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Guild Quests Changing

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by Blood Raven, 26 Nov 2017.

  1. Blood Raven

    Blood Raven Well-Known Member

    25 May 2017
    Software Developer
    In the current system of guild quests, if a guild encounters a quest it cant do/perform well (mostly of specific weapon speciality) or cant even manage to complete it due to lack of weapon(s) it gets stuck with it.
    However the same may not be applicable to a rival's quest board since the quests given are completely random and will depend on your luck.
    And the quests should be based on an equally competing manner, not luck where one team can precede the other based on quests recieved. (also another example would be railgun quest vs flare gun quest. railgun would be relatively much easier to complete than the slow damage building up flare, considering both at equal rarity and power)
    A recent example would be the scenario in our guild, where we didn't have a decent ballpark contributor and got stuck with its specialist quest not being able to advance to the next board. We managed to get through with the help of everybody pooling in ballparks (from uncommon to rare, a few epics) and some new members i called in to help us surge through the quests.

    Now here comes the issues -
    As i mentioned above once too, The quests are completely random, so if you get such quests where your team is lacking in having the specialist item, you'll have to either just sit behind and watch your rivalry guild advance with more quests while you try to do the quest with low powered items (which is unfair. also the the rivalry guild gets advantage in this, or in a similar way if the rivalry guild is stuck in something they dont have of decent quality while we get everything we can work on good, it'd be unfair for them) or worse wait for the weekly rivalry to end so you can hope for better luck next time. (Because the contribution needed is high and even though all contribute with their low powered weapons, it isn't enough) This is the major drawback, quests being solely based on luck, can be unfair.
    Next, The fact that we don't have decent weapons for that quest, and so in order to try to complete the quest, need to try out some low level gear for the quest which leads to players using low level weaponry for their levels and this can lead to lowering firepower of a team and using low level setups which many/all players dislike as it lowers chances of winning of your team as every member counts with every weapon it carries and performs.
    Some might say one low level weapon can be carried (such as for shooter where you have 5 weapons packed in from mk5, so a change in one weapon of low level might not bring a significant change) but then again there are many players who run double or more of those low level weapons for quests which affects team firepower.
    Lastly, if all else fails, we can get some contributors/helpers for our personal guilds' quests from another guild or ones out in the open. but that would mean changing guild squad for help with a quest we cant do, and guild quests were made with one point being to increase guild stability or member-loyality, with everybody questing in together and trying to outperform other guilds with the team it is. Not an everchanging team which could change as and when new members are required for specific quests.

    A simple one would be to get such specialist quests where a majority of your team/guild has that weapon. (also upto a decent level maybe, if that can be incorporated)
    say for example 14 members in your guild has carronade, so you can get carronade quest (possibility).
    If the above solution doesnt seem reasonable or is hard to implement, atleast a quest change feature can be added, like we get to change our individual quests.
    This can be done where we change a particular quest per board. the changed quest can be random (other than the one it was before being changed), or better a quest of your choice.

    That sums it up, hope whatever the solution maybe, benefits guild competition in a fair way, such as you get quests where everyone can participate and luck should not be a factor in getting unfair (by unfair it means lack of specified item) quests while the other guilds in rivalry may not get such sort of quests or vice versa which gives some guild the upperhand while the other(s) being stuck.
    thanks for reading this much!
  2. Zusay

    Zusay Well-Known Member

    11 Jun 2017
    Well I actually like the way it is. You have to work with your team and i get to play weapons that i would normally not use. I agree sometimes it can be annoying if only one player has the specific weapon upgraded and it takes some time to finish the quest (especially at higher boards), still i don't think it needs any change
  3. Tirth2_

    Tirth2_ Well-Known Member

    14 Oct 2017
    Look the whole idea behind the of the creation of "rivalry quest" is to filter out best guild among the selected guilds!

    In my definition, the best guild is the one that has all kind of players with the versatile use of different weapons rather than all with the same type of weapon combo or anything like that!

    The guild quests are random and according to me, they should be, after all, what's the use of getting quests that you can complete easily.

    Random quests promote use of all weapons and ships, enhancing decision making and gameplay, plus getting you out of your "comfort zone".

