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29 Mar 2017
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    1. Byron
      Haven’t anything changed as far as match making on this game it has become predictable when they not going to let u win
    2. Byron
      You can say skills but only so much u can do when they put you in situations where it’s designed for u to lose I don’t mind losing just not battle after battle like the opposite team always get the better players smh
    3. Byron
      Why does this game systematically make u lose back what you u just won if I win 5 they make sure I lose 5 how are u suppose to win when they constantly put u in bad situations
    4. Levinson Contreras
      Levinson Contreras
      today I bought a level 47 account to a boy named lisandro vallejos walls after 5,000 pesos Dominican pay him everything, but when I enter I discover that someone else is using it, apparently an Argentine, I have proof that if I buy the account, I do not want to be victim of fraud Please you are the only ones who can help me.
      My account is: levinsonelmakina07@gmai.com
      FB: Levinson D Contreras Muñoz
      Please help me
    5. Sachin Shekhar
      Sachin Shekhar
      Are you an Indian?
    6. Star.Nova
      Please check your in-game pm
    7. Fixer sa Recto
      Fixer sa Recto
      good day miika,
      i’ve been experiencing tons of disconnection lately after the update. I have connection on LTE, peaking to 50mbs, ingame ping @ 190-250ms but still i cant play the game. could you please take a close look at this coz it’s really frustrating. gadgets ipad air and iphone SE both on latest IOS. thanks
      1. Humblemoose
        I am having difficulties since the update. The game restarting after every battle. Watching videos only to be deprived the rewards. Especially, no sound during battles. I want these issues to be fixed. but unsure how I can report them.
        16 Jun 2018
    8. Kadir Sayyed
      Kadir Sayyed
      Hi Miika, by mistakenly my nephew scraped all of my weapons. Is there any way I can get it back ? I am a VIP member. I don't needs parts I need my weapons back. Can you Please help me out with it ?

      My account is: b28f3f32-904b-4e01-bacb-b3fe9a3703e1
      In-game name: • HITMAN •
      Tag: #CYLSTSPB
    9. Baddude
      Very frustrated! I’m mk2 can’t upgr yet. I’m playing against mk3,4,5 because my infamy is 600 to 1000. I just played Mk5 with 6600 health I’m mk2 with less than 2000 health. My weapons and shiel are no match it’s messed up he shouldn’t be in a game with me
      1. kencold likes this.
    10. The Friendly Fixer
      The Friendly Fixer
      How Come I can't do caps At the Start of the words anymore? And yet Every one can do Caps :(
      1. wreck your day likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. The Friendly Fixer
        4 Apr 2018
        The Otherguy likes this.
      4. wreck your day
        wreck your day
        Why was it removed in the first place? Not like it's so intensely annoying that nobody can bear with it... I liked seeing every word capitalised :P
        5 Apr 2018
      5. The Otherguy
        The Otherguy
        27 Apr 2018
    11. rustam
      After the last update the game keeps kicking me out as soon as I join a battle. I used to have such problems before, so I used VPN. Shortly before the last update this issue disappeared again and I was happy until the last update. I play from Uzbekistan, my provider is Ucell (but other players with different providers used to have the same issues like me), my phone is Nexus 5.
    12. Cryix
      Excuse me....I don't want to disturb u but i entered wrong DOB in forums profile.....it should be 01-09-2004 but I entered 01-09-2004 and it says that DOB can't be changed.....plz contact to an administrator....so m contacting u
      1. PallabKumarS likes this.
      2. Subbie the Blaster
        10 Jul 2018
        Cryix likes this.
    13. Mastanvali Shaik
    14. Federico Piris
      Federico Piris
      My cell phone was formed and I lost my account, I thought it was intertwined with my Google Play account but it is not, my account in the game is "Fede Piris" please if you can help me my ID is #SVVFRBXB
    15. Federico Piris
      Federico Piris
      Hello Miika, my cell phone was formed and I lost my account, I thought it was intertwined with my Google Play account but it is not, my account in the game is "Fede Piris" my ID: #SVVFRBXB
    16. loganthegreatone
      Mikka i have been playing battle bay from the 1st day it was release for android. since then, i dont get any x10 special offer. i want to buy that offer but it didnt come please help me
      1. The Otherguy
        The Otherguy
        They come randomly. Be patient and it should come.
        20 Feb 2018
    17. rustam
      Miika, Im having problem with game crashing on each batlle. At the battle when timer hits 2.40-2.35 game restarts. Nexus 5, 3G 4G. Problem started 3 or 4 days before new update. Devs plzz help. TX.
    18. Yedidia Esther
      Yedidia Esther
      Podrás ayudarme con mi cuenta?
    19. Yedidia Esther
      Yedidia Esther
      can a help you?
    20. Aleksandren
      Как изменить nikname
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