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About weapon performance

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by FirnenAhead, 14 Feb 2018.

  1. FirnenAhead

    FirnenAhead Well-Known Member

    16 Aug 2017
    It's been a while since we started asking for more information about the item/weapon performance IN EACH BATTLE. It is really necessary to get an idea of how solid our setup is. I'm sure with the update the app will always get the information of each weapon, since it counts towards the brand new (awesome) weapon achievements. So, why wouldn't they make it visible? please, hear our plea :p

    Here's an example of how useful it would be. I updated the game and played around 25-30 matches to get to this (I won 16). My setup as an Enforcer is always Carronade+Grenade+Blast Cannon.

    28001291_10214730715757807_168065309_n.png 28052875_10214730713597753_1995227376_n.png 28109865_10214730713517751_837326656_n.png

    As you can see, the damage dealt says a lot about my setup/playstyle and this information may lead me to the conclusion that I need to change my carronade for another weapon. My 3 weapons are Rares, but the Grenade is T5 while the BC and Carro are T4... so the gap between Grenade and BC is not alarming, but the gap between BC and Carro is.

    There are always other factors that have an influence in performance aside damage dealt, but it is worth to have in mind.

    Please, devs. Make damage dealt by each weapon visible in Battle Log. We really need it.
    Trium likes this.
  2. c3n3

    c3n3 Well-Known Member

    1 Aug 2017
    This is cool, i use the exact same set up (blast carronade grenade). The carronade is a great situational gun so I don't expect to do as much with it, but maybe a swift would be overall better. And yes they should show something like average damage per match with a certain weapon.
  3. Snapshot

    Snapshot Well-Known Member

    4 Dec 2017
    It's tedious but you can always resort to the old-standby of going frame-by-frame in a replay. I've done that twice, so far, in Battle Bay and I don't really want to do it many more times :)
  4. FirnenAhead

    FirnenAhead Well-Known Member

    16 Aug 2017
    LOL. I'm sure I don't wanna go so far for that info :p
  5. FirnenAhead

    FirnenAhead Well-Known Member

    16 Aug 2017
    Yeah Swift Torp and Mine are my first options. And yea I know Carro is situational and I'm sure some fixers hate my setup badly. The numbers are there tough, I need to build an alternative weapon and try it.
  6. nosesabe

    nosesabe Well-Known Member

    24 Aug 2017
    I see two outcomes to having or not having our weapons damage stats:

    1-We have it
    1.1- The game becomes more boring because people start using some weapons (the best ones) over others, so we all end up using the same weapons.
    1.2- We all use the same weapons but devs balance the less used ones so it’s fair. It would help balancing.

    2- We don’t see it, people can’t see with weapons are better, we have a more diverse game.
  7. Trium

    Trium Active Member

    16 Jan 2018
    Most people will never look at this statistics, they will just copy the meta. It works in every game. It works even now.

    The statistics will actually help people who like to experiment and try diverse mechanics
    FirnenAhead likes this.
  8. FirnenAhead

    FirnenAhead Well-Known Member

    16 Aug 2017
    I couldn't disagree more.
    1. I don't think there are weapons that are the best ones and the others just aren't so good. IMO there's a underpowered weapon (Std Mortar) and then it all depends on the playstyle and combination in our boats.
    2. Assuming there were best weapons and that it would be noticeable through the feature I am proposing, it would be good, because every player would be able to do his best.
    3. There are already a lot of youtubers and lot of players giving advice in this forum, so anyone who is up for a bit of investigation would find a couple solid combinations for each boat.
    4. If everyone starts using the same setup, then devs would balance weapons. Balanced weapons = better game experience.
    5. However it doesn't seem like we're all interested in playing with the same setup, and RNG defines a lot for newbies and F2P players. Therefore, the feature i'm proposing would help any player to find out how he can perform better with the weapons he's got, and would help players interested in having new/uncommon setups to find out how good their performance is.
  9. Help I Cant Swim

    Help I Cant Swim MVP

    25 Oct 2017
    I'd say the damage difference is fine. With this setup, you are mostly going to be mid-range battling with the grenade and blast. Then if things get really close, you pull out the carronade and melt somebody. Solid setup. The grenade and blast can both be used in short range effectively as well though. So if you wanted to swap the carronade for something with long range, that could also work. A sniper cannon, swift torp or long range mortar would be good. If it was me, I'd run double blast cannons with the grenade. :) especially now that blast cannons are going to be better than explosive cannons.

    Either way, don't scrap the carronade (or anything) because your setup is perfectly viable.
    FirnenAhead likes this.
  10. Raventine

    Raventine New Member

    17 Feb 2018
    because carronade is close combat ones...

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