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Allow me to move communication text

Discussion in 'Suggestions & Ideas' started by Spinners71, 21 Mar 2018.

  1. Spinners71

    Spinners71 Well-Known Member

    27 Jul 2017
    Under the game options, I can customize my screen layout to some degree (where the two joysticks are, where the item buttons are, etc)...

    The one thing I can't change, that I've always wanted to change, is where the communication text box goes.

    Currently, with where I put my joystick, my left-thumb is covering ALL communication messages. I can barely see that they exist, let alone what they are actually saying...

    Please make this one of the things I can choose to move around when configuring my screen layout.
  2. Babablacksheep

    Babablacksheep Well-Known Member

    27 May 2017
    Not only that, it's impossible to play on rotated screen, because the joystick doesn't go L--->R..
  3. ViscountSniffit

    ViscountSniffit Well-Known Member

    3 Sep 2017
    I’ve sugested this loads of times, they don’t listen.

    You can’t see the text while your tumb is in the ‘forward’ position. They need to make it so that you can either move the text up, or reverse the Y axis on the controls, so that you pull back to accelerate (like in flight sims).
  4. Spinners71

    Spinners71 Well-Known Member

    27 Jul 2017
    that Y reversal would mess me up so bad...
    I just want to move the text box to the middle of my screen (towards the bottom).................

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