Its not a "bug" it is the RNG, may need re-tweaking but that is up to Rovio whether they think its balanced or not... personally Idk I keep getting rare and epic perks and pieces so im not complaining... I get perks I don't use but I can sell them for gold so not complaining there... and recently I got my third legendary red piece at level 30 so i'll let you judge...
Something along the lines of "It was bad for the Battle Bay economy..." I have to admit the raffle was REALLY good when it first started, guess maybe it was too good...

You aren't going to get what you want just because its there... the raffle shows everything you COULD win but you aren't guaranteed anything you could use as many tokens as you want and still get nothing but powercells all you can do is hope RNGesus blesses you...
Really? I thought they solved that, its not that I doubt you
@vis1234567899 but I thought the raffle figures out what you win as soon as you press the button and it saves so that you don't lose the item...
@The Otherguy, @TheAntiSnipe,
@Ash KOT ?
Now, now lets stick to constructive criticism

Suggestions for you(The Player): Save up tokens and use them all at once... I know most people know it but I had a very good board and was very upset when I found that it reset

so saving up and using all at once will generally lead to better rewards...
Game suggestion: Take away powercells.... or atleast give players items based on the stage of the game they are in... as a level 30 I don't have much use for common and uncommon powercell, I think a lot of players complain about legendary powercells because finding dupes seems impossible especially for FTP... maybe instead of taking legendary powercells out of the raffle make pieces more common this way getting more legendaries isn't as much of an impossible task...
These are just my suggestions... constructive criticism calling the game trash doesn't do anything how can Rovio make it better?
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