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How is this possible?

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by Anomalix, 16 May 2017.

  1. Anomalix

    Anomalix Member

    27 Apr 2017
    So, looking at your company's info, it says you got over 400 "professionals"(lol) working at your headquarters. Well, apparently some departments are lacking staff. Because I reported a guild of pedophiles soliciting and trying to lure kids to visual chat and what not, more than 2 weeks ago. Just the name alone should've been flagged. Yet today, here they are, and furthermore, another deviant that I reported before we lost global chat for more than a week, has been spamming sexual solicitation all day. So they are a few possible reasons for this:
    • Your admins are not doing their work to protect the younger population
    • Your admins are aware and yet are allowing this to continue
    • Your name and chat filters are incompatible with today's reality
    Again and again, it seems I have to call you guys out on your lack of professionalism.These issues were either non-existent or dealt with swiftly in any other game I ever sampled. What will it take for Rovio to step up and bring this product up to 2017 standards?

    PS.: By the way, adding channels to chat instead of timer and block button just made your life a lot less easy. You obviously can't monitor 1 English channel, how are you gonna monitor 10?

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    Last edited: 16 May 2017
    Faze Rug likes this.
  2. Miika

    Miika Game Lead

    29 Mar 2017
    If you look at the game credits there are only 12 people working on Battle Bay, out of which none of them are full time chat moderators. You can't just check how many people work in the company altogether. It's like expecting your local Walmart to have the man power of 2.3 million people just because they employ that many globally.

    We definitely want to keep the game clean, which is why we already have filters both in chat and player names. Unfortunately humans are always clever enough to find ways to circumvent any automatic filtering. Because of this manual moderation is needed, which we trying to improve all the time, but it's really time and resources consuming.
    Miathan, Mr squiqqle and dikshift like this.
  3. JDAR

    JDAR Active Member

    8 May 2017
    A fix is needed but may not be possible I understand due to like you said people being clever no filter is perfect or unbeatable. But really having some people monitoring is! And I think that is what will make the difference! I've volunteered but if you don't want me somone else I'm sure is willing a lot of people want this community to succeed. like all games this needs people to pay attention! I'm confident it will all workout with time though.

    Also I've been just adviseing people to switch to a foreign language channel at least you don't know how bad your being treated lol
    Last edited: 17 May 2017
    dikshift likes this.
  4. GuerillaDabs

    GuerillaDabs New Member

    16 May 2017
    As long as this game is making money they're not worried about what people are doing with it. I've been seeing a lot of disturbing things in global chat, I've seen boats flying 100mph across the water yet they're only lvl 1 boats. Money talks and that's all they care about
    Anomalix likes this.
  5. Anomalix

    Anomalix Member

    27 Apr 2017
    So I got part of my answer then, your team is too small and inefficient. I'll have a talk with Rovio directly. You guys keep making mistakes and taking this game backward. Coding in only letters and numbers would have avoided inappropriate graphic names at least, which every other gaming studio know by now, it's 2017, seriously. Another proof of your lack of knowledge and judgment. I got other suggestions but I know you will not even consider them. Anyway like I said, I'm done with this, talking to Rovio might move things the right way, and I call on all of you battle bay battlers to do the same if you want positive changes to this game.
  6. IT_Xaumby

    IT_Xaumby Member

    9 May 2017
    I bet the Rovio execs are just squirming in their seats waiting to talk to you! They really need a top guy like you! You'll probably get offered the CEO chair when you walk in the room with your vast game developer experience!
  7. JDAR

    JDAR Active Member

    8 May 2017
    Well the game isn't even a month old so saying their inefficient without any proof is wrong. Give it time. For this type of game it requires a ton of work and for the most part they have done well! Think about the classes of ships alone from my gameplay experience other than a few minor things it's all extremely well done and thought out!
    Winkleberry5 likes this.
  8. rlxgenerate

    rlxgenerate Active Member

    10 May 2017
    As for this guy...find me 1 game...just 1...that is unhackable and I'll leave this thread alone. Until then, it happens. If you don't like people hacking games, stop playing them.

