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Need an advice from legend fixers

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by DerrickRose, 23 Nov 2017.

  1. DerrickRose

    DerrickRose Active Member

    7 Jun 2017
    Need an advice from legend fixers.

    I posted on forum yesterday to why we can’t send warning signal to selfish early dying defender or shooter. I also questioned why we can’t send a personal message to other user unless he accept my invitation. I really want to educate them they stop playing selfish.

    Basically, people replied these:

    1. Suck it up. It’s because you’re role is fixer

    2. If you played hard, then suck it up. Don’t try to tell users that because it’s harassing.

    3. Be patient.

    Well, those advices are not very helpful since I’m kinda in between quitting this game and changing ship to the one another and it should be done soon. Because last time when I got -200 infamy straight because of selfish shooter/defender I almost break my phone. I play a game to release stress not for gaining it. It’s very hard to gain the infamy but it’s so easy to lose them.

    I wouldn’t say it’s all other user’s fault. Maybe I should have done it better, but still, when you face 5 vs 4 or 4 vs 3, you, as a fixer can’t win unless you got another legendary player in your team.

    If there is experienced fixer who overcame this, advise me please.
  2. Tirth2_

    Tirth2_ Well-Known Member

    14 Oct 2017
    Look! I ain't any legendary fixer or great at this game... I am just a mk3 fixer at 900 infamy....

    Now as a fixer u always get to see this.... Selfish players who just stupidly run into the opponents and expect me to heal...

    I use repair bolt n repair pulse, so as they move forward (to die ofcourse) I just send in a bolt towards them(just in case they ain't selfish n didn't realise v weren't following) if he returns, well n good, if he doesn't , then focus on the rest of the team playing together, send "together" message every now and then.

    Stay with the player with highest infamy if the all split up on their own ways.

    And yes if you are good enough as a fixer and your team is good enough to attack, u can pull of 4 vs 5 / 3 vs 4 .
    Your job is to fix , right?
    Give them a chance, if they fail move on and heal the team! :)
    I hope it helps!
    Ultrah and The Otherguy like this.
  3. Zangetsu

    Zangetsu Well-Known Member

    4 Jun 2017
    You can't really help bad players, just move on and continue performing the best you can. There's only so much you can contribute, fixer is the one class that heavily relies on the other team members to do well.
  4. Tirth2_

    Tirth2_ Well-Known Member

    14 Oct 2017
    I respectfully disagree! :)
    I believe it's exactly opposite of what you said....
    Or both r interdependent to some extent!
  5. Zangetsu

    Zangetsu Well-Known Member

    4 Jun 2017
    As soon as people split, fixer's main ability to heal has already diminished meaning they have to rely on people to not suck and die, otherwise what's left to heal? Every other class are always 100% in their power regardless of their team mates and are able to carry the games or turn the tides by themselves.

    That's how I've felt anyway all the way to nightmare as a f2p fixer.
  6. Tirth2_

    Tirth2_ Well-Known Member

    14 Oct 2017
    That sounds like judging the ship from one single point of view when there are millions...
    There are a lot of scenarios in which fixer proves to be the star of the show! If your team laggs behind in terms of damage(weak weapons) , if they stick together fixers can keep them alive and win the match against high level players with no fixers(I've had this type of match)

    If u stick together , and its a not a selfish fixer , u can do wonders in the match! :)
  7. Tirth2_

    Tirth2_ Well-Known Member

    14 Oct 2017
    Let's not jump to conclusions and have some patience! :)
    Maybe someday BB will have its #1 FIXER
  8. Fixer sa Recto

    Fixer sa Recto Well-Known Member

    25 Jul 2017
    I myself is a 90% selfish fixer (using 2 tapes and a pulse). My only suggestion is don't depend on others, make it happen that they depend on you to win. I know it's frustrating to expect to be healed and u don't get healed. Having a fixer in your team doesn't really guarantee success, it all goes down to cooperation and reading each of your mates' gameplay. Learn not to expect, we have our own ways of playing: the over-confident speeder, the camping defender, the selfish fixer and the like. Learn to make adjustments mid-game and always look at the mini-map for unfriends and at your friends' hp and assess the situation.
    Happy gaming :)

    Buddy i bet u couldn't win 1v1 on a selfish fixer :rolleyes: my ign is HOT • Pandesal and i dare you.
  9. Mechwarrior.

