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Three Ideas for Game Improvement

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by Aethon, 14 May 2017.

  1. Aethon

    Aethon New Member

    14 May 2017
    Hello everyone, I've been playing Battle Bay for a while now and thought I'd offer three suggestions that I think would really improve the game.

    1. Better Reporting System
    Recently, I've been running into more and more AFK players and there's no easy way to report them. I even encountered two people that fleeted up and were both AFK.
    Make it so that you can tap on players to see their profile on the final scoreboard after the match ends. This way we can immediately report any players that were AFK during the game.

    2. Better Way of Displaying Fixer Impact
    Speaking of the final scoreboard, you probably know that it displays the amount of damage you dealt during the match as a way of gauging the impact you've had on the match. However, since
    Fixers always have less weapons than the other ships, they usually have a smaller damage number, making it look like they didn't do much.
    Count the healing done as "damage". Then the number on the final scoreboard would essentially be Damage Done/Healed. Or, have a separate number showing the healing done.

    3. Practice Mode
    This is pretty simple, a practice mode against bots would be pretty cool. Their damage and health can scale up as we level up.

    So what do you guys think? Any feedback on my ideas? Or maybe you have a better idea? I would love to get some discussion going.
    Last edited: 14 May 2017
    dikshift, Skyred89, KevinTJC and 2 others like this.
  2. TwoHeadedFreak

    TwoHeadedFreak Member

    18 May 2017
    I have one more suggestion to add to your list.

    Fix the match making. I'll be on a team with 4 mk2's and one mk1 and the other team will have 4mk 2's and a mk3. It's a slaughter. Just now I had a game where the other team had 4 mk3's and 1 mk2 to our 4 mk2's and one mk1. We didn't stand a chance. Please, match the same level boats, I realise fleeting up will still break this, but it's almost never caused by fleeting up, it's just bad matching
    Aethon likes this.
  3. MyLittlePony

    MyLittlePony New Member

    6 May 2017
    To be honest this is perfect what the game needs.
    Aethon likes this.
  4. TwoHeadedFreak

    TwoHeadedFreak Member

    18 May 2017
    Wow, just wow. Still mk2, tonight I got matched against a mk5 boat. Seriously, why?
  5. monobrow

    monobrow Well-Known Member

    7 May 2017
    Because the infamy match making system is based on infamy .
    Not captain level, not boat level, not who ate what for breakfast,

    And while that is the case, people are able to lose, not try as hard or heck, just chill out down lower if they want, try new weapons, new tactics. It is what it is.

    And if you think life isnt fair, you'd be right. But heres a lesson, learn to adapt and make it work for you or quit.

    Most people quit.
    Captain_Perry likes this.
  6. rlxgenerate

    rlxgenerate Active Member

    10 May 2017
    Honestly, most people are at the infamy they need to be at. Now, I have had some horrible luck lately and dropped into the upper 800's from 1200's. If I run my defender at that infamy...then it's a mk3 w/ 3400 hp. That's insane at infamy 890. Now, i get that in nightmare and ace, that's tiny. But it happens. I'm not trying to lose, I just can't seem to keep my team together enough to win.

    It happens. I hope the system is improved upon but overall...yeah...I'll just end on that note.
  7. g1r

    g1r New Member

    14 May 2017
    I would really love a practice mode.
    Skyred89 likes this.
  8. Sahil

    Sahil New Member

    24 May 2017
    It would me more awesome if we can donate items or trade items in the guild as mostly guild is useless coz only thing we can do is fleet up. So I think it would be great.
  9. DLCoates1

    DLCoates1 New Member

    10 May 2017
    I highly agree with this. Back when I had just MK1 I was put in matches with MK3's and 4's. It's a nightmare. You get slaughtered every time. But unfortunately some players will attempt to lose infamy on purpose just to mess with lower tier ships.
  10. Skyred89

    Skyred89 New Member

    25 May 2017
    Another thing they can improve on is the amount of people you can fleet up with. Currently it's only just 1 person I think. Couldn't they make it up to 5 people?
  11. aaaxxd

    aaaxxd Member

    20 May 2017
    That is probably the third most repeated suggestion (after "hp healed leaderboard" and "better matchmaking system"). One big problem with it is that a team consisting entirely of a fleet will mow down an opponent group where none is in a fleet. This can end up being another one of the unbalance issue in the matchmaking system. Maybe fleet vs fleet games could work though.

    I have some in-game suggestions as well. What about adding an option to detonate your destroyed ship (or turn it into a heal box)? That will keep players engaged at a minimal level after their ships are destroyed, and make the game a bit more complex.
  12. Raissa tito safaraz

    Raissa tito safaraz Active Member

    18 May 2017
    I totally agree with your number 1&2 point!
  13. Andreshuy

    Andreshuy New Member

    25 May 2017
    Cannot agree more with you, But I have some to add up:
    1. Improvement on the Stats Board: Currently it only shows the total numbers of game played, win and lose games. Who not add more stats like dmg per game, average star earned. ship destroyed per game, shooting accuracy, etc. I'm pretty sure it would be very helpful for the matchmaking system, and it is definitely not hard to do for the devs.
    2. More command codes: The ones we're using is not enough, for sure. Sometimes I need to call for fixers to heal (SOS code doesn't help) or to call back the trying-to-be-cool jerks who split the team, or just inform my teammates about opponents coming from behind. This game is so teamwork-oriented that lack of communication really impedes the performances.
    3. Guild Connection: The guild system is so useless right now. There is no point of joining a guild (It's so ridiculous that we still have to friend people in guild to fleet up!!!). Guild battle is being developed so I'm not gonna mention about it. What I'm trying so suggest is some type of guild donation and guild contribution. I've played a number of mobile game and they all have this kind of thing so people can help each other. My idea is that guild members are allowed to request and donate parts, weapons and evolve cells. (There must be limitations in doing so, of course).
    4. Fun mode: This is quite different from #1 post. There should be special maps that people can go crazy shooting (like a real arena) when people can pick whetever legendary weapons they like. No strategy, No infamy points, and No Capture area. This would be very fun to play besides those competitive games.
    Anyway, thumb up for the devs for making such a well-balanced game (y).
  14. Miathan

    Miathan Well-Known Member

    22 May 2017
    I agree with Aethon, those 3 things would be great.
  15. Raissa tito safaraz

    Raissa tito safaraz Active Member

    18 May 2017
    How do you know that guild battle is being developed

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