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Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by tonberryking98, 9 Jan 2018.

  1. tonberryking98

    tonberryking98 Active Member

    15 Nov 2017
    Let's make this a place to tell some stories of the bay because a video will miss the most important detail, the heart and feelings of the player(s).
    ^( ô (• •) ô )^
    Rainbow Warrior likes this.
  2. tonberryking98

    tonberryking98 Active Member

    15 Nov 2017
    The Battle of Wayward

    Each side engages their enemy. Team A lacks the ability to recover from damage taken. Team B steamrolls Team A, but their Fixer(b) takes a couple hits and becomes critically low. With a single remaining ship for Team A, Team B's victory is within reach.
    The last of Team A, a Speeder, holds on to his fighting spirit and has caught vision of the Fixer amidst the rest of the Team B. The Speeder, carrying on the will of his allies, takes aim at the Fixer, landing a shot. The Fixer is left at exactly 1 hp.
    The rest of Team B has surrounded the Speeder going for their Fixer. The Speeder efficiently weaves his way past torpedoes, mortars, and cannons coming at him, and he finishes off his target. Soon after, his adrenaline runs out, and he meets his end.

    Who is the true victor?
    Rainbow Warrior and TheAntiSnipe like this.
  3. xxxBISMARCKxxx

    xxxBISMARCKxxx Well-Known Member

    5 Jun 2017
    Team B because they won
  4. pcRazen

    pcRazen Member

    5 Jan 2018
    Here is a great story.

    Friend team is tugging along in destruct 9. Everyone is together and sharing drinks. I push across the open spread to outside capture area. Speeder follows me. Enemy speeder has made its way to capture and two enemy shooters followed him in. I am tossing cannons and flares to keep the enemy from capturing. Torps are nowswimming towards me and the friendly speeder. And bam. An enemy shooter shoes up at the top of the map trying to pull a flank. He is nailing our fixer. Back at the dual boats area. The two boats back with fixer now trying to direct focus to this flanker. Turret turning takes time. The speeder helping me with the capture takes a full 180. And heads to the flank battle. Leaving me in the dust. I am now in full retreat. I am working on turning boat around to get out of there. Enemy capture seizes the moment the come out of the shadows. I now have mortars falling all around me. Torpedoes screaming everywhere. And cannons picking me apart.

    The fixer met his doom by the flanker. I meet my doom left all alone to get jumped. And our jump squad gets the flankers. Now it's 3 vs 4. And they retreat back to capture. Needless to say we lost the match to capture. All my friend boats that are left keep at the spawn area. Low on health from the open front battle and flanker taking advantage. The speeder loses his life trying to stop capture. He did all he could. We lose to capture 2-4
    God I hate my teams.
  5. tonberryking98

    tonberryking98 Active Member

    15 Nov 2017
    That's pretty tragic. Btw, i was the fixer of TeamB
    Last edited: 10 Jan 2018

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