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Matchmaking (or the lack thereof)

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by hypurr, 25 May 2017.

  1. P0rthos

    P0rthos Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    @Anomalix false. Tons of trash mk6 players out there. TONS. Deep pockets do not equal skill. Just like all the kids running around with thousand dollar weapons and totally unable to use them.

    Matchmaking does best job it can, and Infamy is best indicator of skill. Ideally infamy gains / losses would be more in line with contribution. But that's very challenging to make and can be gamed, so probably won't happen. But it would hurt less when I do 35,000 damage, loose, and my teammates can't manage 1000 damage each.
    Miathan likes this.
  2. Miika

    Miika Game Lead

    29 Mar 2017
    So, what happens when there is a player with same mk ship as you but has all maxed out legendary fit who keeps beating you in every battle again and again and again, and there is nothing that would make him play among the players with similar strength?

    Infamy is an MMR. It's sole purpose is to measure how good you are for matchmaking purposes.
    Miathan, HeroicBubbles and IT_Xaumby like this.
  3. Anomalix

    Anomalix Member

    27 Apr 2017
    I know there is, but they stay high infamy because they are matched with mk4s, An MK6 speeder, even if he's bad is no match for mk4's if he got double shields-stuns and crazy high hp
  4. Anomalix

    Anomalix Member

    27 Apr 2017
    Wrong, infamy is mostly inflated because you level up, get access to more slots and higher tier ships and loadout, get matched against lower tier ships and get carried. If they create tiered divisions, even if he got all legendaries, he's stuck at same tier level and the same amount of loadout slots, due to level restrictions, which equalize things a bit. Of course, I expect someone who spends a lot of money on any game to be harder to fight. I'm usually that person lol. I've played with bad mk6 players, but even if they are bad, the difference in loadout can be overwhelming. Stop trying to defend a flawed matchmaking system. I've been data mining this game since the beginning and my numbers back my assumptions. #researchrules
    Bomby McBombface, D3X and HighHammer like this.
  5. monobrow

    monobrow Well-Known Member

    7 May 2017
    Please can you share your dataset.

  6. rlxgenerate

    rlxgenerate Active Member

    10 May 2017
    Now that's a reasonable solution...
    But then what's to stop someone from complaining because they just got to mk2 and they're fighting a mk3 who has t5 weapons because the mk3 doesn't want to go up to mk4...
  7. TheRedSpeeder

    TheRedSpeeder Well-Known Member

    10 Apr 2017
    That's one problem you mentioned about upgrading ships there. Another one is that if infamy only ranks people but doesn't effect to matchmaking, it would allow mk2-3 ships to go to top of the lists just because they would be having easier matches and no one who has higher mk ship could drop them from top places. It would look ridiculous if you ask me.

    Cheers :cool:
    mammoth1946 and rlxgenerate like this.
  8. rlxgenerate

    rlxgenerate Active Member

    10 May 2017
    Exactly...so we're back to the same problems...
    You can't match people up that way.
    You can't match people up based on leagues because well...i think it's obvious.

    Because this is a team game, there will always be problems matchmaking. I think it's fine the way it is.

    The only way to improve it is to create and algorithm that would include captain level, mk ship, weapon damage, weapon perks, infamy, and historical performance.
    BUT Then the system would be constantly trying to find the solution to the algorithm and we'd be waiting MINUTES instead of seconds...
  9. TheRedSpeeder

    TheRedSpeeder Well-Known Member

    10 Apr 2017
    This is the main reason why they took away those cap lvl and ship mk from matchmaking at early beta. Only way to improve this matchmaking we have now is simply that it would give as many fixers to both teams. I'm saying this because at least I myself find almost 90% of matches to be a loss for a team without fixer when opponent team has one - sometimes even two.
    Althought three fixers in one team is almost certain loss for fixer team even if opponent team doesnt have any fixers.

    Cheers :cool:
  10. Miika

    Miika Game Lead

    29 Mar 2017
    Matchmaking has always been only infamy based. We used to show the captain level in the UI screen, but it didn't have any effect on the algorithm.

