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Adversiting process & time

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by nosesabe, 9 Feb 2018.


Would you like this change?

  1. Yes, more games!

  2. No, it’s good how it is now.

    0 vote(s)
  1. nosesabe

    nosesabe Well-Known Member

    24 Aug 2017
    This is a proposal for the devs that I believe could be a win win for all of us, tell me what do you guys think:

    Recently my month of premium ended and I had to start watching advertisements again, which we can all agree (players and devs) its a bit pain in the ass and a waste of time.

    So it got me thinking...

    We players, after we get killed in a battle, we don’t need to stay watching how our team looses or wins, that’s a complete waste of time. Sure you can learn a bit from watching others... but 95% of the time is just normal gameplay.

    So what if we could exit the battles before but with out loosing the extra reward we obtain when watching a video? What if we could acumulate the videos and rewards (up to a limit) in a option and we could watch the videos later? This option could look like this:


    This way we players could play more games, and battle bay coul win more money because players play more games, and therefore, watch more adds. Its a win win.

    Now I know what you may be thinking; <<We can’t do that because then buying VIP would have no sense>>. I don’t know how much money do players produce from watching adds, but maybe the income increase from watching adds may be more than the money you obtain from the VIP service. I don’t have data to know that.

    This change would also allow to add other privileges to the VIP to make it more interesting. Things like: custom the colors of your boat, custom the colors of your weapons, skins, custom sounds, exclusive maps...

    It would definitely be an improvement on the gameplay and would make the community very happy :D

  2. Disguised

    Disguised Well-Known Member

    11 Jul 2017
    I liek.
    Also, underline and bolt this:
    Becuase people are going to be saying that this could be used as an "exploit", and stuff like that, just because they didn't read the brackets.
    Last edited: 9 Feb 2018
    Cryix, Mister Kevin and nosesabe like this.
  3. nosesabe

    nosesabe Well-Known Member

    24 Aug 2017
    The 030E9C9F-B0A4-4863-B3B9-7F8ACEA86D23.png option could look like this for example:


    You could view all battles and in which ones you didn’t watch the add, and therefore didn’t obtain the reward. By clicking in the red “Add” button you start watching an add to obtain the X% reward.

    Also notice 3 things in that picture:

    1- On the top right corner there would be an indicator of how many adds you can watch and how many you can accumulate (4/10). In this case you can watch 4 adds and you can accumulate up to 10.

    2- In the bottom far right corner you can see this option:
    By clicking there you can buy slots for adds. In this case by buying one entra slot for 50 pears we would have 11. The more you buy, the more expensive it gets to buy an extra one.

    3- At last, Also in the top bottom corner you can see the option:
    By clicking here you can remove the adds of the games for which you don’t want to get a reward. Those games that you lost or didn’t do that well and therefore watching and add wouldn’t d be worth the time.

    I hope I explained it well ;)
    Last edited: 9 Feb 2018
  4. ViscountSniffit

    ViscountSniffit Well-Known Member

    3 Sep 2017
    They should do your idea, and then make VIP actually good.

    Considering it is more expensive than a Netflix/XboxLive subscription, what do you get?

    Access to VIP chat (which is not as good as Chill Zone)

    A third guild quest (which you can’t use because 2/3rds of the quest are for fixer and tri-torps).

    20% faster training (but not enough sugar quests to keep it going).

    Skip adds for one month (which other games let you do forever, for like $2.50).

    Bargain! :(

    I am a VIP subscriber, just because I play a lot. But, honestly, my satisfaction level with the service is pretty low.
    Last edited: 9 Feb 2018
  5. The Grim Repair

    The Grim Repair Community Manager

    26 Sep 2017
    What would you like to see in VIP?
  6. nosesabe

    nosesabe Well-Known Member

    24 Aug 2017
    Completely agree with you. I didn’t continue my subscription because I felt it just removed adds and for that price wasn’t quite worth it.

    I think something easy to do and interesting would be the option of custom your boat with different colors and textures as well as the weapons. This way not only VIPs get a fancier boat but also other players see who is VIP, and maybe think about buying it too.

