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Thoughts on torpedo splash damage? Not a fan myself.

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by Perswayable, 19 May 2017.

  1. Perswayable

    Perswayable Member

    18 May 2017
    Recently, I have engaged in a few battles where the torpedo hits a wall near me and deals ridiculous damage. In my humble opinion, they should not provide splash damage. They should be either hit or miss. Even if one were to argue realism, the same could be suggested with nearly any weapon that explodes in a certain proximity of said ship. I was wondering how others felt.
  2. Chad Iyet

    Chad Iyet New Member

    13 May 2017
    Torpedoes are hard enough to actually connect to opponent because you can see it coming and also they are so slow, making them very easy to evade. Why nerf the splash damage aspect now? That would make torpedoes utterly useless
  3. Perswayable

    Perswayable Member

    18 May 2017
    You can use torpedos in every map unlike mortars. The damage output is insane. The splash damage is unrealistic. There SHOULD be a certain risk choosing torpedo as there is with any other selection; the damage output the a pro to that con.
  4. TheEpicWarlord

    TheEpicWarlord Active Member

    5 Apr 2017
    Depends if I am using torpedo. :O
    Perswayable likes this.
  5. Perswayable

    Perswayable Member

    18 May 2017
    Haha, what an honest reply. You deserve a beer good sir.
  6. Helius Maximus

    Helius Maximus Active Member

    25 Apr 2017
    Monterrey, NL, MX
    You can use mortars as well as thorps on any maps, you will learn soon enough in which spots are inefective. Those are my main weapons and i can assure you that specificaly with splash damage is the only way to do some harm to speaders. I do agree thou that legendary thorps have an insane dps, a direct hit can take 4k and the splash will do 1k to 4k harm... That is just too much, it should be lowered. The last 3 battles i encounter @Pewpewdie i have being ridiculously destroyed by his legendary torphedo and i don't think it is even at its max tier.
  7. Perswayable

    Perswayable Member

    18 May 2017
    I know how to use my weapons good sir and understand they're theoretically usable on all matches. Unfortunately, without the ability to go in a full fleet (5 people), you must stick with your team when they're choosing close quarters despite mortar selection preferring open-zones. The torpedo luxury is both all map (favoring close quarters due to the splash damage) and damage output whereas mortar it is not (among other weapon selections). Torpedo should require skill or reduce the range so it doesn't keep going. The pros of this weapon are too favorable in my humble opinion.
  8. TheEpicWarlord

    TheEpicWarlord Active Member

    5 Apr 2017
    Except I am 13 so I probably shouldn't have a beer...
    TheRedSpeeder likes this.
  9. Whoops

    Whoops Member

    6 May 2017
    How about an ice cold sprite then?
  10. KnightOfZ

    KnightOfZ Member

    8 May 2017
    I would think it's ridiculous since every time I'm near a teammate that runs into one, I pretty much die 70% of the time.
    However when I use it, I friggen miss like an idiot so...
    behumble and TheRedSpeeder like this.
  11. Memorize

    Memorize Member

    5 Apr 2017
    When your ships gain more slots I'm suggesting equipped with turbo and overboost or nitro, it's help when times facing torpedo user and avoid sailing near all the wall as well expect your ships got frosted it hard to avoid those torpedo.
    For me it's still seem fair for torpedo to have splash damaged after all it's like a bomb when it's upon impact.
    Just learn how to evade them and pay attention from where it's coming. You'll be fine well sometimes you'll still get hit by those ships who's spamming torpedo together anyways.
    TheRedSpeeder likes this.
  12. Netsa

    Netsa Well-Known Member

    9 May 2017
    You can see them coming a mile away, and the torpedo misses even if it came within pixels of your ship. The AoE is also fairly small compared to, say, a Big Berta, and must travel in a straight line across the water. For instance, if the enemy is firing at you over a barrier of any kind, even though every other gun in the game would hit them, a torpedo can't.

    I feel justified in comparing it to a Big Berta since the only torpedo that costs 1 is the Swift, which isn't oneshotting anybody. A Big Torpedo has about 33% more damage than the Berta, but the Berta is more likely to hit, and is a lot more useful against grouped, heal-spam teams since it has a much wider AoE that doesn't rely on it directly connecting with either an enemy or a wall. Even though torpedoes don't have to deal with low ceilings, they have to deal with being incredibly unreliable, not to mention their damage dropping to zero at close range. If you take the AoE off of them, or nerf the range for that matter, what reason do I have to use them over any cannon?
  13. dikshift

    dikshift Active Member

    4 May 2017
    Not really true, big bertha projectile not only marks the area it will hit but also has a very slow projectile speed, making it easy to move out of the sweet spot and take less to no damage at all. Also mortars can't aim at close ranges either. The reason to use torps over cannons is that torps have an infinite range and deals a crazy amount of burst damage. Or else why bother using sniper, railgun, blast, almost any other weapon at all when the standard cannon outclasses everything in dps? Range, burst damage, projectile speed are just a few things that you must also take into consideration.
  14. TheEpicWarlord

    TheEpicWarlord Active Member

    5 Apr 2017
    Oh yeah ;)
  15. aaaxxd

    aaaxxd Member

    20 May 2017
    I don't really have an issue with the damage output, but the smiley torpedo does need some shake up. First, sometimes their traces become much smaller than usual and make them hard to spot. Second, I often get hit although I am definitely out of its path, whether by its large detonation range or due to lag. Curiously I can dodge triple torpedoes all fine, sometimes even squeaking between them.
  16. Netsa

    Netsa Well-Known Member

    9 May 2017
    Torpedoes have an even slower projectile speed than mortars. Infinite range doesn't mean as much when people can clearly see this slow, lumbering splash coming at them. You could likely do more damage with an Explosive Cannon against any team competant enough to simply move out of the way, and even the reduced splash damage on a Berta would add up to more.
  17. BagAhBread™

    BagAhBread™ New Member

    21 May 2017
    True i think they should move the splash or else you wasted money time and parts :p
  18. BagAhBread™

    BagAhBread™ New Member

    21 May 2017
    Been there
  19. Weaponizer

    Weaponizer Member

    18 May 2017
    Well, Mortars are better than Torpedos IMO. Torpedos travel to slow and they generally miss,
  20. Weaponizer

    Weaponizer Member

    18 May 2017
    *too* and *miss.* Just fixing up the grammar.

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