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Railgun, repair Bolt, tesla bolt reflection

Discussion in 'Suggestions & Ideas' started by Rainbow Warrior, 19 Jan 2018.

  1. Rainbow Warrior

    Rainbow Warrior Well-Known Member

    26 Sep 2017
    I was wondering that It would be really cool to have a polished surface like a mirror (on a new map or on any of the ones we already have) that reflects repair bolt, tesla bolt and even railgun (maybe destroying it after railgun gets reflected).
    I guess it would be awesome to use geometry to reach our teammates and rivals.
    FDR's Think Tank likes this.
  2. FDR's Think Tank

    FDR's Think Tank New Member

    17 Jan 2018
    I would really dig active map elements like this. This actually made me think of an episode of Tailspin. In the episode, Shear Khan (is the spelling?) is mysteriously losing shipments along his "most" secure route. His Panther pilots refuse to fly it anymore, so he tells Baloo he needs a hero and hires him to fly the route with precious cargo. Of course, those rascally Sky Pirates are behind it. They stole massive mirrors (from somewhere) and then installed them cleverly so they would reverse the horizon and make planes crash into the ocean. It turns out, Khan never trusted Baloo... And he was shipping a tracking beacon.

    So.. yeah. Big useful mirrors that can be broken by heartless railgun jerks. Love it!

    If it's too hard to alter or add active terrain.. make it special water types. You can have "different oceans" that alter how weapons and boats interact with the game. A Mirror Ocean, a clear tropical ocean, and heck... lava! Who wants the irresponsible choice to drive their boat through cartoon lava? The cool thing about altering water is... It doesn't have to be map specific. You could theoretically make special water conditions that overlay on all maps for special events. Who wants an ocean of blood in a Red Sea event? (Relax, it's the reflection of the sunset.)
    Rainbow Warrior likes this.
  3. Rainbow Warrior

    Rainbow Warrior Well-Known Member

    26 Sep 2017
    Wow! I loved your ideas! Hope some dev take a look and try to do something like that on oncoming maps :D

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