing this game so I am not very experience in gaming business logic but I can't think of a way of blocking progress as a good for business.

    Almost everything in this game is based on RNG. There got to be a way to reduce the randomness in this game. I posted somewhere that I stopped playing for a day because my first legendary item was a rudder. It was just demoralizing. People moving up in rarity want items they used, not whatever the RGN gives them.

    The nerfing is very annoying. Few items were well deserve the nerf but others were unnecessary. Took months to build few items. People can't just switch. This caused a lot of frustrations.

    All of these start with $$$. For the first year of Asphalt 8, GameLoft wasn't making much but the fan base grew exponentially. Then they started to bring in a ton of $$$ from after a year of launching. Then it became the best iOS game 2 years in a row. Rovio, on the other hand, wants the money now.

    The devs always talking about fair play but barely did anything about the people who manipulated their system. All the calculations for this game are done on the server side. They don't need to do update to fix a lot of the issues.

    My advice to them, make the game fun first. Listen to some of the recommendations of the players.
  15. - Oskar -

    - Oskar - Well-Known Member

    27 Jun 2017
    in short Devs create a great game, Devs destroy a great game...
    Next update last chance...or good bye most of your players...maybe even it´s to late :confused:
  16. ryanllts

    ryanllts Active Member

    21 Jul 2017
    an update wont save the game, only extend its life a little. not even new weapons, map or game mode will stop people leaving. it is the reward system that made tankers, the rng that stop people progressing and leave after tire waiting. trust me, its not rng, i been there, waiting for five differ items while getting more then 200 epics and never see anything five of them, just because i level those 5 epic to lv10. worst of all, item nerf are too hard, dev dont nerf an item to a point it balance, but nerf it too much that useless. people grind months and like a year waiting for dub to upgrade it turn into junk and star lose infamy and hit by tanker punishment. the message is spend money or leave, ugly truth.
    Last edited: 16 May 2018
    That Speeder and d_p air like this.
  17. wreck your day

    wreck your day Well-Known Member

    29 Dec 2017
    Enforcer! And future ultimate selfish fixer >:D
    somewhere, nowhere, and everywhere
    The trend I see is an increase in the number of such threads. Try not to be so negative! Matchmaking/RNG is not as bad as you think; it's just that we tend to focus on the bad things more often than the good things that happen. Nowadays I don't really care about matchmaking (unless it's an utterly ridiculous matchup). There's always another battle you can look forward to; or item piece you can combine. Although the grind does get boring after a while, try to find something you are still interested in in the game; be it (organised or not) custom battles, trying out new builds, chatting in global etc. However, if you really don't have any more motivation to play this game, then you can consider quitting. This is a game after all, and it's meant to be fun. If the game is not letting you have fun, then what's the purpose of playing it? Many say it's the hope that the new update will be gamechanging and possibly encourage them back. If so, then why complain? Complaining never helps; in fact it makes the situation a lot more worse. If you do want to give negative feedback, make it constructive and don't just say "Oh this is so unfair!!! Fix it or I'll quit!" or just plainly curse the game or its hardworking devs. There are already enough threads of people complaining unhelpfully, and we definitely do not need more.

    Overall, just try and remain positive and hope for the best! I'm sure the devs are trying their best on a gamechanging update 3.0 :) Instead of whining away and being an obstacle to the game's success, let's help make Battle Bay an enjoyable game for all!
    Last edited: 16 May 2018
  18. Shoot Em' Up

    Shoot Em' Up New Member

    14 Nov 2017
    I second this. Yes losing is a pain for sure, but do many people complain about easy wins? No. It's swings and roundabouts.
  19. That Speeder

    That Speeder Member

    9 Oct 2017
    True. I’m a speeder who used to have frost and big torp combo. Fortunately, I got 6 epic big torpedo to build a epic T5 big torpedo. So I had rare T4 frost and epic T5 big torp.

    I did grind for months to build that big torpedo to T5. I scrapped everything I had, to make torp complete to the level I don’t have other weapons expect that big torp and a rare blast.

    All of a sudden they nerfed the frost. I was like I lost everything. Because they are the only weapons I have. I started losing streak. I freeze and someone hit it with a cannon. And I can’t land my torp. Felt that all my efforts bringing up my torp are waste. Now when I go with torp in my speeder, unfriend speeders directly rush to kill me knowing that frost and torp combo is not effective.

    I scrapped everything and felt so lost. Went to a guild and stayed alone for sometime. Thought of quoting the game but didn’t. I started building a bc.

    Is that all they want that we have to scrap and build new weapons now and then? In RNG, I’m not getting anything I want. My first leg is a standard mortar and I’m a speeder. Scrapped it.

    I’m not gonna try for a long time. I’m quitting if I’m not happy after some time.

    My friend is a speeder who only gets flare gun and exp cannon. He has maxed it and now at 4.5k infamy. But all I get is napalm, triple torp, mortar etc. Im at 3k infamy and It sucks. I want to have the option to buy what I want. This game now supports only people who pay a lot. Not for people who play a lot and grind.
    Elyport likes this.
  20. *JAWS*

    *JAWS* Well-Known Member

    13 Oct 2017

    This game is visually beautiful.

    Dmg. Don and art department did a hell of a job.

    The game style of play is great. Who doesnt love blowing up boats. Miika and zeus. Good job.

    But now, the current state of game...anything done for longer than 6 months can
    Get and has gotten repetitive because of same maps.
    Variety is massively needed now. Same spawn points over n over.... and no other game play styles, level 50 cap, mk7 with nowhere next to go, no additional weapons...and too many guild quest in a 2 week calendar. All of this can be fixed. And should be fixed asap.
    Next update should hit almost 100 percent of this.

    This update needs to be good.
    Time to pull out all the stops. All systems go. And for good measure. Please Spend some nice advertisement dollars to bring in new blood also. Been ages since I have seen a battle bay ad on another site.

    But further. After this update.
    If this game wants to be taking more seriously.... it needs to keep a develope for full time balance adjustments like WOW or Fortnite. In each of those games the community complained about a ballancing issue and the developers of those games fixed issues weekly.
    Never again should battle bay take months to fix something. Nor should it take forum thread after forum thread on a subject. Put it this way. If something gets nerfed too hard. If u followed this suggestion could easily be slightly buffed the next week. This uses player feedback to ballance. And eventually find a common ground between the developers and the community who stress test their designs and lives in them as a daily activity entertainment choice.

    And developers please take note that players appreciate faster feedback on forum concerns. And friendly answer is the start to many good interactions with the community. A good we hear u is a positive start.
    Sneak peaks!. And future snap shots of future updates are Great advertisment and big step forward. Devs should be first to trumpet up coming great additions. Do it often, say it proud, and say it loud.
    Doing this tells the community who have played longer than 5 months ...
    This game is thriving. And says to me or others.... yeah invest more time and effort. Since it's matched with equal passion from our developers.
    The skill is here from our development team to be the best game in the app market.
    Some better executions and better interaction with the community of these ideas will send it over the top. And keep u an appreciative and spending player base.

    If this all were followed...
    This game will last years. Sincerely hope so.

    I say this as one gamer to other gamers.

    Imagine a world were all I wrote is possible. And this is the number 1 game....what does it take to get there in the quickest amount of steps.... draw a straight line.

    Best regards,


    @The Grim Repair @Miika @Zeus
    Last edited: 16 May 2018

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