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Devs don't care

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by kylek33, 16 Apr 2017.

  1. Miika

    Miika Game Lead

    29 Mar 2017
    Yes it has to. We tried lower limit and as a result the nightmare players at worst had to wait for over an hour for a single battle. Which nobody does and tries again later creating a vicious cycle. The issue is that the player base is like a pyramid, on lower levels there are a lot of players and there the average spread is around 200 infamy with maybe 5 second queue times.
  2. mammoth1946

    mammoth1946 Active Member

    10 Apr 2017
    this time dev care. losing a battle with friend is better, than losing alone. its fun to be with friends. :)
    kylek33 likes this.
  3. Miika

    Miika Game Lead

    29 Mar 2017
    Thanks, we think so too! :)
    mammoth1946 likes this.
  4. Helius Maximus

    Helius Maximus Active Member

    25 Apr 2017
    Monterrey, NL, MX
    Also it is the only way i found to cope with the infamy disparity, helping each other make us stronger and being able to win some battles, but i'm still struggling with my lower equipment when, for example, @henrisonmd charges over me, it is just abbusive and obscene. @P0rthos say its the way you use your weapon, but he has a level 5 epic cannon with perks when I'm stuck at level 3 and doing 340 damage shots. And buying pearls to change for crates also isn't usefull, bacuse of random objects. If i spend money i want to know exactly what i'm buying, i actually don't even buy lottery tickets.
    So, Devs, if you care, raise the probability of obtaining same objects you already have just a little, it may just be the difference we all need to be happy with bb 2.0.
    Last edited: 12 May 2017
    mammoth1946 likes this.
  5. P0rthos

    P0rthos Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    @Helius Maximus but bro, it took me a year of grinding and almost 10,000 games to get my weapons. I was using lower level weapons too for most of my battle Bay career. :) Henrison has been playing longer than me, and has been a defender since day 1. Of course he is gonna charge over you.

    Really, u shouldn't be playing such heavy weight players. When more players come, it'll get easier for u. For now, learn from the heavy weights and hang in there. :)

    I think you said you were using a defender too... that might be part of the frustration. Defender isn't very good at the moment. It hasn't been balanced like it should be, and it usually looses against yellow ships. It's good in very early game, very weak in mid game, and so-so at higher levels. Especially if it's not a t6 with tons of very specific crew training. I'd recommend you try some different boats and it might make your life happier.

    I've been driving mine around in hopes of teaching the other players how to play with one since they were so rare for so long. Haha!
    Softmurks and mammoth1946 like this.
  6. Helius Maximus

    Helius Maximus Active Member

    25 Apr 2017
    Monterrey, NL, MX
    Dear @P0rthos i've being around for less than a year but more than 6-7 months for sure, with 6k+ battles and as a defender since day 1. How much longer should i wait?
    Maybe it is just my luck, but it feels impossible to upgrade to a decent gear. And since the latest update, loosing battles against hardcore enemies is the constant.
    I tryed other ships but none pleased me, fixer was my second option, but same problem raises, it is nearly impossible to upgrade the ship and its gear.
    I think a little twich giving more probability of getting same objects more often could solve the whole problem, just my humble opinion.
    P0rthos likes this.
  7. P0rthos

    P0rthos Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    Well, I respect u playing at a disadvantage for so long. U should be proud. Defender ain't the best ship right now, and you have stuck with it too. Props bro! You've been driving one much longer than me.

