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Regarding Fleeting System

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by BITTERSTEEL, 20 Apr 2017.


    BITTERSTEEL Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    Take a look at this. Two battlebay gods, fleeting together, against a couple of scrubs. I took a screenshot before the game, planning on bashing the new update after we got smoked.

    Guess what happened?

    I apologize and retract my original thinking, and issue this as a preemptive challenge to those who will obviously complain about fleeting soon, and the following statement applies to Battle Bay's matchmaking system regardless of whether or not the fleeting system exists:

    A pack of cavemen can take down a mammoth, if they work together and try hard enough.
  2. Splash0rboy3000

    Splash0rboy3000 Member

    6 Apr 2017

    you can figure out how this match was. run in and try to get a part of the pie... fun for me at least :)
  3. Kitterini

    Kitterini Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    Was teamed up with Christmas & Blacktail! Suppose I'm a serious trash player seeing that we lost the game though ;)
    Bradley Thorinsson likes this.
  4. P0rthos

    P0rthos Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    Hey... no complaints here. So happy to finally get to pick my teammates.

  5. Splash0rboy3000

    Splash0rboy3000 Member

    6 Apr 2017
    nah, dont want to complain. its fun and seriously, battles like the one i posted happened also before the update. And i think there are chances to win against a team of 4k players like the one above.
    really a cool feature!!!
  6. Gnu

    Gnu Well-Known Member

    7 Apr 2017
    Don't worry guys!

    What's worse is matching against Christmas and Bergster who go fleeting together

    Next minute a doofus named Hooman on your team spamming the heck out of the Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Button. Does he lyfe bro?
  7. Ragneox

    Ragneox New Member

    15 Apr 2017
    Let's have an example:

    Team A with infamy of: 4.5k + 4k + 2.5k + 2k + 2k = total 15K
    Team B with infamy of: 5 ships * 3K = total 15K

    Most of the time, what do you think will happen?

    Of course, it is being abused or exploited now!

    Fleet is okay BUT put a minimum infamy gap (i.e. 4.5K to 3.5K or 1K minimum range gap) of ships that can join a battle which include fleets.

    If you cant see the disadvantage and just shoot the issue like always (i.e. Mika, Porthos) then by all means enjoy the exploit.
    BITTERSTEEL likes this.
  8. P0rthos

    P0rthos Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    Lol, well I agree it's an issue. I'm 100% sure it will be fixed when more data is available since it's such a new feature.
  9. Miika

    Miika Game Lead

    29 Mar 2017
    If there would be an infinite amount of players available and the matchmaker would be giving that kind of battles then I would say it's clearly totally and utterly broken. However, we don't have infinite amount of players. If there are lets say 50 players in the queue and those 10 are the best players there, what else can the matchmaker do than start a game with them? It is trying to do the best compromise it can out of the all players currently online and queuing.

    Matchmakers should probably be called actually "Compromise makers" because that is what they really are doing, trying to make the best out of the tough situation.

    On the lower levels there are much more players online at any given time so the infamy spread is smaller there. If you have the world number 1 and 2 in the same fleet, even with infinite amount of players it's still impossible even in theory to find an equally powered matching fleet.

    Also, you need to remember that those high level players are mere mortal humans too. There's already screenshots floating around showing how those immortal fleets fleets fall to seemingly much worse teams. You can beat them just fine, just as long as you don't already mentally give up when you see the loading screen, but give them pain instead! :)
  10. Ragneox

    Ragneox New Member

    15 Apr 2017
    As expected, same defensive justifications rather than check the consequences of the new fleet setup. Hint: try to compare before and after implementation of fleet, of players with 4K++ infamy. Do I need to elaborate? I mean: review the past few months before the fleet, the infamy range of top players were just reaching around 4.5K. Then how come there are players reaching or hovering around 5K now? What new variables are are introduced to have this change? Again, as I expected, you will not notice it and just say it is nothing because it is easier to say it.
  11. Ragneox

    Ragneox New Member

    15 Apr 2017
    Of course, will try to battle as best as we can but chances are: t5 epics vs t2/t3 epics/ rares? Out of of 100 instances, how many times would you win?
    GuuTress and BITTERSTEEL like this.
  12. Miika

    Miika Game Lead

    29 Mar 2017
    Yes, the top fleets have managed to get higher in infamy now. But is that really an issue? I also remember the times when the best players in the game had only 1k infamy. It's just a number.
    Overall a lot of people are having a lot of fun fleeting, which is the most important thing, even if the balance wouldn't be optimal yet.
    What would you do about the situation if you could choose freely? :)
    SirojPr and Splash0rboy3000 like this.
  13. kylek33

    kylek33 Member

    5 Apr 2017
    The top players winning games is nothing new. They managed to claw their way to 5k this season and that's great, it raises the bar for everyone else. Maybe next season they'll top out at 4200, who knows?.

