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Current Shop System, does it suck?

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by D3X, 26 Apr 2017.


What do you think of the Current Shop / Item System?

  1. Needs work.

  2. Good.

  1. S.S. Von Snoot

    S.S. Von Snoot New Member

    24 May 2017
    D3X, how do you respond to accusations of being a terrible friend and formerly my best buddy in the game, for no reason blocking me? Also, in the spirit of this thread, I did just get a very useless epic frost blaster that super sucks.

    Here is an idea - let users buy ANY epic for 3000 pearls! That way you can save pearls to get a new tier item.
  2. Anomalix

    Anomalix Member

    27 Apr 2017
    now all you need is skills to go with those legends, you are way too passive mate and easy to kill for a speeder mate, been in a lot of games with you and you play hide and seek behind walls, you never scout or use your speed to mess the enemy line, you just wait for them to come, that doesn't work vs a good fixer team, gotta push, destabilize , #getgud
  3. Jammo

    Jammo Member

    6 Apr 2017
    The Fighthouse
    I haven't played since global launch. I have never used a Speeder. My forum name is different to my in-game name... check your facts before posting maybe
  4. Anomalix

    Anomalix Member

    27 Apr 2017
    My bad, I thought I was replying to winkleberry5 haha

    Bottom line is, as I stated in another post and my letter to Rovio HQ, they have failed miserably in monetizing this game in an imaginative and appealing way. Too much randomness and VIP is absolutely overpriced for the content offered.
    Last edited by a moderator: 25 May 2017
  5. TheRedSpeeder

    TheRedSpeeder Well-Known Member

    10 Apr 2017
    That's actually a good idea because no matter do they block the way to buy straightly epics for 3000 pearls or do they not - Those who uses pearls will get their epics/legendaries upgraded and evolved anyway o_O So that would help p2progress and f2p players (it would be slow but hey.. no money no gain :D). There's the way to solve this I think. Good thinking mate ;) Now, let's just hope developers agree with us :rolleyes:

    Cheers :cool:
    Helius Maximus and Mr squiqqle like this.
  6. D3X

    D3X Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    LMAO I didn't know I was your BFF! You weren't blocked, you can still message me? I haven't exactly quit yet.

    As for your idea, I think ROVIO might think 3K pearls would be too cheap, maybe 7.5k?
  7. Helius Maximus

    Helius Maximus Active Member

    25 Apr 2017
    Monterrey, NL, MX
    Nononono, it should be the same pricing as in previous shop versión. Rovio, don't be too gready!
  8. Whoops

    Whoops Member

    6 May 2017
    I caved and bought a 3900 pearl chest. Totally useless. I scrapped every single item I received, and I use a shooter, a speeder, and a fixer. You'd think I would get at least one duplicate across all those ships. Wont be doing that again.
    D3X and Jammo like this.
  9. Helius Maximus

    Helius Maximus Active Member

    25 Apr 2017
    Monterrey, NL, MX
    Been there, done that and said enough about it, this RNG system just sucks!!!
    Jammo likes this.
  10. D3X

    D3X Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    No no no, don't you get it? This shop system is supposed to make it harder than it was! Dev's haven't responded saying that it's easier. The change from T1-T5 weapons up from T1-T3 was all to make it more difficult to upgrade your weapons requiring more parts and resources each level. So the new pricing for an Epic item should reflect the system.
  11. Stelmo

    Stelmo Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    It takes the same amount of duplicates to get to T5 now as it did to get the old T3. Duplicates aren't more difficult to come by now either, nor does levelling up actually cost more.
    It may seem like it at first, but each level up is far more significant than they used to be.
    To be fair I wouldn't mind cheaper levelling up resources, but it is what it is:rolleyes:
    The difference is that now you don't have to collect, level and fuse 4 duplicates to go T3, progress is much quicker.
  12. D3X

    D3X Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    How is that rubbish? It's taking that scale and stretching it out. That's exactly what they did. Then changing the crew system so you can't upgrade them til you leveled the Captain levels to even have the prerequisite. Secondly, it now takes 6 of the same items to get to T5. That wasn't what it was before. The current T3 weapons is as good as an old mid T2. Plus, even dupe requirements take an enormous amount of power cells + gold + sugar.
    So tell me, how is any of this any quicker? along with trying to find the bloody dupes?
    Last edited: 26 May 2017
  13. Stelmo

    Stelmo Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    It used to take 2 T2 duplicates to go from T2 to T3. That's 4 items, plus the 2 for the equipped T2.
    6 = 6 last time i checked.
    That also meant levelling and evolving items that you weren't even using.
    You always had to reach certain crew levels to evolve.
    A maxed T3 is slightly better than the old maxed T2. Totally maxed items are now way more powerful than they were before.

