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Rep Points Unfair

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by Dez Lew, 19 May 2017.

  1. Dez Lew

    Dez Lew Member

    18 May 2017
    If you're an active player on Battle Bay, you will probably agree that the current way Infamy points are given are one of the biggest issues we players have with the game. When playing on a team with AI/bots or someone who's just a sitting duck, you're more than likely going lose and unfortunately lose 24 or 25 Rep points as a consequence! This can be VERY frustrating, because this system does not accurately represent a player's skills. I would like to start a conversation suggesting a better way to rank players, that would more accurately reflect a players skills and abilities. (And some other suggestions) Simply this: I believe that a Rep formula that took into account the number of kills and damage dealt, higher than the number of wins, would easily fix the current, unfair, ranking system. In addition, giving guilds the option to create a fleet with 5 people instead of just 2 and adding in the words left, right, and stay back would also help with communications, strategy and competition. Please post here if you agree with my ideas or have amendments and additions. Hopefully the battle bay programmers will consider this in their next update.
    Last edited: 19 May 2017
    Starcatcherz and Tipsy Turtle like this.
  2. Excism

    Excism Well-Known Member

    5 May 2017
    Where I want to be in my life!
    Isn't it called infamy?
    Linh Hoang and Dez Lew like this.
  3. Mighty scorpian

    Mighty scorpian Member

    7 May 2017
    Extreme gamer
    U got equal chances that afk players are on opponent team too, and bots only appears on low level. I hope u can make through them and join the real players.
    Dez Lew likes this.
  4. Whoops

    Whoops Member

    6 May 2017
    In the end it all equals out. If you are better than the people you are playing with you will eventually gain more infamy and outrank them. If you deserve to be at your infamy level then you will stay there. This is how all multiplayer games work. If you lose, you also lose rank. If you win, you gain rank. This is a team based game, and if your team doesn't win, you don't win. At the end of the day if your efforts didn't lead to a win then you failed. I don't think there are any games that reward players for losses.
    JJf and TheRedSpeeder like this.
  5. Dez Lew

    Dez Lew Member

    18 May 2017
    Well the point is that I have and many other people have complained about this issue: we will play battles where bots are bumping into the walls, players are sitting there probably offline and don't move, and I will deal 2000+ damage and lose infamy (I call it Rep). It's more like a game of luck, if youre lucky enough to be on a team where the people aren't jacking around you're more likely to win. This has been proven because every time I fleet up with someone i've won my battles but when I dont I've gone up and down from 400-500 infamy with a mk2 ship. The current system does not reflect one's skill, do you not agree that a better algorithm could be made? and how can this be a true muliplayer game when you cant even communcate properly during battles? Or fleet up with more than 1 other person and create a full team?
  6. Dez Lew

    Dez Lew Member

    18 May 2017
    But if you don't agree then that is unfortunate because it is truly one of the biggest issues people have with this game, you can read the app reviews and see yourself.
  7. Perswayable

    Perswayable Member

    18 May 2017
    Unfortunately good sir, this is the most realistic and fair battling system nearly used across the board in terms of mobile games. In terms of what's remediable, one solid option is to increase the fleet size so we have more control of who we enter battles with; this allows users to decide whether they free ball their games or enter with coordination.
    TheRedSpeeder likes this.
  8. Tipsy Turtle

    Tipsy Turtle New Member

    19 May 2017
    I 100% agree with you! If the algorithm for ranking isn't changed the very least that should be done is allowing guilds to choose the whole fleet.
    Dez Lew likes this.
  9. Whoops

    Whoops Member

    6 May 2017
    Just because people don't like losing rep doesn't mean it's not the right approach. I'm at nearly 1300 infamy with a mk 2 shooter, not because I'm lucky, but because I'm better. 400-500 infamy is very low. In fact I won't even let someone in that range into my guild, nor would I want to play with you. You have to take ownership over your rank and stop blaming the system. You are where you are because you deserve to be.

    Yes having afk teammates sucks, but it happens to everyone. Heck, I've even won a few games with afk teammates.
  10. SharkTank

    SharkTank Active Member

    19 May 2017
    Dez, I totally agree. Losing points every loss is stupid. I play many other multi player games where the person who finishes first or second gets positive points (but less than if you had won).

