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Discussion in 'Strategy Discussion' started by Gamesmith420, 8 May 2017.


Will fixers ever receive compensation for a job well done? And do you think they should?

Poll closed 18 May 2017.
  1. Yes

  2. Maybe? Should definitely be considered!

  3. No

  1. lolawola

    lolawola Active Member

    8 May 2017
    question: does feelix's 2nd ability (the circled green cross) also improve power of bandages?
  2. Totoro

    Totoro Active Member

    20 May 2017
    Tree Spirit
    Large Camphor Tree
    Just read this thread for opinions on that. There is an epic debate.
  3. Totoro

    Totoro Active Member

    20 May 2017
    Tree Spirit
    Large Camphor Tree
    I believe it does. I see a crew bonus on it for the appropriate amount and that is the only way I could have got it.

    I hope you are not using bandage for fixer though. It is a waste.
  4. Weaponizer

    Weaponizer Member

    18 May 2017
    I use Bandage on Fixer :p
  5. rlxgenerate

    rlxgenerate Active Member

    10 May 2017
    need to ask 2 questions before I can properly answer that question:
    1) what infamy are you at (because I need to know who you're getting matched up with)?
    2) what level is your fixer?

    Once I get those answers, I can help give some advice on whether to go box or pulse.
  6. rlxgenerate

    rlxgenerate Active Member

    10 May 2017
    Don't...until it's higher level...I'm not against it but if you only have 1 or 2 slots...it's selfish...once you have 3 or more...than yes, bandage isn't a bad idea.
  7. lolawola

    lolawola Active Member

    8 May 2017
    I don't play fixer, just was curious if his crew talents apply to bandages
  8. aaaxxd

    aaaxxd Member

    20 May 2017
    Bandage goes to a blue slot, so it doesn't have anything to do with selfishness? It is only as bad as having a light shield in rationale, although I don't see a point with a repair pulse lying around.
  9. Weaponizer

    Weaponizer Member

    18 May 2017
    I think that Fixers should get bonus Infamy for how many heal points they dealt. Like Whistler said, if they don't get anything for doing their job, other classes shouldn't be rewarded for doing their job.
  10. Weaponizer

    Weaponizer Member

    18 May 2017
    Also, should we make a guild called the Fixer's Union?
  11. aaaxxd

    aaaxxd Member

    20 May 2017
    Fixers get stars as rewards for fixing. It is rare for fixers to get one star in a game, whereas it is more common for shooters and defenders.
  12. rlxgenerate

    rlxgenerate Active Member

    10 May 2017
    I guess what I was trying to say was there's more purpose to having hp vs bandage...because you're already healing...you're more valuable in a game if you're alive so more hp = more chances to live...if you have 1 or 2 slots...use a shield and give yourself a chance to live to help your team win. But that's my rationale.
  13. Softmurks

    Softmurks New Member

    15 May 2017
    For my Part i got the Most Matches 2stars as fixer
  14. Firebrand

    Firebrand New Member

    22 May 2017
    It's quite simple. If playing as a Fixer makes your post-game performance and your rewards suffer, then almost nobody will play as one. Especially in a pay to win game. This class will be dead if they don't give point recognition for support roles. With the way the scoring works now, it's not worth it to play as anything other than DPS. Not unless you want to progress slower than everyone else or spend exorbitant amounts of money.

    I love playing as a support in team games, but I also don't want to get bogged down from my rewards sucking because I was too busy healing to deal the most damage or get the most kills. Then I'll fall behind, won't be able to do crap in matches, the game will stop being fun, and I'll stop playing it.

    This is a great game with tons of potential, best thing about it is it's unique, and not a stupid cut and paste of Game of War, Dragon Souls, or Dungeon Hunter. But I seriously hope they fix the scoring soon, for the game's sake.
  15. Mache

    Mache New Member

    21 May 2017
    Hi Fixer"s Union!
    In going to level up my fixer to MK3. In your opinion it works better with Canon or with napalm launcher?
    I think that with napalm launcher i have to think less about attack (i shot at enemy spot every 12 seconds and gg), but i think that i could have trouble in the end game dinamics, when only me and 1 friends boat remain vs 2 oppo.... so what u prefer for Red slot on fixer MK3?
  16. Kitterini

    Kitterini Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    We do get rewarded (both stars, gold & sugar) for how our healing done affected the outcome of the game -- I don't get the impression that playing Fixer negatively affects my "income".
    Napalm Launcher can be very useful in breaking the opposing team apart in those healing heavy games -- I would not be comfortable running it before higher infamy though (probably not even before getting 2 weapons), it leaves you defenseless lategame & doing less damage will result in every game providing less sugar+gold.
    I'm still stuck with basic cannon - Its not ideal, but it does shine every now & then.
  17. Kitterini

    Kitterini Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    For most mk's its not an either / or.
    Mk3+4 has (3) green right? So use one of each if you want to Box in the early game.
    Mk 5 has (4) green & 3 open slots - So here you do have to pick between Pulse+Pulse or Pulse+Box+Box. Which you want depends on your preference (and what items you have gathered), I like the double Pulse setup but could see a case made for Box+Box having uses if you want to primarily fleet with a speeder.
    Mk 6 has (5) green, which for most players will probably fill with Pulse+Pulse+Box. Pulse costs [2]green for a reason, it potentially does alot more healing that the [1] options.

    I suppose the answer you are really looking for is this:
    Focus on leveling up 1 rare Pulse, 1 epic Pulse & 1 rare/epic Box (keeping the one's you dont invest in for the potential of going double Box at some point later on).
    Mr gets em, Red Herring and Totoro like this.
  18. Totoro

    Totoro Active Member

    20 May 2017
    Tree Spirit
    Large Camphor Tree
    Red Herring likes this.
  19. NamelessOne

    NamelessOne New Member

    6 May 2017
    Hi fellow Fixers

    I am al level 18 captain /w a Fixer MK3. My biggest problem right now ist about gaining infamy, I am struggling arround 600 for days now. It is always the same: 1-2 good games with wins followed by 1-2 really nasty matches. I try to do my best helping the team with Repair Pulse and throwing boxes right in front of them... no chance, most of the time they are seperating as soon as the first enemy is shown on the map, getting eaten 5-1 from the enemy team. Shooters with funny 700hp moving straigt to the enemy, wondering why i do not fix them. Most of the time I am one of the last ships standing facing a 2-5 situation > no chance.
    I use a rare sniper canon and I try to stay in the 2nd row for heals and some sniper shots from time to time. Most of the time i am too busy with throwing boxes than shooting the enemies.
    I know that i can not change the way my teammates play, but do you have you any ideas of how i can improve my game so in fact that i can reach infamy something like 1000+? Althoug I like beeing a Fixer, it feels like I am totally dependend from the rest of the team. I mean, what should I do if the half of the team decides to suicide when the red dots appearon the map? Maybee I should forget about my little Fixer and use a boring shooter like 90% are doing? At least I would be able to help my team with a significant amount of damage...
    Last edited: 23 May 2017
  20. Bennunator

    Bennunator Moderator

    3 Apr 2017

    Especially when you're early in the game, playing with unexperienced players, your team splitting up is unfortunately quite common. That makes a fixers life quite hard.

    When that happens it's usually best to stay with the ship that you feel is most important to keep alive, and you can keep alive. That would usually be a shooter/defender (maybe even enforcer) with the most infamy. Usually shouldn't try to keep up with a speeder as... well can't keep up with them. Of course this doesn't mean that you shouldn't heal others if you have a chance, just that focus on the ship that could bring you the victory. :)


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