    Also no arguments here for the tweak. For a while it kinda felt like that was actually the case already with this new system... but it might have been just random luck in getting doubles.
    Helius Maximus likes this.
  8. D3X

    D3X Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    10000 games, but maybe 8000 of them from the previous shop system? Perhaps at the top end of the infamy spectrum the drop rates for Epics and Legendaries(legendaries weren't even introduced) are so horrendous from both systems that you you simply never noticed. I have about 2500 games, and half of them were prior to the update. 50%. What I can tell you is that the first half I've done a lot better in terms of item/weapon progression.
  9. D3X

    D3X Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    Getting double of any epic item is really really difficult. What's the drop rate? I'd like to see the actual odds.
  10. Anomalix

    Anomalix Member

    27 Apr 2017
    The two points that tickle me are the guild wars and matchmaking, and also one that isn't mentioned.
    • What you don't get is that guild wars are one of, if not, THE MAIN DRAW to achieve critical mass in a PVP game. The real issue is that they limited the guilds at 25 members and no alliance option was thought of. In any PVP game that I ever played that has guilds, PEOPLE WANT GUILD WARS, it will stimulate your lacking player base. The simple fact that they included the national flags in your name tag (which was brilliant) but didn't consider that this alone would bring out passionate patriotism based competition is beyond me. If we get Guild Wars from the start, the population would be tenfold by now with the profits that come with it. If you don't consider the psychological side of your entertainment product, you are a dinosaur.
    • Matchmaking- fix what? mk3-5 all shooter team vs 4 mk6 speeders, nuf said.
    • unmentioned item: WHERE ARE THE EVENTS????????????????????????????????????????????????? again, nuf said.
    lolawola likes this.
  11. Verb

    Verb New Member

    25 May 2017
    I'd like all of you to wait for this upcoming update. Until then I'd like to say increase the chances of epic stuff in free and star chest. No explanation needed there. Self explanatory.
  12. Anomalix

    Anomalix Member

    27 Apr 2017
    Bottom line is, with no guild wars, no content, no events and a matchmaking that is gonna make people rage quit after losing all the infamy they accumulated for a week in 3 hours is gonna kill this game after the global launch wave has passed. This game wasn't even close to being ready for global launch. 11 bucks a month for VIP for what???? #getreal. Sell this mess to a studio in NA or Korea already...they will whip it up into shape in no time.
    lolawola likes this.
  13. The War Net

    The War Net Member

    9 May 2017
    The fact of the matter is this, all great games take time to develop and consumer test with wider results than just Pre-Release (Soft Launch) people.

    Take a look at Clash of Clans. It took them over a YEAR to bring about Clan Wars, and only recently started doing events after FOUR YEARS.

    The Developers want to get it right, and don't want to rush it, and I for one can seriously appreciate this. The game hasn't even been live for a Month, and within that month they added the ability to search for Players, something Clash (THE LARGEST GROSSING MOBILE GAME EVER) took FIVE YEARS to develop after begging from players the entire time. If you can't appreciate that they did that in the first 2 weeks of launch, you don't understand how these types of games work.

    As for Matchmaking, if you're losing all of your infamy, maybe you should learn to adapt to your team, start a fleet with someone you know, or try a different ship/weapon set.

    Until the next Update, Dev's, keep up the awesome work. We know you will do us proud when you do roll out the love for Guilds. We are all anxiously waiting and know that it will be in the natural progression of this game to eventually add such a feature. Get it right though, don't make it garbage Guild Battles like Call Of Mini (you know, one of those games plague with mods, hacks and exploits that was launched way too early but included all the stuff Anomalix wants right now).
  14. Softmurks

    Softmurks New Member

    15 May 2017
    WarNet and me had like 15 loses in a row yesterday
    It was fun and we still around the infamy on that we startet
    Only thing what devs should change is that people can drop down from 2200+ to 100 like that nice italian guild is doin atm..
  15. SharkTank

    SharkTank Active Member

    19 May 2017
    Kylek - good to see you here, too!
    Also, I'm happy to see these threads; it lets me know to not waste my time and money.

    Why is it so difficult for a game to make leveling up and obtaining items somewhat easy? All we want is fair upgrades and clan battles. And for that, the vast majority of us would pay A LOT of momey for that.

    Devs try to get $10 here and there. But that goes away fast when new players (like me) realize that the long grind with no good updates in sight isn't worth the money. Offer decent upgrade and MM systems with progressive scoring and 5 v 5 clan battles, and we will pay $20 a month.

    Oh well.

    I'll find another game.

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