    -Having some exclusive maps
    -Changing the shop every 3 hours instead of 6
    -Daily VIP reward boxes with resources
    -VIP extra % battle reward
    -Extra % talken reward for the lottery
    -How about daily challenges that give you green boxes or something like that. Different and extra challenges than the ones we have now.
    Last edited: 9 Feb 2018
  7. ViscountSniffit

    ViscountSniffit Well-Known Member

    3 Sep 2017
    Things it ‘could’ do (in no particular order):

    Stackable guild quests (if I can’t do three quests, then at least let me do one quest twice)
    More daily quests (it would be nice to always have at least one)
    Free to retrain crew and swap perks
    Better free crates
    (at least green ones, grey is pointless)
    Better star crates (blue or purple for high ranked players)
    Better care packages (no more grey)
    Unlimited/extended inventory. (Which would promote loyalty)
    Access to your full battle log.
    Improve rewards on calendar
    (or have them improve, the longer you go without missing a day)
    Reduce the gold cost of buying ships (so you can realistically level up more than 1).
    Better offers (Especially for upgrading your low tier weapons).

    If I were to use myself as an example: my best boat is mk5 Speeder, and my best weapon is a t4 Epic. Those two things prop up my infamy. If I were to switch to my mk4 Enforcer, or a t3 Rare then I would probably fall about a thousand infamy.

    But I don’t really want to be stuck always using the same boat and weapons. If I were (hypothetically) to scrap the two weapons that I always use, then the next best option that I have in my inventory is stuff like a level 15 rare Swift Torp. That is not even half as good as it would need to be, before I could try it on my boat. But it’s too hard to upgrade it without halting my main progress.

    I’m not asking for an easier path to t5 Epics and Mk6 boats. But it would be nice if it were a bit easier for my mk3 boats and t2 rares, to catch up with where I’m currently at, so I could actually start using them.
    Last edited: 9 Feb 2018
  8. ViscountSniffit

    ViscountSniffit Well-Known Member

    3 Sep 2017
    Regarding unlimited/extended inventory. It could work like a separate VIP inventory tab.

    So if your VIP lapses, you would still keep all your stuff in the VIP tab, but you would only be able to remove it, you couldn’t add or drag new stuff there without VIP.
    Cryix and nosesabe like this.
  9. Rainbow Warrior

    Rainbow Warrior Well-Known Member

    26 Sep 2017
    Some kind of VIP gear bonus. Something like having all items 5% better while you're VIP.
  10. Stelmo

    Stelmo Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    Cryix, Nimzor, TheFixer27 and 9 others like this.
  11. ViscountSniffit

    ViscountSniffit Well-Known Member

    3 Sep 2017
    I agree. VIP shouldn’t be broken, and I think there needs to be some limitations on progression, to keep things fair for f2p.

    But stuff like battle logs and inventory shouldn’t be limited for subscribers. Half the reason I subscribed to chess.com was so I could view my old games, people like that stuff.

    So many times, here on the forum, we are having a discussion, and I recall a game that’s a perfect example. But unless I made a video, or happened to record the tag, it’s impossible to find again. Even if it’s still in my log, it’s not easy to sort through.

    Edit: another thing VIP could include is better access to statistics, so you can look at your damage and kills with specific weapons, and how well you perform on each map etc...
    Last edited: 9 Feb 2018
    wtfack and nosesabe like this.
  12. nosesabe

    nosesabe Well-Known Member

    24 Aug 2017
    That’s a really good idea, but I think this kind of information is something anyone should be able to access. Not I formation about weapon total damage though, if not the game would get boring because people would start using just the best weapons instead all of them.

    VIP should help the player to get better not to interfere in the game by giving vip players advantage.

    -Something else that could be cool is to be able to play random 2vs2/3vs3/4vs4 games.
  13. ViscountSniffit

    ViscountSniffit Well-Known Member

    3 Sep 2017
    I know a lot of people would like more access to their game data.

    Since we all ‘currently’ manage without it, it’s obviously not something anyone ‘needs’, and doesn’t really constitute an advantage. So it’s really a perfect candidate for the ‘sort of thing’ VIP could provide.

