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How can I climb back up out of an infamy low?

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by Jamesnyc, 11 Feb 2018.

  1. Jamesnyc

    Jamesnyc Active Member

    22 Nov 2017
    Systems admin
    1 -- I was 1400 infamy and being match with all 9 other players that are 2400+ ( now i've crawled to 1820 infamy and being match with 2600 to 2900) -- WTF no fair
    2. -- LVL 40, MK6(shooter, defender, speeder and fixer) and still no legendary weapons yet I keep being match with unfriends that have multiple legendary weapons -- WTF No fair
    3. -- A lot of times on our team there will be a player with 123, 161, 190 infamy -- WTF No fair

    What kind of crack azz matching system are you implementing????
  2. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    You're at 1400 infamy with a mk6 level forty? How is that fair to those people at that infamy?
  3. Jamesnyc

    Jamesnyc Active Member

    22 Nov 2017
    Systems admin
    now at 1800...(and that dose not answer any of the questions) -- any1 have real insight

    how is a 2900 mk6 with legandary -- fair to me at 1800
  4. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    I do. What is your all-time top infamy?
  5. Jamesnyc

    Jamesnyc Active Member

    22 Nov 2017
    Systems admin
    This season top is 1917 -- all time a few seasons ago 2400 or 2500

    Now can't break 2000 again no matter what
  6. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    How did you end up down there then?
  7. Jamesnyc

    Jamesnyc Active Member

    22 Nov 2017
    Systems admin
    i lost games -- a lot -- was down to 1200... so its a little better now at 1820

    Hmmm--- lets see -- many player on the other teams with legendary( my rare and epics can't compete) -- Or multiple defender at once with -11 12k shield each) with a fixer

    I would say more than 85% of the games there is only a fixer on the other team...

    My total shield is 6991 on mk6 shooter
    TheAntiSnipe likes this.
  8. Jamesnyc

    Jamesnyc Active Member

    22 Nov 2017
    Systems admin
    Im happy to be at 1820 -- but it will go down again.... i'll be back at 1400 or 1300....
  9. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    *Botmode on* What you are experiencing is an infamy debuff that triggers when you are more than 800 infamy from your all-time best. For now, the best way to get back to normal is to fleet up with a friend and win back your lost infamy to get back your normal matches *botmode off*

    Bad matchmaking... *Sigh* I've gotten so used to being on the side with less or no fixers that I lose more normal matches than rigged ones, so I don't get tanked hard. You just gotta roll with the punches in this game xD. It's a tough game to play.

    What's your ingame name? I might just be able to carry you back up.
    _devill and StrictSalmon307 like this.
  10. Jamesnyc

    Jamesnyc Active Member

    22 Nov 2017
    Systems admin
    its a vicious cycle -- if i gain more infamy -- the players will be even stronger with more legendary weapons that are upgraded --so ill lose a bunch in a row
    Will always be in the infamy debuff....
  11. wtfack

    wtfack Active Member

    9 May 2017
    1300 infame and mk6...god, I wish you were banned...
    TheFixer27 and What's Up Player like this.
  12. Rez Messing

    Rez Messing Active Member

    23 Jun 2017
    San Diego Harbor
    You play your best in every battle, and still you hit a losing streak. It happens - a LOT. Most players say that they yo-yo from top infamy to something embarrassing, and then back up again. Seems that every time I get close to completely a task, or reach a new record level, I get hit with a lot of bad teams and I lose infamy like crazy. I know some people want to blame the player, but really there’s something about the design of this game that needs to be fixed.
  13. Disguised

    Disguised Well-Known Member

    11 Jul 2017
    Did you even care to read before posting. He said he's not playing with players at 1300 infamy, but with players at 2600-2900 infamy, so he's not ruining the matches of people at 1300 infamy.
    Last edited: 11 Feb 2018
    StrictSalmon307 likes this.
  14. envylife

    envylife Well-Known Member

    17 Jun 2017
    I'll be frank... your comment tells me you are not at all aware of the core issues the matchmaking algorithm is presenting, so you should probably bow out of the conversation. This is one of many threads just like this, and I've personally seen this happen with guildmates, who, like this OP, are frustrated by the infamy drop. Did you see anything in the original post saying the OP was happy about it? Why would you ask for a ban for someone who is NOT happy about the infamy drop they experienced?

