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Patch Notes v. 2.6 "Experienced Captains"

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Zeus, 14 Nov 2017.

  1. Ovidmikel

    Ovidmikel Active Member

    3 Aug 2017
    I too.would like to know if this is intended. Should not have to wait around and watch the end of every battle to receive XP . Should be same as gold and sugar rewards a my contribution has ended. We get gold and ssugar rewards if we leave why not XP ?
  2. KRN Nomad

    KRN Nomad Member

    27 Jul 2017
    Why do I still get the sarcastic "nice shot" message whenever I hit my teammates with big torp?
    I thought this was fixed?
  3. Joey who

    Joey who Well-Known Member

    11 Jun 2017
    Next update more economy balance.

    Save all your epic perks, they will be removed from raffle soon :)
    Rainbow Warrior and Shadow Moon! like this.
  4. Fixer sa Recto

    Fixer sa Recto Well-Known Member

    25 Jul 2017
    I think they thought this out before even doing any changes. It's not about an individual but the whole community. A chunk of the people (unlike you) don't use ec hence the receiving end of the massive damage without even being targeted. If i looks unfair for you doesn't make it unfair for everybody.

    Happy fair gaming :)
    The Grim Repair likes this.
  5. JamesMcG

    JamesMcG New Member

    13 Oct 2017
    I really wish I could move the dialogue/command button, I keep losing battles because it gets in the way. Maybe next update?
  6. jSwtch

    jSwtch Member

    28 Oct 2017
    lets not joke about that
    Babablacksheep likes this.
  7. Joey who

    Joey who Well-Known Member

    11 Jun 2017
    Don't worry. You got 2-3 months to save up
  8. "har"Smash until the end

    "har"Smash until the end Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    Somewhere in the earth
    Well I couldn't said this update is the best,but I personally think there is both good changes and bad changes
    For good changes:
    -balanced the fire+cannon combo,although I use this combo,unlike those crybabies,I feel that it's ok the balance it.for long time it's too overpowered and a a bit of nerf could now make this combo a bit more balanced
    -frost blaster nerf,since frost blaster+torp combo is too strong,now it's better with the frost blaster nerfed
    -new captain journey,as it shows what will u get/unlock in new captain level
    -battle xp+commands,although I haven't tried battle after the update,it seems to look nice
    Now for the bad changes...:eek:
    -pearls+epic parts reduced for raffle,especially for legendary bonus round,because 50 pearls is TOTALLY unworthy in legendary bonus round
    -mk6 ships unlocks at captain level 40,as level 39-40 actually takes about 2 months,it will beuch harder to get mk6 now
    Overall:u could do better devs;)
  9. Fanfanfan

    Fanfanfan Member

    14 Nov 2017
    devs please think about this two:
    Frost effect remove by hit, it is not a solo game, the enemy is easier to be hit if they was frozened, so the frost is very easy to remove, it is not possible to make frost+torp combo, the training for torp hit on a frozned ship is useless. and there are fixers too that they are able to remove frost
    Second, the perk for frost(duration) will become useless,
    Last edited: 15 Nov 2017
    k406k, Elurien, _devill and 1 other person like this.
  10. ViscountSniffit

    ViscountSniffit Well-Known Member

    3 Sep 2017
    Remember though, it’s a two slot weapon, which is virtually indistinguishable from a Blast Cannon, most of the time. Occasionally being able to splash another ship is all you’re paying the extra slot for.

    Also, as an EC user, I can assure you that if you got caught in the splash, you were the intended target. The radius is way too small to splash people accidentally (with any frequency). In fact, often, the splashed ship is the ship I’m primarily trying to damage. If I’m having trouble locking onto a speeder, or a damaged ship that’s hiding behind others, then it’s not easy to target them directly, but if you time the shot right, you can splash them by hitting a nearby ship.

    That was the whole advantage of ExC, and what you pay the extra slot point for. Losing 25% of that damage is a huge blow. I would have preferred a 10-12% drop in total damage, over 25% to splash.
    TheAntiSnipe, Vikeshot and _devill like this.
  11. plenchie

    plenchie New Member

    13 Sep 2017
    Could someone please explain the difference between your actual sugar/gold capacity VS. the capacity featured in the captain's journey reward screen? Currently 1.4mil VS. 4.675mil....?