    I got your point on other guilds might have easier quests, but there is a chance they might not have....
    and if you really deserve those +42k tokens, then grind and complete the quests to show you are the best among them!
  4. Tirth2_

    Tirth2_ Well-Known Member

    14 Oct 2017
    This must be "one of those quests" you are trying to highlight, right?

    Well man! U need to come out of your comfort zone and try new weapons n get the quests done!
    All the best! :)
    Last edited: 26 Nov 2017
  5. Stelmo

    Stelmo Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    All guilds in the rivalry really should have the same boards, not that it matters though..
    The best guild is the one with the most boosts.
  6. Joey who

    Joey who Well-Known Member

    11 Jun 2017
    Agreed 100%
  7. Jennyfur3810

    Jennyfur3810 Active Member

    8 May 2017
    Mcallen, Texas
    I disagree with this. My guild went up against a BIG money guild last rivalry. We spend money, of course, but this guild literally had unlimited boost at there disposal. Maybe we had a easier board, maybe we just worked better as a team.
    But it would be nice to know that the reason is because we are better, not because we got lucky with a easier board.
    CiLedge, Joey who and Ashtin Micheli like this.
  8. yellowocean

    yellowocean Well-Known Member

    13 Apr 2017
    when rival guilds have the same infinite boosts, then it all comes down to who has the more active members which should be the key factor in the first place. i bet that if you take out the boost factor, rivalries will be much more closely contested and nobody would be able to complete board 5. But then again, the devs have to make money so the boost mechanic probably won't change. i've made tons of suggestions on how to make rivalries more competitive and the winner determined by effor tand teamplay, but alas, no response from the devs so i guess it's not in consideration. This may be a game but ii's also a business, so just deal with it i suppose. our guild, for one, has accepted the fact that we can't compete against booster guilds so we just try to finish as many quests as we can.
  9. yellowocean

    yellowocean Well-Known Member

    13 Apr 2017
    you might wanna try taking stock of your guild's upgraded weapon inventory so you can plan better. take out the inactive players and replace them with players who can address the gaps in your arsenal.

    like this:
  10. Zusay

    Zusay Well-Known Member

    11 Jun 2017
    Well said!!
    The Otherguy and Tirth2_ like this.
  11. Zusay

    Zusay Well-Known Member

    11 Jun 2017
    Great work on collecting the data! Many fields are full in your row hehe
  12. yellowocean

    yellowocean Well-Known Member

    13 Apr 2017
    well the orange cells means the weapons are still weak or "in progress", so it won't be that useful for quests but can still be used if really really necessary
    Shadow Moon!, The Otherguy and Zusay like this.
  13. Blood Raven

    Blood Raven Well-Known Member

    25 May 2017
    Software Developer
    Tbh most of the ones saying this are ones coming from guilds who have almost all weapons at a decent level. Thats all good, But for those who dont?
    I didnt want to bring this up but guilds in the current system would win if they have members with a wide cache of weapons (of high levels) and boosts on almost all the time.
    And we dont have boosts on 50% of the time, we can of course afford the individual ×2 boosts more of the time and occassionally a superboost or get from generous guild members but it doesnt mean you'll neglect the boost criterion as the major guilds use superboosts all the time. And some of us prefer to save the pearls to buy epic chests and they are right in spending as they like, not everyone can get buckloads of pearls that they can spend on every new pearl spending feature the devs add.
    Sorry for not replying to all individually, but here are my responses -

    @Zusay : well as you like then, your opinion. Or maybe cause your faring better and wouldnt want anything to change so you guys keep winning.

    @Tirth_2 : we got carronade users no problem for that. But again for those who dont, its a problem too yes.
    And its not about comfort zone (am sure am not bad with any weapon and can be equally competitive) its about f2p luck.
    Its not that i want a weapon and i'll get a high level/damage doing thing instantly. Thats something ones who pay can do. I cant just create a t4 rare ballpark in a day or a t3 epic (taking my case as example) for a quest i just recieved. Having an arsenal of all weapons of decent firepower is not easy in any way for a normal player. If you have its well and good for you, but you'll know the frustration when you and most of your team deal with the quests with low powered stuff. Even the spenders in our guild couldn't contribute much to the bp quest no matter how hard they try cause they didnt have decent ballparks due to rng of getting items even with spending. As i said, for those who do its well and good, for those who dont its fair you guys put yourselves in our shoes and see.
    Rivalry should be fair, then its call right as its name.
    This would be off-topic but for the last part of your first post here, Grinding for such quests isn't whats called actual 'rivalry' (there's good competition here too, but not in a balanced manner to seek how competitive each guild is). Make it like guild battles 5v5 and then call it. Point is make it fair and challenging in that way, not by some teams which can afford every item and surge through boosts. Am sure my team can thrash others as well as get bashed by other skilled guilds. Thats what real grind is to compete.