    The root cause seems to always revolve around the same issue: after upgrading a main from MK5 to MK6. I've observed this with guildmates who are absolutely not trying to drop infamy. Their matchmaking changes, and all of a sudden they are in higher level matches with more matured MK6 boats, with better items. Because infamy is largely based on MK level of boat, it's only really close to accurate at that MK level.. once you switch things change, and relative infamy gets adjusted, usually downward, and it's usually the MK5-6 change... and unfortunately there's no way to revert it.
    TheAntiSnipe and Valkhadin like this.
  15. V__

    V__ Well-Known Member

    23 Jan 2018
    Easy answer is to use lower mk boat to climb back. At mk6 OP will be matched against people with 2k infamy and above so he has to use a lower boat to climb back easier. I believe with all the crew training and items that he had he will beating everyone at 1k4 including my Mk4 enforcer with t2 rare items
  16. *JAWS*

    *JAWS* Well-Known Member

    13 Oct 2017
    To og poster and those in this situation.
    Dont worry about infamy. Keep careful not to drop 800 in a season. But for the programming. When season resets. Your 800 buffer is reset also. Fyi.

    Now from a player who climbed out of the 1600's to reach 5k...here is my best advice.

    1) focus on upgrading weapons. Even rares of sniper, rail gun, mine, big torpedo, ex cannon. These weapons even rare maxed do a lot of damage.
    2) focus on crew training. Get all bhurt, sinclair, blastian, and dr buzzkill done. Followed by brock. No matter your boat. Doing these crews will raise your dps weapons damage, and your aoe damage. Plus your shields get really strong.
    3) focus on end game...ie where do u want to be come mk.6, mk 7 facing nitemare boats. What should your weapons look like? Pay attention to top 100 in world list and mirror what top playing use. In 3 to 4 month is it highly possiible to have a similar setup. Whether rare or epic.
    4) join a good guild. Easiest way to get tokens and collect great perks to make your weapons stronger. And another way to earn legendary pieces.
    5) dont sweat the small stuff. Early on infamy will raise and drop. Use this as an opportunity to. Get better. Learning to lead shots, not be so mortar and spread weapon reliant. Learning how to win 1vs1 and 2 vs 1 fights. There is a tactic to both.
    6)Getting so good at your favorite weapons your hardly ever miss. Missed shots are more times the unfriends get to kill you.
    Be deathly allergic to missing shots.
    7)if its meant to be its up to me...say that when u play each game. Learn to be self reliant.
    8) and pay attention to the first scout playing in your friends team. Who they attack. You attack. If you are the scout. When u shoot, right after call out that unfriend as a target with commands durinf global cooldown.

    I promise if you do these 7 things. You will improve big time.
    Best regards,
  17. Valkhadin

    Valkhadin Active Member

    1 Nov 2017
    After seeing this issue with many of my guild mates, mk6 is not the ship for me. Ive had many members quit after going mk6 because the matching becomes relentless in dropping people's infamy, I highly recommend against mk6, until your certain your gear is on par. I understand the desire, you want the edge of a better ship. Really though, all it does is destroy your desire to play the game. Gear up guys! Really wish I would have known this before, I've lost so many great members... :(
    kusura bakmayin and TheAntiSnipe like this.
  18. Jamesnyc

    Jamesnyc Active Member

    22 Nov 2017
    Systems admin
    Well thanks for all the insight -- but i think i am pretty much screwed. (Unless a plethora of legendary weapons pop out of no where) lol
    All my ship (except for enforcer are mk6) enforcer is only mk3
    I tried a match with enforcer and was matched with all that are 1600 to 1800 -- died in 2 seconds :(:( (they were all MK5)
    I tried a match with shooter and was match with 2600 to 2900???
    My infamy is 1819
    Well i think it is time to quit -- and yes im sorry I upgraded my ships to MK6
  19. tonySTAX

    tonySTAX New Member

    20 Jun 2017
    Sorry to hear you go. But if you keep at the enforcer maybe you could work your way out. I play mk3 enforcer at about 1100 to 1400 and almost always seem to be matched against mk5’s with far superior weapons. Just a thought, maybe get your enforcer to mk4 at that 1800 range would help? It does lock you into enforcer till you climb out but still maybe an option. At least you have a lower ship to try to see if that could work. Best of luck!
  20. Chumleetm

    Chumleetm Member

    28 May 2017
    Wish I saw this before I upgraded to mk6 shooter. My play style is pretty aggressive, it used to work well for me. Since I upgraded I'm out there getting smoked.

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