    Attached Files:

  12. Fixer sa Recto

    Fixer sa Recto Well-Known Member

    25 Jul 2017
    Known issue, but thanks for the report!

    That.. probably would be the answer :p
  13. _devill

    _devill Well-Known Member

    27 Jul 2017
    Pune, Maharashtra
    Weapon better than others? I don't know how this opinion came up but 3000+ infamy players use a lot of weapons and they look good only because they use them well. Plus high usage doesn't mean it's easy to use. I never saw anyone complain about EC and if you use EC then you know that it requires serious skill to actually connect the shots by leading them, except close range.
    One last thing, high usage rate doesn't mean the weapon is easy to use cos if that was the case then no one will use weapons like torps (which I see players using almost as much as EC).
    Last edited: 15 Nov 2017
    Vikeshot likes this.
  14. ViscountSniffit

    ViscountSniffit Well-Known Member

    3 Sep 2017
    It might also just have high usage because it fills a niche. If you’re a shooter, looking for a reliable close range weapon, then you’re not going to run a BC that conflicts with your sniper, especially when you have slots to spare. What are your other options? Carronade? (Meh)

    It’s hardly surprising EC is popular, it’s the only option.
    TheAntiSnipe, Vikeshot and _devill like this.
  15. _devill

    _devill Well-Known Member

    27 Jul 2017
    Pune, Maharashtra
    Good point but it doesn't explain why the nerf came in. If a lot of people don't use EC then I have never used a BT and started only a month ago when I got an epic. Different players use different weapons cos their game play agrees with it. It's not about using all the weapons, it's about finding a weapon you perform your best with and use it to help your team win. I don't think usage should be a reason to nerf weapons.

    The chunk of people that doesn't use EC, could you tell me the reason? Are they bad with it? Or is it that they never got it in first place? And yes they are at the receiving end of my EC just as I'm at the receiving end of their mortars and torps. So it's fair.

    And please, devs said this game should be fair and fun, where is the fun when you start nerfing what players like just cos other player's game play doesn't agree with it. It's not balanced, is it?
    Vikeshot likes this.
  16. Fixer sa Recto

    Fixer sa Recto Well-Known Member

    25 Jul 2017
    devs also play the game and they experience it themselves whether an item needs a nerd or a boost. as i repeat it’s not for any particular individual or item but the whole bb community that they are balancing. i know you’re hurt bro and i condole you for that. still better though than getting your items rolled back ;)
    plenchie likes this.
  17. Phalgun

    Phalgun Member

    13 Oct 2017
    If you think leading shots is hard you must be having less than 1000 games in game. Explosive canon has a average range and average projectile speed so it’s not really as hard as you’re making it sound like, whatever it is, the ships around the main target should always take less damage and it’s just the way area damage is supposed to work. Explosive cannons were too powerful where players sticked together or when they’re around obstacles, players just shoot at me and miss and hit a rock and get 100% damage... does that make sense to you? Even though I escape the shot I take 100%... didn’t make sense to me. It’s a reasonable balance
  18. Shadow Moon!

    Shadow Moon! Well-Known Member

    24 Jul 2017
    You sound like the EC is easiest weapon, tried using one? Kindly do make 10 odd videos of every battle you play and show us here.
    I have more than 6000 battles and yes aoe of explosive was bit high in no way its easy.
    _devill and Vikeshot like this.
  19. yellowocean

    yellowocean Well-Known Member

    13 Apr 2017
    Hi Rovio???

    Why no tweaks to guild quests mechanics??? Can we please have a cooldown period between rivalries??? so we can reorganize?
  20. yellowocean

    yellowocean Well-Known Member

    13 Apr 2017
    Can one of the devs please elaborate on the current guild quest mechanics... is there a way for multiple guild groups to reorganize and shuffle players without risking forfeiture of rivalry reward bonus??? please???

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