    As for this guy...talking to Rovio directly like you have a direct connection is just absurd. Even if you did have a direct connection to them, change takes time. yes, it probably is a coding issue but to have a handful of people running a game that has hundreds of thousands of people playing everyday...there is a lot to overcome.

    Between the forums and gameplay and balancing and testing and coding and updates and answering 10,000 player questions...that's a lot.

    *****Look at Blizzard. Look how many people work for them...thousands. They have 5 successful PC games...all 5 of them get hacked. ALLLLLLL 5!!!!! They do their best to control it but even with their man power and knowledge, it happens. Inappropriate names...happen. I'm not justifying it or saying it's okay...I'm saying it happens.

    Let them do their job...you just enjoy the game. Eventually, things will get ironed out.
  9. Anomalix

    Anomalix Member

    27 Apr 2017
    The game has been in soft launch for over a year without any significant content and issue solving improvements. Get your facts straight.

    If you buy a car and find they are major issues with it but the dealership won't acknowledge them, wouldn't you go to the manufacturer? I never implied I had direct contact with Rovio but I am a patron of one of their product and I believe it is badly managed and wrong decisions are made. Just look at the newest update, they took away maps from newer players with low infamy. This game has no diversity of content and yet they are taking away content instead of adding some. They try to fix the chat issue by adding English channels instead of timers and block options, they didn't even think of coding in ONLY letters and numbers for name/guild names. This is common knowledge across the industry. What is it with this infatuation of mediocrity? "I know they are issues but I'll just sit in the corner and shut up and wait for problems to be resolved." This is not how we progress ladies and gents. You have to push for anything to gain momentum in life. I actually care about this game, this is why I want to see it succeed.

    Sarcasm, the tool of the basement keyboard warriors.
    Last edited by a moderator: 24 May 2017
  10. IT_Xaumby

    IT_Xaumby Member

    9 May 2017
    They didn't take away maps though? There's always been a map progression where you stop playing the early "noob maps" as you unlock harder maps like Fighthouse, Foundry, and Sub Zero. Now they just show what maps you have unlocked already instead of it being a mystery.

    Coming from Mr. "I'm going to call your manager" over here.
    Last edited by a moderator: 24 May 2017
    Mr squiqqle likes this.
  11. Anomalix

    Anomalix Member

    27 Apr 2017
    What do you do when you face obstacles in your life? Nothing or call mommy? Adults go forward and conquer them.
    Last edited: 19 May 2017
  12. IT_Xaumby

    IT_Xaumby Member

    9 May 2017
    What the actual fuck are you going on about? You made a post complaining about global chat and inappropriate names, then make claims to know how to fix all these issues. Then once you get a response from somebody on the Dev team politely explaining the current structure of the team and what they're working on you go off and say you're going to Rovio like somebody at McDonalds that didn't get their fries asking for a manager.

    You're pathetic.
  13. Anomalix

    Anomalix Member

    27 Apr 2017
    So if you go to McDonald's and don't get the fries you paid for, you just leave? You shouldn't go to McDonald's anyway its poison but still. You wanna buy my car? I'll keep the steering wheel and sound system but sell it to you at full price. Maybe you haven't sampled many other online games before but I have, and I am used to much higher standards. Why do you think I spent a few thousand $$$ on another app game that I am currently playing and yet nothing on battle bay so far? Because the other game started off with loads of content and events and has had a significant content update every 2-3 months since launch. Rovio is not a small indie studio if so, I would be the first to say good job. They racked up significant profits from their other titles and subsequent derivatives. They can afford a well manned professional team to this project if they truly believe in it.
    Last edited: 19 May 2017
  14. Feue

    Feue New Member

    19 Apr 2017
    Just give pearls to a few ethical dudes across time zones and languages to keep things neat.
    Anomalix likes this.
  15. Whistler

    Whistler Active Member

    2 May 2017
    In this case you ARE talking to the manufacturer here, the dealership would be either playstore or the app store. If the car is the game and you feel it's bad you uninstall it and give it a bad review on them. This is not like with cars where there can be two that are the same model but one works and the other don't, you have only one game. Here you've complaint to the manufacturer already and they told you there's nothing they can do right now, so if you still don't like this give it a bad review and uninstall.

