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16-1st places, 3-2nd places, NO 3rd’s! Seeking active, but not lunatic members

Discussion in 'Guild Recruitment' started by RustOfunk, 8 Feb 2018.

  1. RustOfunk

    RustOfunk New Member

    30 Jul 2017
    Guild: WeSuck.DontCare.HaveFun.
    But we’ve done well each rivalry so we’re doing something right! A ragtag group of players from all over the globe.
    Looking for active members who will participate at least a few times a week. We have about 5 members who aren’t participating at all so I’m kicking them as soon as we have replacements. Most of our members are between 400 and 2350 infamy, but all are welcome.
    Send a friend request to Turrrd Burglarrr then message me. Make sure there are 3 R’s in my name.
  2. tonySTAX

    tonySTAX New Member

    20 Jun 2017
    I range from 1100 to 1400 currently running Mk3, captain 30, but stopped playing for months because of work so just collected free crates and trained haha. My guild is pretty inactive and I’ve been playing a lot more the last month, so if spot open, I’d like to join. Just going to finish up a couple quests for some tokens first.

    Edit: says not found in search for Turrrd Burglarrr

    My in game name is tonySTAX
    Last edited: 8 Feb 2018
  3. RustOfunk

    RustOfunk New Member

    30 Jul 2017
    Hmmm. I can’t find you either. Guess neither of us exist. Maybe I’m looking in the wrong place. The guild tag is WESUC if that helps any.
  4. tonySTAX

    tonySTAX New Member

    20 Jun 2017
    Found guild tag, sent request. Thanks
  5. RustOfunk

    RustOfunk New Member

    30 Jul 2017
    Full for now.

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