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The Grim Repair
26 Sep 2017
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The Grim Repair

Community Manager, Female

Sleep...must...resist ☠️ 15 Nov 2017

    1. Nickshan Amirthalingam
      Nickshan Amirthalingam
      Hello, I'm Rinnegane my account has been banned forever. Well, I have invested the money back in this game or money back
      1. The Grim Repair
        The Grim Repair
        Anyone who has personal questions regarding actions taken against their accounts can open a Player Support ticket here: https://support.rovio.com/hc/en-us/requests/new
        Forums are the channel to discuss any kind of game related questions and share about the game :)
        13 Oct 2018
    2. Made in Chelsea
      Made in Chelsea
      Hi, is there any chance I can become a chat mod? I recently met a chat mod who told me to contact you if I want to become a moderator. I love the game and I spend half the time on the chat anyway, my in game name is Frite Chitkin, thanks
    3. speedark
      thank you very much for your hard work, and sorry if everyone in the community was rude for the update
      1. Made in Chelsea and Ultrah like this.
    4. Chose A Name
      Chose A Name
      Pls sir... I want to change my name to : Aryan Destroyer2.... Pls sir
    5. The Friendly Fixer
      The Friendly Fixer
      I love You Fixers :-3
      1. Nikkie! likes this.
    6. UVW • Hanzo
      UVW • Hanzo
      Hi Grim Repair, can you help me to recreate the accout please?
    7. Uerguy
      Dang it! I had the knowledge... But rng and sleep was against me. I guess I'm just going to have to settle with my profile pic (which I digitally painted).
      Oh well. XD
      1. Nikkie! likes this.
    8. Willyh83
      Hey grim repair, I recently dropped VIP because these events are only on weekends and I dont get on much during that time,however my problem is that when I watch ads for the bonus i dont get the bonus because at the end of the ad the game has to reload when it's a non angry birds ad. This has been happening for a week i haven't received any compensation or resolution.My in game name is Willyh83.
    9. PapaWooooody
      Hi there... my ingame name is PapaWooody and I received a 3-day suspension for harassment... I think I know what this refers to, but it wasn’t harassment in my opinion. Is there any way this can be reviewed? Or the suspension shortened? Seems very harsh punishment for a joke...
      1. The Otherguy
        The Otherguy
        Whoever reported you sure did think it was funny, and niether did the person checking the report.
        2 Jun 2018
        Ultrah likes this.
    10. Kadir Sayyed
      Kadir Sayyed
      Hi The Grim Repair, by mistakenly my nephew scraped all of my weapons. Is there any way I can get it back ? I am a VIP member. I don't needs parts I need my weapons back. Can you Please help me out with it ?

      My account is: b28f3f32-904b-4e01-bacb-b3fe9a3703e1
      In-game name: • HITMAN •
      Tag: #CYLSTSPB
    11. LeeBôngCúc
      I need to clarify the reason for locking my account. Please re-verify because I did not intentionally request to re-open the account for me. And why do not you reply and delete my pen?
      1. LeeBôngCúc
        Please re-open my account "LeeBongCuc". I did not break the lock, my infamy fell because I lost the task, I did not intentionally lose. You should review my screenplay to verify for me. I was wrongly accused the truth.
        24 May 2018
    12. ErnestEgret
      Would like to send you a pm about an infamy tanking player.. bit can't find the option to do so. Can you help me out? Cheers
      1. The Grim Repair
        The Grim Repair
        Click on your Inbox; chose “start a conversation”, type my name, a title and your text, then start it
        24 May 2018
        LeeBôngCúc likes this.
    13. Bradley Thorinsson
      Bradley Thorinsson
      Can you change my name to:
      "Brad and 12 others"
      so that when I like a post it appears as "Brad and 12 others like this" ¥^-^¥
      1. Nikkie!, flipiwin, Ultrah and 4 others like this.
      2. The Otherguy
        The Otherguy
        Are you serious? If so, starting a convo would be better.

        (Hillarious name btw)
        12 May 2018
        LeeBôngCúc likes this.
      3. The Grim Repair
        The Grim Repair
        It’s hilarious - but no ;)
        13 May 2018
        Nikkie!, Ultrah, LeeBôngCúc and 3 others like this.
    14. Ogdru_Jahad
      Hey man as i said on vip chat dude was reported by me. Battle tag #MYFJFFDR . He let all team dies and was an easy kill just kept strolling on map
      1. The Grim Repair
        The Grim Repair
        I’ll check it thank you! Next time please send me a PM - this is a profile comment :) you can also add me in game or on Discord: TheGrimRepair#9475
        25 Apr 2018
    15. —SP00N—
      Joined up today ... I’m a long time player around the 3500 infamy range now ... I’ve notice fixer are now the target every match !,, players have a sense of fulfillment kill fixers even if they loose .... sucks the pulse only heals fixer 1/2 of its repair output ... I do run all three tools but would be nice to be able to run a large shield
    16. Uerguy
      Seems like something's up in the development department....
      1. Nikkie! and Da Carronade King like this.
      2. The Otherguy
        The Otherguy
        No kidding, I asked her a question in a convo weeks ago, and still she has yet to reply.
        16 Apr 2018
    17. NaruDestroyer

      I need help, I want to change my name, here in forum, to IncredibleNaruto. That is my IGN. They told me you are the person to talk to regarding this. please help me :)
      1. The Otherguy
        The Otherguy
        Starting a conversation would be more effective.
        With a title "Name Change"
        But thats just my opinion, Idk for sure what she wants.
        7 Apr 2018
        NaruDestroyer likes this.
      2. NaruDestroyer
        Oh actually I don't know how to do that I just thought I should write to her. thanks bro :)
        7 Apr 2018
        The Otherguy likes this.
    18. AVID
      did the fixer self heal was changed...?
      from 100% to 50% when we got dmg...
      i mean if i got dmg...its healingonly 50% of my repair pulse
      where my repair pulse is 100 and i am getting 45 to 50 only...
      any changes done...?
      flare guns killing me easily...because of that...!
      1. TheFixer27
        Hey read the description of the repair pulse carefully, "Also repair your ship for 50% effect"
        2 Apr 2018
    19. ¤¥ØŁNI€R¤
      When can we expect the next update in terms of "soon", "very soon", "be patient", "long way away" and "lol, It ain't comin yet boi"
      1. The Otherguy
        The Otherguy
        I hope they save the next one till May 4th and have a huge and awesome one. 'Cause the next update is 3.0 and the anniversary of global launch
        29 Mar 2018
    20. rustam
      After the last update the game keeps kicking me out as soon as I join a battle. I used to have such problems before, so I used VPN. Shortly before the last update this issue disappeared again and I was happy until the last update. I play from Uzbekistan, my provider is Ucell (but other players with different providers used to have the same issues like me), my phone is Nexus 5.