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The Aiming is Messed Up Whenever The unfriends Get Close

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by -SeeKnDeStRoY-, 4 Jan 2018.

  1. -SeeKnDeStRoY-

    -SeeKnDeStRoY- Member

    11 Oct 2017
    Without Sticky Target
    There were 2 ships hide behind a wall. I was at the opposite sides of the wall waiting for them to come out and ready to shoot. I was not moving at all. Then 1 of the unfriends come out of the wall and I shot. The thing is, miliseconds before I shot, the aiming automatically turned towards the one behind the wall instead of the one I can shoot and inflict damage upon. And I wasn't moving.

    With Sticky Target
    I was playing shooter. 1 ship with less than 1k hp was coming at me. Behind him, there were 2 more ships at a further distance also coming at me. And frustratingly, no matter however I moved or changed direction, my aiming couldnt target the one that was closest to me. Instead it kept changing between the two ships at distance. 1 shot and that ship should sink but instead he could freely shoot at me and all I could do was changing aiming between the two ships at distance. I was so angry I almost threw my phone away.

    Those are some examples of how messed up the aiming control whenever there is an unfriend ship getting close. Many times I missed a clear killshot because maybe RNG ghost now controls which ship to hit in battle. It wasnt this bad before. But now it really is worst.
    Rated R, H.A.D.E.S and TheAntiSnipe like this.
  2. Zerolive

    Zerolive Well-Known Member

    11 Jul 2017
    Sticky target is worst enemy of mine and auto target is not a friend either. Every time invisible enemy shoots me on 1 on 1 before revealing himself(high ping they say). And why would the damn stun reset fired weapon? I fired a blast cannon at a speeder who was nearly dead and I fired blast cannon at his face but the stun reset my blast cannon shot. It traveled far enough for me to see I fired that shot. And after I was stunned, flare gun+ex cannon and I am dead. They need to improve the auto aiming as it jumps targets so often. You haven't mastered it yet, they say.:(
    _devill and The Otherguy like this.

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