    @Stelmo : Good idea! It'd be good for all guilds to have the same quests and the ones common to which both guilds can do (not easily, i want challenges too but do-able ones not struggle-able). And you pretty much said it all, the ones who can afford are the real winners cause they have a major advantage in that. (x5 of your efforts, what you achieve in 5 weeks, they achieve in 1 week if we think of it like that)

    @yellowocean : I second that! Agreed in all points.
    Also yes we can get players of different caliber for different items that randomly come up at quests, but for how long? This would lead to an everlasting change of members, and i would rather want a fixed family then a on-quest demand member shifting team.
    I want to utilize everyone's potential because i know our guild is quite active (even before this whole raffle business started) and many others' out there too. But unfortunately we would be rather going for new members then, which is why i reasoned this as an issue in my post.
    However, as you stated that would be the only thing left to do if nothing is done and your right in suggesting that.
    Also thanks a ton for the data! Must've taken quite some effort and time, appreciate it :)
    Your guild is wise indeed! I've also seen other guilds like UVN not pay much heed to buying boosts and all.
    we'll revert to that instead of complaining here but i thought of giving it a try to see how this issue is tackled by the devs thinking that they might make this small change of fair boards and actually wanted a response from them but not until yet!

    Sorry for the short post :p
  14. Tirth2_

    Tirth2_ Well-Known Member

    14 Oct 2017
    Dude I don't speak without having experienced that thing before or if I dont have specific knowledge of that thing!

    Talking about the comment I've highlighted..... We were on board 1 and we had a carronade quest thrown at us!
    None of the players in the guild used the carronade!
    I too being an mk3 bought an uncommon carronade had an epic carronade(thank God I didn't scrap) and went onto the battle field without complaining!

    I opened a thread instead in order to ask for help regarding the carronade use for the quest!


    So it's not that I've never been there! I've actually have! N I completely understand what u r trying to say there, but sometimes the struggle helps u grow, as I mentioned it gets u out of your comfort zone! :)
  15. Blood Raven

    Blood Raven Well-Known Member

    25 May 2017
    Software Developer
    Ah well you were good enough to not complain like me about that in a thread i suppose :p
    But, you realize you were in board 1 and we are in board 4. 1500k damage. A very beri bery vast difference.
    Totally uncompared to what you face.

    Lastly, going out of your comfort zone means trying new items that you cant perform well, and thats definitely not the case here. Also am comfortable with any weapon i get. As an f2p whatever i get with with my luck, i can utilize fairly good.
    Instead its like you try downpowered setups for your level and weaken the firepower of your team.
    USS_ironsides likes this.
  16. Tirth2_

    Tirth2_ Well-Known Member

    14 Oct 2017
    I understand that! I too am an f2p player!

    Have a look at this:

    It's nothing as compared to yours but this ain't easy too! :p
  17. Admiral DJ

    Admiral DJ Well-Known Member

    27 Nov 2017
    What about increasing guild size?
  18. Shadow Moon!

    Shadow Moon! Well-Known Member

    24 Jul 2017
    Yeah it can done. But problems will be
    1) Rivals with boosts will runs through quests very very fast given there will be more contributors.
    2) To compensate this devs will need to increase the amount of damage per quest.
    3) Then it will become even harder for the guilds who don't spend that much on boosts. As the already players present will not have the weapons to contribute.
  19. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    My guild no longer plays competitive. You spend metric tonnes of tough to obtain pearls for some crappy rewards. Nope. Unless they put boosts in slots at raffle or something, we ain't doing the board 3. I've really had it.
    ~Lady Stark~ likes this.
  20. Admiral DJ

    Admiral DJ Well-Known Member

    27 Nov 2017

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