hello, I'd like to present an idea to improve upon the guilds, as there is no real reason to stay in one. and no, this is not about guild wars, nor trading. (there is already a humongous amount of threads about that topic, so please keep it clean here)
guild management and daily login:
right now, there is no easy way to distinguish who is active and who is not (or if they still play at all). players as a guild need to work together to improve upon their "guild bay" (i will get to this later) with a daily login where they offer a set amount of parts to level up their guild and get a reward depending on what rarity parts they offer. the reward can be either received daily for each member individually, or accumulate throughout the week and then everyone gets a reward box according to their contribution to the guild.
it also should be visible to the leader and officers, who helped out, how much and how often during whole week.
guild bay:
each guild should be presented with its own bay. a simple map where everyone can enter, chat (normal guild chat needs to be allowed here, not the fast chat), float around, have a target practice, try out and discuss strategies, have 2v2-5v5, even free for all... simply put a good old practice mode with plenty features, even bot adding. let your imagination run wild here as it wont break the actual season league competition.
as you level up your guild, your guild bay will obviously improve with either different features or bigger rewards from daily guild donations.
3. reserved...
what do you devs, guys and gals think?
i will keep this post updated in case someone comes up with new ways how to make our beloved guilds better, or improvements to my offthetopofmyhead ideas

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