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Please prorate or get rid of Napalm Launcher, etc guild quests - almost ruining the game.

Discussion in 'Suggestions & Ideas' started by GigaBeard, 11 Feb 2018.

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  1. GigaBeard

    GigaBeard Member

    11 Feb 2018
    First, I love this game. Does so many things well - including the adding of the guild dynamic.
    Some guild quests have issues - to put it nicely.
    My main suggestion is that the guild quests, (and individual ones for that matter) that use weapons like the Napalm Launcher be adjusted to account for their low damage and minimal usage/popularity.
    If you must use weapon quests for them, then at least pro-rate (lower) the required quest score accordingly.

    The greatness and fun of this game are majorly diminished by having to grind on weapons I don't like or use or have upgraded enough to make them effective in battle. Even when I happen to win a match, the progress is so slow it's disheartening, to say the least.

    Please consider fixing this! Thank you.

    The Grim Repair and *JAWS* like this.
  2. *JAWS*

    *JAWS* Well-Known Member

    13 Oct 2017
    @The Grim Repair
    Low damage weapons such as napalm, standard cannon, swift torpedo, tri torps and lrm mortar need to be drastically reduced the amount of damage needed.
    Even Big bertha because of how long it takes to land maxs out at 80-400 damage a shot if it even lands.
    These are quality of life issues on the bay.
    Anything board 4, 5, 6, 7 on these weapons should be reduced. They dont create enough consistent high damage to warrant the numbers developers have asked for quests completion.

    Ie per original posters frustration. No one stays in a pool of napalm. Its used as crowd control in the game. People leave napalm. Ie. One napalm shot will do 100 to 400 damage. Board 4 napalm is crazy hard. Let alone napalm board 5 and on.

    We ask developers to spend an entire 2 days trying every quests as a team. And see how difficult they are. I know we at Rebellion guild make it seem easy. But they are stupidly hard. The point is. Quest should be fun. Not make regular players like og poster want to quit.

    Thanks Grim for reading this.
    Ultrah, benguin8, Blueee and 4 others like this.
  3. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    To everyone saying napalm is EZ to get damage with, please understand. Napalm is more crowd control than weapon. So are tritorps to a lesser degree.

    Promoting the use of a CC weapon as a raw damage weapon sould not be encouraged imo.
    PastelPiku likes this.
  4. Snapshot

    Snapshot Well-Known Member

    4 Dec 2017
    Napalm: Honestly, I don't even think of napalm as a weapon. When I use it my purpose is not to try to kill the bad guys. My purpose is to say, "Don't go there." I'm typically trying to split them up so they can be killed with real weapons. That's the biggest problem with the napalm quest in my mind. To try to use it as the quest would indicate is "doing it wrong".

    Standard Cannon & LRM: I can't speak to the other weapons you mentioned but I use both of these on my shooter and have no difficulty getting through those quests. The idea that the Std Cannon is "low damage" given it's DPS bears scrutiny. I find it "situational" but I like to generate those sorts of situations. The LRM may not do a lot of damage per shot but it's range and flight time make it so usable in so many instances that getting the guild quest done isn't that hard.
  5. *JAWS*

    *JAWS* Well-Known Member

    13 Oct 2017
    Have u ever done these.. standard cannon and lrm mortar on board 6 or board 7?
    Impossible isnt the right word. The amount asked for is crazy.
    The idea is to be challenging yet fun.
  6. Snapshot

    Snapshot Well-Known Member

    4 Dec 2017
    Nope... so I can't comment on weapon scaling. All I know is that at anywhere up to M4/M5 and 1500 infamy or so the weapons perform reasonably well compared to other weapons. I've done std cannon up to the 2nd board and pretty much everything else on the easy board.

    So perhaps a part of your solution needs to be looking at how weapons scale. Std cannon is fine on easy... not so fine on later boards.
  7. Kitterini

    Kitterini Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    The problem is weapon specific quests in general, not specific weapon quests.

    Forcing players to use underleved (untalented, low rarity) versions of the games worst weapons isn't making BB a more fun game to play.

    Two weeks of Cannon quests has left me 1500infamy below where I would end a season if I was trying my best to win. Its no big deal as infamy is pointless in Nightmare outside the top 10. But the infamy dropping process wasnt fun for me and probably not for my random teammates losing because of me either.

    So much potential for quests that can be completed during normal gameplay, no need to cling onto the first implementation if its horrible.
    *JAWS* likes this.
  8. gor.030

    gor.030 New Member

    12 Feb 2018
    I love my napalm. I use it to block, scatter enemies, to hide inside - and burn ships.

    Please dont change it - it is good as It is.
  9. *JAWS*

    *JAWS* Well-Known Member

    13 Oct 2017
    Please dont change it - it is good as It is.[/QUOTE]

    You didnt understand fully what this forum post is about.

    This isnt about changing Napalm in any way.

    This post is about adjusting the requirments for guild quests. Especially weaker powered weapons. Napalm is just an example of the horror facing players board 4, thru board 7.
    Kitterini is correct. Developers. When Kitterini and I agree a Special medal should occur and added emphasis and instant fixes should be implemented. Its that big of a deal. @The Grim Repair ;)

    Lets take down the amount of damage needed for weaker weapons. And also start blocking whole weapons as one entire genre. Cannons, mortars, torpedos, etc. Aoe damage, dps damge.
    This will be more enjoyable. Again. Grim and miika and dmg don. Try done impossible quests for each of your current list of challenges. And see how many days they take. Its not realistic. Forget the word impossible. And in your mind exchange that for exciting. And challenging. When u do you will realize the lower damage weapons or mortar weapons that dont land get ridiculous in later guild challenges. Lets adjust them to require less damage. Lets clump groups of weapons together. And lets have some fun doing it. ;)
    turbogravir likes this.
  10. benguin8

    benguin8 Well-Known Member

    13 Jul 2017
    Should also throw in missiles. I understand that my epic lv6 item is under-leveled, but the missiles split as soon as I fire and RNG seems to never hit a target, even if I lead it!

    I don't see the same issue with point weapons (like cannon mentioned). Mortars are tricky to use but only because it is a moving target. It is disappointing when your mortar always hits on the edge for 25% of the max damage. It makes it take 4x longer. But alas I will work on my aim. Tri-torp is in its own category because the damage potential is 3x, but you only really hit with 1 on average, so those quests take 3x the effort too.

    Rovio is quite aware of this situation. They quickly removed mine quests after backlash. They just need to look at the next tier weapons and balance those more. Definitely dont need to remove all of these, but an appropriate weighting would be very helpful.
  11. envylife

    envylife Well-Known Member

    17 Jun 2017
    I can understand Napalm, but the rest you're just naming a bunch of weapons you and your guild haven't leveled up, and you should probably do so. Std Canon is one of the higest DPS weapons in the game we always blow through that one quick. My guild hasn't ever had an issue with LRM as it's a common weapon. Swift Torp and Tri Torps are lesser used so they do pose extra challenge for guild quests. Big Berta is a moderately common weapon but not everyone have them leveled up so they take a bit longer.

    I'd add Carronade and Flare to the mix with Napalm as dificult though... they are pretty useless until they get to higher levels, so it's usually the lower level guilds that are usually struggling with these, and most players don't use them, so they are all very niche items, which make for unfair rivalries if everyone doesn't have the same boards.
  12. PastelPiku

    PastelPiku Well-Known Member

    27 Jan 2018
    So with the new update letting us use any weapon for any quest, this thread is pointless now, right?
  13. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    You DO have a point. Locking because obsolete.
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