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How To Use Enforcer

Discussion in 'Strategy Discussion' started by P0rthos, 23 May 2017.


Do you like enforcer?

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  1. P0rthos

    P0rthos Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    Here's a thread for you to share all your favorite Enforcer trips and tricks.

    What's your favorite loadout on an enforcer and why? Let us know!
  2. Ep0cx

    Ep0cx New Member

    13 May 2017
    Been using a frost blaster/big torpedo with some success, inspired by your video!

    Makes me sad I wont be able to have a big torp and two other weapons on the final ship :(
    JustinBeaver likes this.
  3. oDDD

    oDDD Member

    9 May 2017
    Mk 3 Enforcer. Rare tier 2 20 cannon epic 10 sniper with rare 10 turbo (rare 10 bandage at mk4) and uncommon tier 2 20 overboost and tier 2 15 nitro (nitro to be replaced with frost launcher epic at mk4) i use it too snipe first minute. Then i use my speed to flank and shoot from different cover. Last i usually see what is needed if i havent been sunk yet. Usually speed too another firong position. Or more often i rush in and past enemy turrets and circle harrass and pick off low health ships. I find the enforcer multi
    Front strategy can really help turn tables. Not letting ships a shot or 2 away from sinking escape behind cover. I love circling behind enemys and getting a Sniper round and 2 cannons in their back before they even start spinning theor turret.
  4. • Percy •

    • Percy • Well-Known Member

    10 Jul 2017
    9th grader
    A hospital
    I've found this to be very helpful. I think moving in a zigzag will make you harder to hit when your "strafing" run has been completed and you're fleeing. Also, make yourself really unpredictable while keeping your turret pointed backward so you can shoot as you run. I find it to be useful most with the enforcer as it's the agility master of the game (especially when there's a rudder involved). Cheers P0rthos! Love yo videos
  5. disorder

    disorder Active Member

    7 Jun 2017
    Weapon: blast epic t3, flare rare t3, grenade epic t1
    Utility : frostblaster rare t3, teslabolt epic t2
    Support : turbo rare t3, shield epic t2
    Enforcer mk5
    Speed :1,14
    For a middle/close range fight
    Enough speed for me
    A Good pool of hp
    2 Fire weapon really useful when you frost a guy or, funnier stun him just after hit (dot stay with tesla).
    -A Really good build in 1v1(possible to even kill defender when noone wipe your teslabolt) ,
    -And good control for team.
    -Flaregun and teslabolt can reduce heal.
    -Must be aware for hitting well (when im tired its horrible)
    -Snipe and mortar are really dangerous at long range
    -No regen hp
    -No a good dancer without ob, just a little dodge.
    Next step :
    -teslashield at mk6,
    -change all my perk (just green one),
    -pray for a better fucking grenade
    -Up t4 my turbo
    -Up t4 frostblaster
    Last edited: 24 Jul 2017
    Nof likes this.

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