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Why I am not getting stars like before

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by Zevener, 11 Jan 2018.

  1. Zevener

    Zevener New Member

    11 Jan 2018
    Recently I am noticing that I am getting one star and sometimes none even I have twice damage than others why
  2. The Otherguy

    The Otherguy Well-Known Member

    26 Jun 2017
    Tech support
    behind that rock over there
    Hello Zevener,
    What you are experiencing is called an "infamy debuff", which kicks in after lossing a lot of infamy. You will start getting full rewards and stars once you regain your former infamy.
    This is to prevent players who intentoinally losing infamy from gaining an unfair advantage, however this system has its flaws, and the devs are looking into making it better, but untill then, this is all we got.

    Good hunting and good teammates,
    -The Otherguy
  3. pcRazen

    pcRazen Member

    5 Jan 2018
    hah.. so that's what it is.. and here I thought I was getting hated on for performing so superbly after tanking 400 infamy using a mk3 to quest.
    Turns out its true lmao.
  4. Zevener

    Zevener New Member

    11 Jan 2018
    Yes we loss a lot because we try to finish certain quest that we are not good at it but my point is stars should be rewarded according to performance isn’t it
  5. PippinTheFoolish

    PippinTheFoolish New Member

    11 Jan 2018
    So try to put yourself in my shoes for a minute... I'm a lvl 12 with mk 2 ships. I get up to 1300 infamy by pure luck contributing mostly by being a distraction because I'm doing speeder / enforcer quests and all I do is speed back and forth drawing fire. I switch back to my shooter to complete some damage quests, and my infamy obviously sinks... and kept sinking... at around 500 infamy I switch back to a speeder to attempt to bring it back up, but at that infamy, people apparently don't know how to stick in groups, so my distraction tactic doesn't work.... back to shooter I go, hoping that my infamy will level out when I start being put in battles with mostly mk2.... but it never happens. I'm now just above 100 infamy, and keep getting put in battles with mk4 ships that are around 600 - 800 infamy; and on top of all that, I don't get any stars, and my chances of getting to my former infamy level is null. SERIOUSLY PEOPLE!
  6. The Otherguy

    The Otherguy Well-Known Member

    26 Jun 2017
    Tech support
    behind that rock over there
    They are.
    1 star for winning, 1 star for average contribution, and 1 star for twice average contribution.
    If you win and do less than average contribution, you get one star. Win with average, two stars. Win with twice the average contribution, three stars.
    The system is taking away your rewards, because it thinks you dropped all that infamy on purpose to fight under-powered ships. Once you reach your former infamy, you will get full rewards again.

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