    This guys are Rovio, they are the part of Rovio that actually works in the game. If you could even get to talk with their bosses do you think they'll say "oh you are right, we'll fire them all for incompetence!"?
  16. - C l o u d y -

    - C l o u d y - Member

    20 May 2017
    A Person ⊙︿⊙
    I know most people including myself will agree that their filtering system is nowhere close to efficient with people who need to be permanently banned, but like the mod/admin said, it is very likely going to take a lot of time. Stuff like this has to be thought through because people that are trolls or who want to mess with the younger players will 100% immediately try to find a way to continue what they are doing.
  17. Winkleberry5

    Winkleberry5 Active Member

    11 May 2017
    It's very thought out, everything seems to have a good balance to it, nothing is too Over Powered (OP) in the game. Hats off to whom ever with in charge of that. Funny thing is they have so much more they can do with this game, I'm pretty excited to see where this game goes in the future.
    Mr squiqqle and JDAR like this.
  18. JDAR

    JDAR Active Member

    8 May 2017
    I agree Thanks for the likes!
  19. rlxgenerate

    rlxgenerate Active Member

    10 May 2017
    Ok, so you missed my point. Like mentioned before, you are talking to manufacturer. That's the beauty of a forum. It's similar to a "share holder" meeting. You get to have a voice even though you may only own 1 stock. But you'll be heard. No one knows who you are. But you go to the source.

    If you haven't spent a penny on this game...then justify to me how you can come in here and bark orders like you have contributed something?? Honestly. Explain to me why someone gives you something for FREE and you complain and throw it back in their faces? Yes, it's a freemium game and guess what, if no one paid for in game items...Rovio wouldn't exist and the game would cease to exist. Same with every other game out there in the world.

    And going back to your car manufacturer example...If there was something wrong, I wouldn't have bought it in the first place. But there's nothing "wrong" with this game.

    Could this game use IMPROVEMENTS??? Yes. Most definitely. Could this game use more CONTENT??? Yes, there are lots of ideas floating around that would be valuable to the longevity of this game. Could this game use better FILTRATION?? Yes, it could use a better system to hinder inappropriateness.

    There are lots of things that this game needs...but it's not broken. Just give it a minute or two. Do you think when MineCraft came out it was perfect? Look how many expansions WoW has. Look how many characters LoL has. Look at every game and realize that they all could use work. And they got the improvements needed. Give this game time and it'll be great. We all see it. I know you do or you wouldn't be here.

    So I say...Keep Calm and Battle On!!!!!
    Mr squiqqle likes this.
  20. Anomalix

    Anomalix Member

    27 Apr 2017
    I'm not talking to the manufacturer, I'm talking to a department. Give it time? This game has been out for MORE than a year with barely any content as it is and we are still waiting for a real content update. By this rate, we will have a finished product by 2059. I'm am not barking orders, I am pushing people to do better. You think I became a lieutenant commander in the navy by slacking off and wait for things to happened? I was pushed to perform and learned to push my crew to excel. You think I retired at 36 because I don't understand capitalism and how to monetize a product? You think I can't speak my mind because I haven't spent a dime yet on the product? I spent time on it, that makes me a contributor. I haven't spent a dime because of the issues I keep bringing up, I would love to spend some money on a game that I support but they keep wasting time on fixes and changes we don't need. How many times are they gonna change the star box redeem? Now it's, even more counter-intuitive. Users have been asking for search button since soft launch(should've been there in first place), what did they do? They put one in yes, but we have to use the player tag, WHICH WE CAN'T GET WITHOUT SEARCHING BECAUSE YOU DO NOT SHOW PLAYER TAG IN MATCH RESULTS. I can't even find words to describe this level of ineptitude. I am passionate yes, I give my all and expect the best in people, period. I got no time for excuses.

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