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A Few Suggestions

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by lilBlonde, 21 Jun 2017.

  1. lilBlonde

    lilBlonde New Member

    21 Jun 2017
    As the game continues be developed, playing it I came across a few glitches and suggestions.

    Glitches -
    In the Subzero, at the very left entrance of the side where the Capture Zone is to the left, I spent the entire game seeing through the water to the main coding of the map. Maybe retouching the heights of waves in the area?

    Suggestions -
    • Obviously it's a highly requested feature of adding guild wars, but I think it's an excellent idea
    • Some kind of direction/directory speech shortcut? There have been several times I wanted to tell a teammate to turn a certain way, but couldn't
    • And/or, some kind of username shortcut
    • As a spectator, it becomes rather uninteresting to simply watch the other players continue, especially if you were killed early-on in the game. Maybe some sort of spectator-to-player shortcuts where their name appears a different color, or a spectator-to-spectator chat allowing the spectators to remain engaged while not participating
    • In-game, I have encountered great players that I wanted to add, but couldn't. Maybe in the pre-battle or post-battle screens there could be the same name-selection setting as in chats, allowing you to quickly and easily add players from either team
    • On the same note, you cannot search a player's username and it would be an appreciated feature, to be added in the Search bar
    • I don't believe listing "kills" under a player's profile is acurate. Players aren't gauged im-game on how many kills they've gotten, but on damage done. Maybe swapping the two stats?

    Again, these are mere suggestions and comments and I appreciate anyone who reads them !

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