    Not enough players or similar arguments have repeatedly been made to justify the large disparities experienced in matches. Personally I think the maximum allowed gap is far too high and should be lowered but the devs say it will greatly increase queue times for higher tier players. My gut reaction is, of course, "screw those guys, i want fair fights" but I'm sure I'd think differently if I were one of them. Still, a modest decrease in the allowed gap should be possible if the estimated 1500+ new players per day is even close to accurate. But if a larger playerbase is really the only answer I wish they'd hurry up and attain one already. TV ads may be expensive but Kate Hudson did wonders for Game of War and Arnie's Mobile Strike ads also did well.

    Fleeting is great. A huge step in the right direction but I have noticed one flaw: some players are already opting to only fleet with players below them in infamy (the further the better) knowing that their opponent will be matched based on their average infamy, in effect lowering the infamy of the higher ranked player. This is very effective at lower levels but has almost no effect on higher levels.
    Ragneox and P0rthos like this.
  14. Ragneox

    Ragneox New Member

    15 Apr 2017
    Agree kylek33, a reasonable decrease of the gap (min to max inf) per battle. Again, as pointed out by many it is no fun for 2k+ ships to be one shotted by 4k+ peeps.
    BITTERSTEEL likes this.
  15. mammoth1946

    mammoth1946 Active Member

    10 Apr 2017
    Like your comment on episode 26. "pg13" hehe.

    BITTERSTEEL Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    I admit, my original post was a little premature in opinion because it had just come out and my experience with fleeting was a little narrow.

    There used to be one demigod per team usually, and the strategy was relatively straight forward: destroy the weak teammates, the focus fire on the 4.5k player, or focus fire on the 4.5 before their not so experienced teammates have a chance to react.

    But after playing game after game against the Bergster x Christmas duo, I've realized these strategies rarely work. I mean they're not impossible; a well coordinated, "medium" infamy team should be challenged, but able to take out a team consisting of 2 "high" infamies and 3 "low" infamies.

    But such coordination would have to be nigh-perfect, your team's margin of error must be very low if you have any hope of winning. I think fleeting in this sense is unfair in the fact that it places the greater burden of effort on the "medium" team when matched against a pair of demigods.

    This isn't a criticism of the new system, but nor is it a praising of it; these are just the humble observations of someone who loves the game. I appreciate the challenges you guys suffer when you work on this game.
    Memorize and mammoth1946 like this.
  17. Memorize

    Memorize Member

    5 Apr 2017
    Christmas already break through 5K infamy because of fleet. Highest infamy I'm had seen for the first time. There still countable of top players fleet together to reach higher infamy. It's changed the game matchup within 3k - 3,5k infamy suffer from this fleet mostly. Hope Devs knowledge the consequence from these event. Even Dmg don said himself have to do something about these fleet.
    mammoth1946 and BITTERSTEEL like this.
  18. Emilia

    Emilia Member

    7 Apr 2017
    Well here is my example. While I know that Viking Girl and I are good. we are 2500 infamy difference to Berg and Christmas and its then not matched in the players below on there team being worse, they are just below my infamy and equal to the rest of my team. Btw we actually battled them twice in 3 battles.
    Berg actually came and apologised afterwards as well.

    BITTERSTEEL likes this.
  19. SirojPr

    SirojPr Member

    6 Apr 2017
    Hi @Memorize

    Infamy is just the number, you can set infamy range between any numbers as you want. Chrismas still be top player with or without fleet in the game. But the point (and importance) is we can create many strategies by fleeting up. When top players fleet together, I pretty sure, they don't just fleet. I have seen many people did not support each other when they fleet up. Fleet does not change the game matchup but the adaptable players do.

    There are some strategies in fleet up I want to share. But unfortunately I can not tell more in details because of my english.
    • Enforcer (mines + bandage) and Shooter (bandage + any long distance weapons eg. rg, sc or ml).
    • Fixer (mines) and Shooter (mines + any long distance weapons). ***same strategy as the first but more defensive power***
    • 2 Speeders (any weapons except mines + tesla bolt).
    • Enforcer (frost launcher) and Speeder (frost bluster + any type torpedo)
    • Speeder and Fixer are not suit in some situations. ***my opinion***
    Find, use and fun with the force of fleet. Good luck!

    ~ BlackTail ~
  20. Memorize

    Memorize Member

    5 Apr 2017
    Infamy isn't just a number it's the number decided how strong your skills play you are.
    Overall my point is when top players fleet together it's too powerful mostly against another team none fleet. Example as you and Christmas fleeting together matching against none top player you can even win without the rest of your team and don't even break a sweat. With your captain levels skillful and items itself can beat anyone easily and now plus fleeting with someone like Christmas(or another player) even more easier.Right now matchup infamy gap is even more ridiculous than before this updates. I'm know you been playing this game longer than anyone in BattleBay which I'm respect that but this fleet event over benefit too much for top players fleet together. At this moment you're break through 5,100k infamy is that from playing alone or fleet? If that come from fleeting which mean my point is actually correct then. Strategis doesn't help much when playing against T4-5 Epic items with those who have none and lower captain levels. Just hope devs have better salution for these fleet event that's all.
    Last edited: 22 Apr 2017
    BITTERSTEEL likes this.

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