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Competition Replay of the week! - Master Only

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by The Grim Repair, 4 Dec 2017.

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  1. antarbou

    antarbou Member

    22 Jun 2017
    I can share them later
  2. learner008

    learner008 New Member

    16 Dec 2017
    Was trying to get some damage with Carronade Weapon, i Guess i did my Best, the quality may be bad but i tried my best, Any advice or strategy is welcomed , i am still learning how to play lol ...
    ViscountSniffit likes this.
  3. The Grim Repair

    The Grim Repair Community Manager

    26 Sep 2017
    @ViscountSniffit is this time's winner - congratulations!

    Thanks for everyone who liked videos and submitted your replays :)
    More sharing will continue next year! Take care everyone :cool:
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