    If that would be the case it would have been fixed immediately. However the real data shows that there is not that kind of a bias towards a team with a healer, which is why we allow only one team to have healer.
    Miathan likes this.
  11. rlxgenerate

    rlxgenerate Active Member

    10 May 2017
    I beg to differ...I love 3 fixer matchups...it's a slug fest and it's hilarious at the same time. I love it!!!
  12. TheRedSpeeder

    TheRedSpeeder Well-Known Member

    10 Apr 2017
    Sorry I forgot that "I think" from my sentence. Thanks for correcting me :)

    This is only how I see those matches I got into so this isn't absolute statement as you probably meant

    3 fixers in one team is different in higher infamy matches but sure, it is hilarious sometimes :D

    Anyway, I hope both of you understood my points. I didn't mean to criticize. I only wanted to give a perspective to see matchmaking differently

    Cheers :D
  13. rlxgenerate

    rlxgenerate Active Member

    10 May 2017
    wait what? 1 team to have a healer?
  14. Kitterini

    Kitterini Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    Team a: Has a fixer.
    Team b: Does not have a fixer.
  15. Miika

    Miika Game Lead

    29 Mar 2017
    Bad choice of words, sorry. Because having healer only on one side does not mean a large bias for them winning, we allow that to happen because it creates interesting unique battles.
    Miathan likes this.
  16. Whistler

    Whistler Active Member

    2 May 2017
    I've only had one match with 3 fixers in one team + 2 shooters and 2 fixers in the other + 1 speeder and 2 shooters. It was soooooo boring, no team could do enough damage, it was just a very grindy long match.
  17. Stelmo

    Stelmo Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    Fix.png Pretty old one, but seems appropriate here:)
  18. Anomalix

    Anomalix Member

    27 Apr 2017
    That's why I also stipulated in the suggestion thread that there should be a loadout score and class coded in matchmaking. So you think it's fair to get a full team of only mk4-5 shooters vs 3-4 mk6 speeders? And btw people are already rigging the MM by intentionally going down a division one week to win it the next. Listen my idea wasn't perfect but ultimately, a tiered ship division based matchmaking with class and loadout score would be an improvement. the system we got now is too simplified to be even. I'll take an MK3 ship with 1-3 T5 weapons and less hp and slots with my MK2 anytime instead of MK6 with T5 full slots vs my MK3-4 with T3 basic slots. I get what you mean but the compromise would be better in the end. They could also code in uncommon items only for mk1-2, rare for mk3-4, epic and legend for mk5-6. They are many little ways we can fix this MM. I like to push, you know ;)
  19. Anomalix

    Anomalix Member

    27 Apr 2017
    We could fix that by switching the rankings to tiered categories, again MK1 div1-3, MK2-3 div1-3, MK4-5 div 1-3, mk6 div 1-3, rankings on each of your ships, not account based. That's how they do it in another app I've been playing, I got all classes in the game and PVP is character based. #evolveordie
  20. D3X

    D3X Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    Best indicator right now, but it's by no means a good indicator of skill.
    It's a good indicator that the player/account is winning matches at that infamy, and that's a combination of a number of factors: Skill, Level & Rarity of Weapons / Items, Ship Level, Captain Level.

    If I were to break it down, this would be my interpretation:

    Skill = 30%
    Weapons / Items = 35%
    Ship Level = 20%
    Captain Level = 15%

    Total: 100% = Current Highest Infamy

    Skill number requirement rises as you reach the top so maybe up to 50-60% and the rest scaling down respectively. But it'll never be 100%. Infact, you can likely give a complete newbie who's never played a single game a completely maxed ship with T5 epics:
    Which equates to Skill closest to 0% (nobody is 0% in reality) so that remainder of 70% would be likely able to carry the player to a certain respectable infamy (I'm willing to bet it's higher than 2700 infamy). Of course, after playing a couple games, they start 'acquiring' experience and skill. So it's not a good measurement.

    A good example of this is 2nd / Mini accounts. I know of a number of players with main accounts at 3K+ but their mini with an MK4 or MK5 can barely hit 2K. Skill can't carry you all the way up.
    Last edited: 25 May 2017
    Anomalix likes this.

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