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Infamy/Guild quest...maybe a solution

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by - Oskar -, 14 Nov 2017.

  1. - Oskar -

    - Oskar - Well-Known Member

    27 Jun 2017
    I think we all agree and it is obvious that the guild quests, have spoiled the game a bit, even so, I think the change is much better than before, people are active and want to be part of a good fleet. But...
    We see all these high-level ships and weapons, in low infamy to favor finish their missions before, and they only push again to his normal spot at the end of the season, the solution that I think could work is the same that has been applied to the rewards for infamy, that if you lose 800 of your average you do not receive.
    Do more or less the same with contributions in guild missions, increase the reward, give a bonus, if the player is around 10 percent of his record of infamy, and go decrease it as he moves away from his top. I think that would solve the problem and motivate the players to try to complete the missions while trying to rise in infamy. I hope it works, thank you.
  2. Gillion

    Gillion Member

    5 Apr 2017
    I somewhat disagree. There is already a problem with the anti seal clubbing system in that it can effect people not intentionally. I for one just started playing again after not playing for several months. Yet the punishment system still expects me to be able to play at the same level I did back then. The change you suggest would eliminate one of the few ways I can still earn rewards and try to dig out of the hole I'm in. Think they need to fix their seal clubbing system first so it doesn't punish people unfairly.
    • Percy • likes this.
  3. - Oskar -

    - Oskar - Well-Known Member

    27 Jun 2017
    I´m not sure what u mean sorry..
    • Percy • likes this.
  4. Spinners71

    Spinners71 Well-Known Member

    27 Jul 2017
    I think this idea has a lot of merit. Sure it may negatively impact a few people returning to the game after a long time off (ex: @Gillion), but think of all the tankers it will fix.
    Whether the number should be a flat -800 from your max, or a -% from your max is debatable, but the idea has a lot of merit.
    There's even precedent, as there I believe there is already a 'No Star' penalty if you fall -800 from your max... (right? please clarify if I misunderstand the current punishment system)

    It seems that currently, the guild quest benefits outweigh the 'No Star' punishment, leading to people completely ignore the 'No Star' punishment and tank anyway...
    Adding a 'No Guild Token' punishment for the exact same unwanted behavior seems appropriate...

    Now, I don't want to miss this opportunity to remind everyone that dropping infamy is not 100% due to people wanting to tank...
    They are currently incentivized to use random weak weapons to try to complete weapon-specific guild quests.
    So they using weak weapons, but they don't even realize that what they're doing is tanking.
    I believe weapon-specific quests are a huge problem, and if you're going to institute a 'No Guild Token' penalty for tanking, you cannot do that without also removing weapon-specific quests (or at least changing them to weapon-category quests).
  5. - Oskar -

    - Oskar - Well-Known Member

    27 Jun 2017
    • Percy • likes this.
  6. GoreSnorkle

    GoreSnorkle Active Member

    11 Nov 2017
    Except, if you remove the tokens then nothing would stop people from jumping to another guild to help them... which seemed to upset them so much they put out a sneaky update solely to sabotage any cooperation.
    • Percy • likes this.

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