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Battle Bay unusable after update

Discussion in 'Bugs, Issues & Inquiries' started by xerxes, 16 Nov 2017.

  1. xerxes

    xerxes New Member

    16 Nov 2017
    Battle Bay simply doesn't work for me after the latest update. Joining a game just causes it to hang up and/or crash. I can't scrap items because it freezes. Chat doesn't work so I can't even let my guild know why I'm not active. A disaster!

    I'm on an iPad 4 with iOS 10.3.3

    I really hope this can be resolved soon! Come on guys!
  2. Dęę Måçk

    Dęę Måçk Member

    14 Nov 2017
    XERXES the DEVS are aware of the issues w/ IOS platform. They are doing everything they can try UNINSTALLING & REINSTALLING you may be able to chat 1 message to guild & collect raffle tickets from whatever Quest your guild has completed....

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