    Regarding weapon data. I think people will figure out and use the best weapons, regardless of whether they have access to the data. If there is a ‘clearly best weapon’ then it should probably be nerfed so that all options are viable.

    Good variety comes from the ships and weapons being well balanced, not from allowing OP stuff to reign free, while trying to keep people in the dark about it.
  14. The Grim Repair

    The Grim Repair Community Manager

    26 Sep 2017
    that would be p2w really badly so not gonna happen :p
  15. wtfack

    wtfack Active Member

    9 May 2017
    Last edited: 9 Feb 2018
    The Grim Repair likes this.
  16. benguin8

    benguin8 Well-Known Member

    13 Jul 2017
    Instantaneous retraining would be AMAZING. I also support the unlimited inventory. Maybe give the option of "rerolling" a star package? Maybe monthly VIP should include 100 pearls a day for 10 days each month. So for the person who wants to spend $5 on that can look at the other bonuses for the $10 VIP and move up their purchase. VIP could offer a resource exchange ability where I can convert gold to sugar and vice versa. At some set ratio, not 1:1.
    tonySTAX, wtfack and The Grim Repair like this.
  17. nosesabe

    nosesabe Well-Known Member

    24 Aug 2017
    So what do you think about the idea exposed in the post?
  18. Jujujuan

    Jujujuan Active Member

    9 Oct 2017
    The best ones in my opinion would be
    *Shop refresh in 4 hours.
    *No gray crates only Green ones
    *Green crates for 12 or 10 stars (max 5 daily)
    *Care package would be green or better.
    *Training crew 10% faster (no 20%)
    *1 care package from grandma every week.
    * +30% rewards without watching ads, and +60%/70% if you watch them
    *The option to choose sugar quest or gold quest. (of course, you may get low reward ones)
    *Can change you name everytime you buy premium for free (no stackable)
    *No cheap pieces for sale (20 blues/ 100 greens/ 5 purple/ xx gray)
    **No green perks for sale
    *Retrain crew even if you are training (still have to wait 1 hour for every skill)
    *JAWS*, tonySTAX and The Grim Repair like this.
  19. The Grim Repair

    The Grim Repair Community Manager

    26 Sep 2017
    I think there’s a lot of good ideas here - my personal opinion doesn’t matter ^^ what matters is that we hear your thoughts and then the team can make decisions which ideas are feasible - so always keep them coming or support others please!
  20. envylife

    envylife Well-Known Member

    17 Jun 2017
    Great question, as it's been hard to figure out. I was underwhelmed with VIP when I tried it. The question is what does VIP represent? Rovio hasn't even made that clear with it's mixed bag of stuff. To me it offers taster training and time savings by skipping ads.... the former being pure P2W, so let's call VIP as it is... faster battle cycling, and faster leveling up.

    The problem is that training and leveling require resources, resources that the game limits, so without reducing that friction for VIP subscribers, it's not as much of a help as advertised, particularly sugar being strained by faster training. Increasing resources overall would actually allow faster progress, and it can be done in many ways, including, but not limited to:

    1) Bump battle rewards overall by 10-20% overall, sugar, gold, and pearls
    2) Decrease market prices by 10-20%, since gold is always in short supply.
    3) Offer the higher value daily quests so that 200k shows up more often rather than the 67k that keep appearing.
    4) Allow VIP members to re-roll quests more frequently to achieve #3, or pick sugar vs gold. As it is with my 5-7 day training cycles I'm overflowing with sugar and I can't reroll them fast enough to turn them to gold and when I finally do it winds up being the near useless 67k variety as I'm afraid to re-roll and get more sugar.

    And effectively this is just more variations on what others are asking for: overall increase in resources. boxes, etc.

    Currently I find it more valuable to pay for pearl diver than to pay for VIP because pearls offer minor speedups without the side-effects.
    tonySTAX likes this.

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