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Not a Fleet

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by Deepsixx, 18 May 2017.

  1. Deepsixx

    Deepsixx New Member

    18 May 2017
    They really need to make the fleet size 2+ and up to 5. Why have a guild if you can only play with one friend.
    Any Naval person will tell you a fleet isn't just two ships.
  2. ToddTHY

    ToddTHY Member

    5 Apr 2017
    Because if the top five players join together, their winning ratio will be 100%
  3. Deepsixx

    Deepsixx New Member

    18 May 2017
    The top 5 can change at any moment$$$. This statement makes no sense. It also makes no sense to deny the enjoyment of thousands because of what a few people might do. Anyone can dump money into this game and there is also the factor of skill. Not allowing fleets of 5 makes the game far less fun
    Last edited: 18 May 2017
  4. D3X

    D3X Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    It's a feature that Rovio has admitted that they want to implement, if not already, but has been disabled for now until more users are playing to allow Fleets to happen. The problem isn't creating the fleet, it's more of what to do afterwards? How do you create a match for the fleet; to only other Fleets with 5 players, or random? And even if you decide on random, how would the matchmaking fair and how long would it take to find a match?
    Last edited: 19 May 2017
  5. Never0dd0reveN

    Never0dd0reveN Member

    14 May 2017
    I still fail to see the problem... Are you going to be matched against them every game? Should they be losing because of bad teammates if they're in the to five in the world? The way i see it, they should win every game. Basically you're saying you want a chance to beat them not because you've improved, but because you gimped their team.
  6. Whistler

    Whistler Active Member

    2 May 2017
    Actually, here is the devs actual response.
    They won't add a fleet larger than 2 unless it's in a fleet of 5 vs fleet of 5 mode because of the disadvantage a team if 5 randoms would have against a fleet of 5 people with a strategy.
  7. Drew

    Drew New Member

    18 May 2017
    Pest Control Technician
    like call of duty , there's teams vs teams and some are random where some are in an actual team. So up to 5 members can fleet up but in order to battle there has to be another 5 member guild fleeted up.. and can work with any amount of fleeted teams.. 3 vs 3 .. 4 vs 4 etc.. oh and only guild members should be able to fleet up otherwise guilds are pointless. Why should someone not in a team fleet up with ppl who are in one? Doesn't make sense .. in my opinion.. anyway, sorry for the novel, just my thoughts dumped on here after reading

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