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Thinking of Switching to mk4 Speeder

Discussion in 'Strategy Discussion' started by Battle Bay Scrub, 31 Aug 2017.

  1. Battle Bay Scrub

    Battle Bay Scrub Member

    2 Jul 2017
    So I'm level 27 and I was thinking of Switching from fixer to speeder. Would this be a good build to start working towards? Is there anything I'm missing that I absolutely must have to play speeder?

    Blast cannon
    Mine (or grenade launcher or plain cannon)
    Tesla Bolt (I don't have tesla shield)
    Overboost (I already have this but I also have a rare nitro I can level up to L30).
    Bandage (or small shield)

    I already have the overboost, turbo and small shield (all L20 rare). The blast cannon, bandage and grenade launcher are epics and I already have a second epic blast cannon. the mine and tesla bolt are rare and I can get them past level 10. Plain cannon is a rare L30.

    Might x-post this to le Reddit and see what they think as well.
  2. NoMercy101

    NoMercy101 New Member

    30 Jul 2017
    I would not suggest using a plain cannon the speeder playstyle is to hit hard and bail. I personally use a big torp with a frost launcher and overboost and also blast cannon. A mine would be okay but not exactly recommended. For the blue slots, I personally prefer small shield because it gives you a lot of extra hitpoints to soak up damage. A grenade launcher would also be another option but a Tesla shield would be needed to get that close.

    What's your infamy also because that is sometimes a big factor in how you can be most successful?
  3. jfcliche

    jfcliche Member

    21 Sep 2017
    I play shooter, fixer and speeder, all at mk4. I agree 100% with NoMercy101 about the standard cannon, which is a no-no for the speeder. Here's my speeder set-up, hope this helps :
    - Frost mortar
    - overboost
    - blast cannon
    - big bertha
    - turbo
    - bandage

    I find the bandage useful because as a speeder, you don't stick with the others as much as when you play another type of boats, so fixers can't heal you as often. Please note that my set-up is vulnerable to other speeders, especially those with an "assassin set-up" (dual blast C, for example). When you see one of those, you don't want to wander too far from the rest of your team because you need them to scare/shoot that guy away.
  4. NoMercy101

    NoMercy101 New Member

    30 Jul 2017
    Totally agreed if you are playing with a mortar but I do think that a small shield would be better because you can get back to your fixer faster because of your speed

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