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Can we finally stop under shipping and Under weapon usage in the game?

Discussion in 'Suggestions & Ideas' started by *JAWS*, 6 Nov 2017.

  1. *JAWS*

    *JAWS* Well-Known Member

    13 Oct 2017
    Developers this is a suggestion post.for a simple fix to make this game more competitive and to end players ruining the game for other players.
    It involve you the developers to prevent 2 things.
    1) undershipping. This is where a player with a mk.6 shooter. Uses a mk.4 speeder or mk3. Fixer, or a mk.2 defender as a boat on the bay. Players sometimes do this to complete quests. But they don't care if they win or lose. Their effort is poor. And the win or lose happens because their team has to overcome their under shipping.
    Please fix this abuse. And make it so the maximum a player can use for a boat underneath their highest. Mk. 1 boat difference in make.
    Example. If my highest boat is a mk.6. Then I cannot use anything less than a mk.5.

    This will keep matches competitive
    Elyport and Evilchicken235 like this.
  2. *JAWS*

    *JAWS* Well-Known Member

    13 Oct 2017
    2) under weapon selection.
    A certain player by the name of Bl--k L---s
    Certain letters held out to protect identity. Is a 4k player using a uncommon level 1 mortar for mortar quests. Again this player. And players like him. Care not to be beneficial to their team winning. The team is at a handicap with a player who uses uncommon or common weapons.
    My suggestion is simple. U can't use uncommon or common weapons once u hit Ace league up into Nitemare. There needs to be safeguards for the player community for trollers who get their kicks by ruining match for others.
    The Player example briefly mentioned above is a great player, and capable of of great bat feats when using his real weapons setup. All epic t5 maxed and legendaries. But look at what he resorts to, to finish a stupid mortar quest. Silly. And creates losses for all friends team.
    Please developers protect the bay from infamy droppers.
    Undershipping and Under weapon use is on purpose infamy tanking.
    And should be dealt with with a lack of stars. And a coding change immediately for the next update.

    Don't allow people to uses ships below their skill. And weapons below being usefull. Both call for an immediate mandatory limit per ship class.


    Mr. Chompers, Elyport and Joey who like this.
  3. Joey who

    Joey who Well-Known Member

    11 Jun 2017
    Agreed. I support players using a lower mk ship if it is 1 under their main mk level and they are trying to do what they can to contribute to the battle victory. But 2 or more under is just setting your team for failure and shouldn't be allowed
    FearsomeChicken and TheAntiSnipe like this.
  4. Evilchicken235

    Evilchicken235 Well-Known Member

    18 Aug 2017
    CSIE Student
    They need to set different infamy per ship OR only allow the player to use their highest tier ship.

    The root of all these problems is guild quests.
    They should redesign the concept of guild quests, right now most of it has no correlation to the infamy system at all.
  5. Help I Cant Swim

    Help I Cant Swim MVP

    25 Oct 2017
    Are you trying to make guild quests impossible??

    So we can't have mercenaries switch guilds to complete difficult quests. We have a hard time recruiting new people because they don't want to miss out on either season's rewards. We have quests for crazy weapons that nobody uses. And now you want to restrict people from trying to help their guild by using ships and weapons that THEY CLEARLY DO NOT LIKE. It's not like these people WANT to use under-powered ships or weapons. They HAVE to in order to complete guild quests.

    For example, nobody in my guild uses a carronade (because they are generally outclassed and very hard to use), so I have been leveling an uncommon carronade to use for quests. It takes me forever to grind out a quest for anything over board 1. Do you think that I want to use a weapon that does 200ish damage per shot within tickling range? No, but it is necessary.

    How can you say that "they don't care if they win or lose"?? This is clearly false because it only counts towards guild quests if you win.

    The real issue here is not what you are describing. The real issue is the guild quests. These quests are dictating what people use in order to have diversity. Using under-powered ships or weapons is only a symptom of the sick guild quests requiring 400k damage with a poop weapon that nobody uses. Fix the quests and these issues that you are describing go away.
    Last edited: 6 Nov 2017
    Cyn and Mr. Chompers like this.
  6. BasedCarpen

    BasedCarpen Well-Known Member

    15 Jul 2017
    No way to prevent this really unless you make a rule all ships you use must be the same MK as your top ship
    I just one shotted a mk3 fixer with Berta
  7. Kitterini

    Kitterini Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    Id support a rethink of what guildquests should be --- As they are now some quests are impossible (for non whale guilds) without usage of low level weapons. 1.5million Cannon damage (or Carronade or St. Mortar fx) is not going to happen when your guild has 0-2 people with a developed weapon.

    I'd love to see the devs remove the specific weapon quests -- But until they do it would be absurd to make rules that makes the quests unbeatable.
  8. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    Babablacksheep likes this.
  9. Help I Cant Swim

    Help I Cant Swim MVP

    25 Oct 2017
    I think that if they leave the weapon quests they need to allow to reroll them for pearls. Say 100 pearls per board number (100 pearls on board 1 vs 500 pearls on board 5). This way the guilds will pay more but will actually get a quest that they can complete. Would make it fair and add pearl spending. I'd much rather reroll a quest than buy some boosts.

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