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Can we give up midway through battle?

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by Thinn Bihh, 5 Jan 2018.

  1. Thinn Bihh

    Thinn Bihh Member

    26 Nov 2017
    Okay, above average fixer here. After like above 3500 infamy, the battles tend to be long (like more than 2.5 minutes) and it really sucks when all that effort results in a loss. What annoys me, is when dumb players either throw the game or are just plain stupid (like a shooter diverting from the team with half health *I'm a fixer like wat, why?. Or a speeder mk5, 1v1 a shooter mk6 and clearly not retreating until they're like below 100 hp). So I don't wanna drag out the game and waste my energy if everyone's not going to try, soo I'm starting to just abandon my team (when it's like 3v5 and an obvious loss) and go straight for the unfriends (remember fixer) and let them kill me. I've done it a few times and just play a game were I try to cross the map with a nitro and try to dodge all the attacks :). So like can I like not get reported? Like if we're gonna lose, let me save my focus on a team that'll actually try. Can there be a button like I SURRENDER, this team sucks.
  2. LimeOnMars

    LimeOnMars Well-Known Member

    10 Jul 2017
    Just spam 'negative' to death :D
  3. Zangetsu

    Zangetsu Well-Known Member

    4 Jun 2017
    Just dive in towards the enemy or sit still, you'll die soon enough to move on.
  4. ThatOnion

    ThatOnion Well-Known Member

    7 May 2017
    Whenever I have one of those teams i just OB straight into the enemy.
    Ultrah likes this.
  5. Zerolive

    Zerolive Well-Known Member

    11 Jul 2017
    What is wrong with you people? If I die soon, I die. If I stay alive 1 vs 5 then I run like hell and plant mine. They usually don't care and go right through. Gives me a star. And there is always a chance that all the enemy team players gets bad internet at same time and you can kill them all like a boss.:p:p
  6. envylife

    envylife Well-Known Member

    17 Jun 2017
    I have mixed feelings... as a shooter, no you should never give up. My teams commonly leave me alone against 2-5 opponents, because they do stupid things to die, dealing less total damage than one of my guns, over and over, and I still haven't a clue how BB moves them up the infamy ladder, and... I digress. The other day I was left 1 vs 3 and actually pulled it off, so worst case it's just good practice that may come in handy some day.

    As a fixer it's tougher... even 1on1 vs a shooter you are outgunned 5 to 2 at MK6, and if you are setup to heal others rather than yourself you're usually out of luck... However it's still good practice to figure out where to flee in a map and hope you can get your opponents separated and pick them off if they have low health. Your weapon choice becomes key as well, experiment fleeing with sniper or mortar, or equip a big close range canon for those low-health opponents. However if you have 2 left on your team, no excuse.. keep playing.
  7. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    Never give up in general!:)
  8. The Otherguy

    The Otherguy Well-Known Member

    26 Jun 2017
    Tech support
    behind that rock over there
    I just saw a mk4 shooter with below average weapons and 2500 health win vs two mk5 shooters and a mk5 speeder. (One shooter had 3000hp, the other 900, and the speeder 600).
    Aye, the more you try the better you become. And you never know when that one unfriend will run blindly into a torp or mine. ;)
    The Grim Repair likes this.
  9. Sifa

    Sifa Well-Known Member

    6 Apr 2017
    I would never give up early, in battle strange things can happen. You may be 3 vs 5 but then suddenly two unfriends hit a mine and die instantly. Or your teammate lands a perfect big torpedo hit and does the same thing. That could even happen 2 vs 5. It's rare of course but happened to me more than once.

    I run a mk5 speeder and I have beat mk6 shooters on 1 vs 1 countless times, not because of my firepower but by taking advantage of my yellow items and higher speed.
    The Grim Repair and The Otherguy like this.
  10. Thinn Bihh

    Thinn Bihh Member

    26 Nov 2017
    I like how optimistic everyone is, but I really wish that could happen. There are some games where it's very clear one team has way more whales/ fatter whales and matchmaking is just giving them an easy win. Plus, there's plenty occasions where one really big whale WILL CARRY the entire team and it's just matchmaking that determines who's on their team and will win. I implore you, when a battle is quick, count how many legendaries/ t5 epics each team has, there will be an obvious winner.
    ThatOnion likes this.
  11. TheFixer27

    TheFixer27 Well-Known Member

    6 Sep 2017
    A boat
    My phone
    On the other hand, why are there so many innocent mk1-2s that climbed up 1200+infamys?? And I always misunderstood them as assholes who use their never used ships just for quest
  12. Jujujuan

    Jujujuan Active Member

    9 Oct 2017
    Do u have those match?
  13. The Otherguy

    The Otherguy Well-Known Member

    26 Jun 2017
    Tech support
    behind that rock over there
    The match with the mk4 was one. He spammed a Big Torpedo while retreating with only 300 health. The last unfriend ran right into it.

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