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3 suggestions and fixes

Discussion in 'Suggestions & Ideas' started by HARPO!, 27 Jun 2018.

  1. HARPO!

    HARPO! Well-Known Member

    21 Nov 2017
    I’m a Performer! Television and Stage!
    • Tesla shield
    When someone puts their Tesla shield up and they cover an enemy player, that enemy player should not be able to shoot out of the bubble.

    • Please look into the AOE of missiles
    Missiles are confusing. I could be right in the middle of them, and only take 346 damage or so. However, when I’m on the outside of them, I take like 2540 or something. They are super weird with their AOE.


    • Custom matches fix
    When I start a custom match and I wanna invite people, can the people who are in my guild still be outlined in silver like they are on the friends list. They aren’t. It’s make it easier for finding them.

    • Tesla Shield #2
    Explosive dmg from explosive cannon should be able to go through Tesla shield. But it won’t affect the enfo or speeder inside because it has a small blast radius
    • Tesla Sheild #3
    Tesla shield cooldown should start after the shield breaks or goes out @Terry Morgan ‘s idea

    • Frost Perk
    Frost from a cannon perk can’t be taken off in one hit. Make that an exception because it only lasts for like 4 seconds.
    Last edited: 8 Jul 2018
    Andy1082 and PopularOutlaw like this.

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