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A Better Battle Bay

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by Aricules, 25 May 2017.


Frustrated with being ranked according to your teams lack of effort and not your own effort?

  1. Yes

    4 vote(s)
  2. No

    4 vote(s)
  1. Aricules

    Aricules New Member

    7 May 2017
    Alright, so there are many problems with the game, not a matter of developing as the game is awesome, not bug fixes no, just the way the game is presented and played. I see so many players playing a ship they don't really understand ruining a team game which we are forced to play with 60% of our team who are total strangers to us even if we find a competent player to fleet with. I see bloody fixers running around shooting people and healing themselves instead of healing the team. I see defenders running into the middle of the other team guns blazing because they think 3.5k hp and 15 armor is going to win the day. You need to encourage teamwork if players are going to be ranked accordingly to their efforts and not of their teams lack of thinking, or at least give us a gamemode that is strictly fleeting with 5 people, we don't care about the fancy smancy guild battle you are working hard to do, just give us a dam gamemode where we can play with 5 other people. Not much effort put into it, just take a normal gamemode but add the ability to invite 4 other people into the fleet who are matched with other fleets. I'm more than sure that 40-60% of the playerbase cares about this and are frustrated about this inconvenience, it makes the game feel incomplete.
  2. Andreshuy

    Andreshuy New Member

    25 May 2017
    I totally agree with you. Especially, those fixers who think they are shooters really mess the games up.

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