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A way to try new items

Discussion in 'Suggestions & Ideas' started by c3n3, 8 Apr 2018.

  1. c3n3

    c3n3 Well-Known Member

    1 Aug 2017
    once you get to a certain point in this game, using new weapons or items is a hard challenge that can take weeks of materials and lots of luck with duplicates. Trying the item out before upgrading is hard since you will drop infamy and probably not survive for long. Then you may upgrade it and realize that it isn’t as good as you hoped.

    I have a solution. We all have a load out that is our most upgraded. I propose that we have a way to try out items by converting our own items to different ones.

    1) you can convert an item to a different one, and it retains the same level/rarity.

    2) this conversion would cost 500k gold and would last for only 2 hours. Once the time is up the item returns to its normal state with all the same perks.

    3) when an item is converted it temporarily loses all perks, but can be loaded with those attached to the original item (if applicable) or any in the inventory. Once the new item is resent all perks attached to it return to their original place (inventory/OG item)

    This would allow people to try new setups for a small amount of time and increase their ability to predict the quality of a new load out

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