    Mechwarrior. New Member

    19 May 2017
    I've played a fixer since the day I could unlock it and at 2800 infamy I will say this.

    sometimes you get put with people who will stay by a fixer and protect them like a king/queen and other times they expect you to chase after them whilst on there solo Rambo mission the best advise I can say is keep an eye on the map and familiarise yourself to what green dot is who. it's surprising how fast you can get to someone who's spamming SOS knowing there rough location.

    And also during most of the battle stick with the biggest group of people if you heal let's say one person who went on a Rambo mission and you dart off saving them from there minuscule health they have left they will most likely think they can get away with it again which normally isn't the case as they get more ballsy thinking they are untouchable and expect you to follow in there irrational strategic plan In that time your other 3 players could be all grouped together when combined there damage is far greater

    For an example let's say a shooter went off out and took a lot of heat and lost 3000hp
    It's a lot on one boat but if your other team mates let's say a defender speeder and shooter lost 2000hp each that's a total of 6000hp gone which would definitely add up to one death if it was on a singular boat
    so it's best to heal the bigger group and who ever has darted off tends to notice this and soon swarms back into the pack

    I hoped this helped
    TheAntiSnipe likes this.
  10. Sewah

    Sewah Well-Known Member

    14 May 2017
    One of the reason I turn to be a selfish fixer is due to the fact I always team with friendly who want to be healed but don't protect me.

    Now that I am selfish type fixer, 2 tape n 1 pulse,
    I'm able to be more "jack of all trade, master of none" type ship.

    I was normal type of fixer up to MK4.

    At MK5 I change completely and am having fun with my fixer.

    Well thats my opinion n experience.

    Good luck finding the best advise.
  11. Ash KOT

    Ash KOT MVP

    30 Aug 2017
    Fixer sa Recto likes this.
  12. Sewah

    Sewah Well-Known Member

    14 May 2017
    Just search YouTube for "the selfish fixer"
    My channel is Rigiman
  13. Fixer sa Recto

    Fixer sa Recto Well-Known Member

    25 Jul 2017
    I got hybrid and selfish :)
    Search yt for battlebay - hybrid fixer
    Though i don't upload that much hah!
    Also check sewah's yt ;)
  14. Craigjnoble

    Craigjnoble Well-Known Member

    13 Jun 2017
    Fixer here currently at 3.8k

    A few pointers.
    1. To quote someone’s else (I can’t remember who) “you can’t heal stupidity”
    As you play you may start seeing the same names appearing, you will remember the chargers, so at least your prepared for what they will do.
    2. Sometimes you have to let go, if you have someone that charging out in front on a suicide mission. Don’t follow them (there are exceptions) let them accept their fate. By all means use the bolt but if they are on a solo mission to get them self killed but you will go down with them if you rush to help. This is also true when your struggling to keep everyone alive, sacrifices may have to be made (won’t gain you friends but can swing the battle back to being in your favour).
    3. Watch your own heal! If you die your useless. Throw yourself a box when you need it.
    4. Box a speeder, bolt a shooter. If it comes down to a choice, a box thrown towards speeder is better than a bolt when your trying to keep multiple targets alive. Speeders have the tendency to hit nitro or make an erratic turn just as you fire the bolt. At least with a box they can swing round and pick it up. If you can do both to a speeder throw the box first. Easier to hit with a bolt when you know where they are heading.
    5. Fleet when possible, this means you have at least 1 person you know you can play with.
    6. Again from multiple people, if your on a losing streak stop playing. Your only going to be playing with the same people. Give it some time, relax a bit so your back on form and you will climb up again. You might find yourself in a better crowd of players.

    Anyway just my thoughts and all the best!
    Earel and Ovidmikel like this.
  15. Fiorell

    Fiorell Active Member

    24 May 2017
    I know those shooters, which shout 'Together!' and then separate themselves from every other ship vanishing in a rain of torpedoes, mortars and fire. I know the speeders which are unable to return back to their fixer. I know the defenders which stay behind your fixer while the opponents are grinding away your health.
    But I also know a lot of good team players. I know the matches, where they gather around you and together you are nearly unstoppable!

    You know, I'm playing fixer and shooter. And when I play shooter, I absolutely hate it, when the fixer in my team is a selfish fixer!
    That's because my shooter is absolutely best with a good fixer in his back. So please, before you consider switching to a selfish fixer, remember that there are other good team players which count on you. Switching to selfish fixer because some people cannot play in teams is like giving up. :rolleyes: There. I said it.

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