    That's how.
  14. Miika

    Miika Game Lead

    29 Mar 2017
    How is that bad? You have now more fine grained update path so you don't have to be stuck at T3 evolution for a half a year.

    Evolution requirement talents have always been there.

    Yes it was. Previously you needed 1 extra to go from T1 to T2. And you needed 2xT2 to go from T2 to T3. That equals to 6 items.
    Except before you actually had to level up and evolve those duplicates to get them from T1 to T2, so it's easier now.

    Both cumulative gold and sugar needed to level up from min to max level is now less than it used to be, plus we even increased the battle rewards in addition.
  15. Stelmo

    Stelmo Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    Haha @Miika , what am I even getting paid for here;)
  16. Stelmo

    Stelmo Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    To be clear. I am not getting paid.
  17. D3X

    D3X Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    Ok well if it's 6 then that's fine and I digress on that aspect. But that doesn't rebuttal the change in captain levels that Rovio made, they definitely made it more difficult to get there. IF you had a T3 item(not maxed) back before the Global release update, that changes to the T4 level weapon after the update. Some players had the benefit of having a weapon/item that was higher than their Captain levels(the weapon or item specs/damage was NO different). Which proves that higher level weapons were made more difficult to acquire to lower level players (TLDR: they upped the captain level requirements, you get weaker weapons).

    So I can't really translate how that's any easier, they just made it harder . Higher level requirement is more difficulty?
    Secondly, it takes a ton of powercells and material parts from T1-to-T5. Whereas before, you simply fused other weapons into it, any rarity! For example, if you had a Uncommon level 30, and you found and Epic of the same weapon, you could fuse the level 30 into the Epic and immediately use it. That's so much easier! You can't do that anymore. One of the biggest mockery statements in the loading screens was "try a different weapon, you might like it!"? That might have been true before, but to try anything now, you either have to be a complete noob with no investment in items, or you have to take at least 2 weeks of non-pay-to-win to even get an item to usable level of your infamy to "TRY" out.
    Last edited: 26 May 2017
  18. D3X

    D3X Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    It's not if everything was kept exactly the same, and simply stretched out. I find it hard to believe it's "EXACTLY" the same with the reasons I posted.

    Right, but it was changed, and the levels at getting the evolution requirements were made more difficult. Requiring a higher level of captaincy to get the same evolution levels(compared to the old T1>T3Max).

    Fine. That's the same. See my post above.

    @Miika Keyword was Power Cells and parts (not mentioned, but assumed it was understood). I like how you danced around that subject.
    Last edited: 26 May 2017
  19. Stelmo

    Stelmo Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    Obviously the gold spent on parts was taken into account silly. All of those items that you so simply fused into your upgrades, where do you think they came from?
    Feeding uncommons into a middling epic did almost nothing. You had to have all sorts of nuts and bolts, similar weapons etc to increase upgrade bonus first, and then feed it something big to really have an impact. Usually another epic.

    Not sure of the relevance, but that hypothetical weapon that got auto upgraded with that update.. Maybe it did have the same strength, until you levelled it up just once. A maxed T2 didn't become a maxed T3, just a T3.

    Saying that something is proven doesn't make it so. Weapons are still easier to upgrade now.

    You clearly aren't going to stop complaining though, and I have ducks to feed.
  20. D3X

    D3X Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    It still translates to harder, because now it takes MORE time to get the item to a respectable level to be used. Not being able to use the weapon immediately makes it harder. Time = Money = Pearls. How is this difficult to compute? Before, you could buy nuts and bolts, hoard them, and loaded feed something that was worthy with it. Today it's not, you're capped with Gold by captaincy, you have to dump gold by purchasing rare and epic parts (1/10) from Shop and you NEVER know if you needed them because it's a magical chance/lottery. Then you need to buy the material and stay ontop of scrapping items to get Powercells, then have to maintain a good level of all material parts; common, uncommon, rare, epic, legendary. Which it requires all of those material parts to level up at every level and at every evolve junction(I,II,III,IV,V)..... Powercells.. That's a clear difference of increased difficulty. You now have to collect everything!

    Untrue. Old T2 Max became a mid T3. Mid T3 level 25 or so became a T4. Which leapfrogged over the required Captain levels. IE; Bhurt level 18 and you now had a T3 Cannon weapon instead of a T2 Cannon. T3 became T4. I know of many players having benefited this after the upgrade, and those that didn't paid the price with the new system.

    You know that works both ways? So you're saying something that's not proven does make it so? Upgrading weapons isn't easier, finding duplicates for them is harder, and you need more gold and sugar to fill the prerequisites to even level up the the items now. Also required to buy all the parts available from shop to combine and not knowing that they are. This is fact, and it's stated here on this thread endlessly and nobody has said it has BEEN easier to get duplicates. Poll results is fact too.

    Wasn't complaining, just stating the facts. Go feed your ducks.
    Last edited: 26 May 2017

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