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Is it healthy to play all the ships?

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by Rivet, 22 Dec 2017.


Should I focus on one ship?

  1. Yes, it helps you raise your infamy, you overgrown whale! :(

    10 vote(s)
  2. No, have fun with the game!

    10 vote(s)
  1. Rivet

    Rivet Active Member

    13 Jun 2017
    The Chill Zone
    You know, I started off with the speeder. For 1 match, obviously :p
    Then shooter was my go to all the way to 1300 infamy.
    Then I played Mk 3 speeder and I peaked to 1980 infamy early in ... uhh ... back then. :confused:
    But then I left the game. For 3 months. And look at me now, I'm a whale :'(.
    But now I have all my ships except defender at Mk 5. Yes I am ashamed of myself :'(

    But ever since then, I've found it hard to rise in any infamy at all, and it doesn't help with other whales in the area ...

    So the question is this, should I focus on one ship especially and try rising in infamy? I heard it's never a great idea to use more than 2 boats at once, although it really, really helps for guild quests. :rolleyes:
  2. EyeOfDoom

    EyeOfDoom Well-Known Member

    29 Jun 2017
    I think you should only focus on one ship for normal battles. It will help your ship to reach its max potential at that level. You can always play custom battles when you feel like playing other ships but keep one best ship for real matches.
    -SeeKnDeStRoY- and Rivet like this.
  3. xBonk

    xBonk Active Member

    17 Jun 2017
    I have and always will use all ships. When you get bored playing a certain style you have lots of options. Yes overall you upgrade slower, but where are you going, nightmare to be destroyed by whales?
    FearsomeChicken and Rivet like this.
  4. ViscountSniffit

    ViscountSniffit Well-Known Member

    3 Sep 2017
    If you’re not a big spender then you’ll only have a limited amount of resources each season. You can use that, either to raise 1 boat by 500 infamy, or 5 boats by 100 infamy.
    Zachiderp, The Otherguy and Rivet like this.
  5. Earel

    Earel Active Member

    24 Jun 2017
    Playing on different boats give me view of strong and weak parts of the boat... but I recommend do it on the low rate... pre Ace league. Then focus equipment and talent trees on the one boat.
    Rivet and TheFixer27 like this.
  6. Gnu

    Gnu Well-Known Member

    7 Apr 2017
    Yes, it is very helpful. I'm trying to be very diverse with ships & weapons. They can help your guild especially with quests. So you know, you don't feel like there is something that you can't do.
    The Otherguy and Rivet like this.
  7. Rivet

    Rivet Active Member

    13 Jun 2017
    The Chill Zone
    I'm probably stick long with enforcer! Just got to 2000, +400 infamy in one day :confused::cool:
  8. Gnu

    Gnu Well-Known Member

    7 Apr 2017
    Besides, you might like the ship and you feel like it can help you climb infamy. Also it cuts loose the boredom and keeps your spirit in the game going. I didn't play this game since May 2016 for nothing. I tried out new stuff, regardless.

    - ok
    The Otherguy and Rivet like this.
  9. Spinners71

    Spinners71 Well-Known Member

    27 Jul 2017
    The more ships you play, the more items you have to use.
    If you level all those items somewhat evenly, you'll be starved for parts & sugar.

    The most honest I can be is to say that, unless you have other stronger items that I just can't see from your screenshot, I see a bunch of under-leveled gear for 2000+.
    (For comparison, I'm 2300-2500 on average with 2 mk5 ships, and all items either Epic T2 or Rare T3-T4.)

    The question is: are you having fun?
    If you're happy playing a variety of ships, then continue what you're doing, and stop worrying about infamy.
    If you want to rise in infamy, then stop trying to play everything and focus resources on 1-2 ships/loadouts.
    Those are the two extremes of the spectrum, and everyone must choose where they fall somewhere in between.
    xBonk and Rivet like this.
  10. Rivet

    Rivet Active Member

    13 Jun 2017
    The Chill Zone
    But... I have 4 Mk 5 ships, and a lot of t2 epics and t3-4 rares... in enforcer
    Wait... oh my mortar is on my shooter :p
  11. Spinners71

    Spinners71 Well-Known Member

    27 Jul 2017
    Your ships aren't the problem.
    Let's look at the weapons I can see from your screenshot:

    Flare Gun - Epic-9 - Flare dmg isn't phenomenal in general, it mostly exists to boost cannon dmg. So, while it's low, it should remain lower priority.

    Cannon - Rare-24
    - This is pretty low level... Get it to 30+ ASAP. Since this has the most # shots-per-minute, upgrades here will have more impact on your performance than any other upgrades. (Edit: Actually, if you really like Cannon, then seeing the two Epics in your inventory, I'd just start leveling those, make those your top priority, and instead of investing in this Rare Cannon, just replace it.)

