1. Starting at 6 seconds in, there is a soft drink can. Lets assume it is 10 cm tall. Why does it float upright? It's supposed to float horizontally. And also, why is there a hole in it?
2. When the fp view emerges out of the water, it's clean, but when the boats float by, it makes the splashes the screen wet.
3. Boats are about the size of the soft drink can. But ingame the weapons display the range (example: 20m range) which is extremely off compared to the trailer where the boats are only about 10 cm tall.
4. The team is shooting the enemy speeder which somehow spawned in their team.
5. The speeder's nitro has blue rings.
6. The speeder has three nitros, and an overboost.
7. Bhurt is about 1/8 of the ship's size which means he is less than 2 cm tall.
8. When Bhurt emerges out of the the manhole the background changed suddenly to nighttime, to prove it, there is moonlight reflecting off the water.
9. When the fp view moves behind Bhurt, the sky suddenly turns to dawn.
10. Bhurt's eyes shine white when the background is dim.
11. Everyone in the enemy's team have napalm. (exept speeder)
12. Apperently, the napalm projectile goes extremely high.
13. 4 napalms can instantly destroy a full team of mk5 ships.
14. New update: the map from the trailer?

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