    Blast Cannon - Rare-35
    - This is looking good. Get it to 40, but not before investing more in Cannon.

    Swift Torpedo - Epic-10
    - This is pretty low for 2000+ infamy. Get it to 20+, and I think it'd be a solid option for your Enforcer.

    Mine - Rare-10
    - This is just way too low to use at your infamy.

    Explosive Cannon - Epic-10
    - It's not ideal for Enforcer b/c it's 2 slots, but no matter what ship you use it on, Epic-10 is too low for a main-dmg weapon. Get it to 20+.

    Fire Bomb - Epic-10
    - (Same as ExplosiveCannon - see above.)

    In conclusion, you don't have even one weapon at Rare-40 or Epic-20, let alone several, which is what I see as minimums for just 200-300 infamy above you. I'm not saying you can't climb a little bit with great skill (I'm impressed you're even where you are), but I'm saying the good news is....... if you wanted to specialize on a few weapons and level them up, I think you'll see an immediate impact on your infamy.

    I should also add that the more ships/weapons you use, the more spread out your Crew Training will be... so that's another disadvantage of trying to use everything...

    No matter what -- good luck to you!
    Last edited: 22 Dec 2017
    Rivet likes this.
  12. Babablacksheep

    Babablacksheep Well-Known Member

    27 May 2017
    You have reached end game tho,He has lot of journey to look forward to.I recommend 1 ship,Since i m still stuck between multiple ships
  13. Rivet

    Rivet Active Member

    13 Jun 2017
    The Chill Zone
    ...yeah I know, but I only really use the blast cannon, cannon, and a lvl 20 LR mortar. The flare gun is really only for my blast cannon :) the rest are for guild quests.
  14. Rivet

    Rivet Active Member

    13 Jun 2017
    The Chill Zone
    It's not that bad... is it? :(
  15. Gloryah

    Gloryah Member

    6 Jun 2017
    I play on my PC, using Nox. I started with one account and concentrated on two ships...Defender and Fixer. I quickly ran into the problem of not having enough resources to support both ships and ended up spending a bit of real money to get them both to MK5. But I really wanted to play the other boats, too.

    I solved this problem by starting separate accounts for each of the remaining ships. Now, I can develop specific weapons for each ship without cluttering my inventory with useless items. For example, on my Shooter account, I immediately sell or scrap stuff that the ship can't use, such as healing items.

    I've learned the tactics required by each ship. I think it helped me become better on every ship. And it doesn't cost me real money anymore. (the guild rivalry and rewards helps, too)

    An added note, I started my own guild and all four accounts are members. I have a ship capable of doing just about every guild quest that comes up. Don't get me wrong...I'm not the only person in my guild. I have the full 25 members. But I'm more useful to the guild with five capable ships to play. We currently have 9 gold trophies and 3 silver trophies.
    Last edited: 23 Dec 2017
  16. LimeOnMars

    LimeOnMars Well-Known Member

    10 Jul 2017
    If you can afford it, i think using multiple ships is the best choice, since it teaches you diverse playstyles and how to deal with each boat.
    If you want to minimize the loss of resources and talents, choose carefully your builds (e.g. i use flare blast granade on enforcer, flare exc on speeder, flare blast exc on defender).
    Last edited: 23 Dec 2017
  17. AVID

    AVID Well-Known Member

    27 Jun 2017
    i won all "5" mk5 ships...i really enjoy...playing all of them when required...always playing with single ship is boring...
    also waste of trying to go up without captain training.......let tfinish captain training first...then u will go up automatically after upgrading ur weapon......
    who ever go first without captain trainign will stuck at some point...as i observed.....
    so play cool...upgrade all ships enjoy the game....never stuck with one ship and same weapons....try all weapons tooo..........
    TheAntiSnipe likes this.
  18. Rainbow Warrior

    Rainbow Warrior Well-Known Member

    26 Sep 2017
    I've choosen to use all boats this beautiful game has, and I love it, 5x times the fun :D

    BUT, there are some things anyone who think about do the same thing should know:
    - your items will take a top much time to get improved.
    - all of your friends will raise infamy a lot faster than you.
    - you'll have to makes tough choices on your crew members tree (I'd like to use railgun on my shooter, tesla Shield on my enforcer and tesla bolt on my speeder, but they wouldn't to be strong enough, so i've adapted my shooter settings).
    - you'll need at least 5x the resources you'd need using a single boat.
    If after considering those things you still want to use various boats, have fun as I do :D

    PILIPINO AKO! Member

    30 May 2017
    *This is only my opinion.
    Rather to me I use different ships. Because you will help much to your guild quest and example; just like when you got legendary healing item while that you use only enforcer thou.

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