    Basically, it would be a progressive scoring system. First place on the winning team gets 25, 2nd gets 20, 3rd 15, etc. On the losing side, 1st yields +15, 2nd +10, 3rd 0, 4th -10, 5th, -20.

    Something like that would be more fair.

    With that being said, since there is no real incentive to have a higher infamy score, I'm not sure if anyone should be in a rush to level up and get dominated by the big boys.
    Dez Lew likes this.
  11. Whoops

    Whoops Member

    6 May 2017
    I think everyone wants to have larger fleets. But keep this in mind. If you had a full fleet and still lost your performance doesn't matter. The fact that you lost matters. This is how team based games work and it's not something that mobile gamers have seen much of. From someone who has been competitive in games like CSGO and Rocket League, I can tell you that this is just the way it is.
  12. Whoops

    Whoops Member

    6 May 2017
    This is just the "Everyone should get a trophy" mentality. I'm sorry but not everyone is going to be good at this game. Dez is clearly not very good and he is upset that his rank reflects that. I can guarantee you that even though Dez and I use the same ship I would out perform him every time.

    Ranking systems aren't there to make you feel good about yourself, they are there to keep people playing with same skilled players so they don't get destroyed. What this game really needs is an unranked mode so that people who get stressed out by the rankings don't have to worry about it.
  13. Dez Lew

    Dez Lew Member

    18 May 2017

    Lol I just started playing this game maybe 2 weeks ago and Im at level 13. That doesn't mean I cant be critical or ask for better of a game that I really like. Im trying to start a discussion about creating a better system for everyone, that doesn't COMPLETELY screw a player over because of a bunch of strangers and bots.
    Last edited: 19 May 2017
  14. Dez Lew

    Dez Lew Member

    18 May 2017

    That's a good idea! And you're right about that, there really isnt an incentive, so what's the rush?

    I'm sure many of the people who are telling me I shouldn't be complaining are the same ones who have paid a bunch of real money to do a ton of upgrades their ships and so the bots and the sucky teammates aren't an issue for them I guess.
    Last edited: 19 May 2017
  15. Whoops

    Whoops Member

    6 May 2017
    If you are still playing with bots it's because you are playing so poorly that the game places you against easier opponents and bots. When you achieve higher ranks you never see bots again. I have also only been playing for 1-2 weeks. I just got to level 16 today and whenever I was at 13 I was still at about 1k infamy. The ranking system isn't unfair, you just need to get better.
  16. Dez Lew

    Dez Lew Member

    18 May 2017
    Dude whatever, I was JUST able to upgrade to mk2 last night. It's not even possible make it to 1k infamy using a mk1 boat so just hush with your lies. And if you were able to get a mk2 or higher boat in only a week or 2 then you spent actual money on the game which is something I havent done.
    Starcatcherz likes this.
  17. Excism

    Excism Well-Known Member

    5 May 2017
    Where I want to be in my life!
    I'm MK 2 at 1100 infamy. I get paired up with a lot of MK1 at over 1,000. Just saying it is possible
  18. Robos

    Robos Member

    17 May 2017
    "With that being said, since there is no real incentive to have a higher infamy score, I'm not sure if anyone should be in a rush to level up and get dominated by the big boys"

    You do know that you get higher rewards for each fight in higher leagues right, that's a great incentive for higher infamy.

    I started playing at global release and the bots at low level is basically there since you can't face proper opponents yet. The higher up you rise, fewer AFKs will be there and you will never se a bot. I'm currently lvl15 and at 1450 infamy trying to hit 1500+ when the season end. Using un-evolved rares playing mostly mk2 fixer
  19. KnightOfZ

    KnightOfZ Member

    8 May 2017
    Not that I'm bashing on you, but whoop does have a point. Everyone goes through the same problems and yet they climb. The system isn't perfect but it's fair in the respect that it's unfair to everyone.

    Also programming a system is not as easy as you think, especially with a mobile ap's limitations (if it was then everyone could make their own dream game limited by their imaginations). I'm thankful that this game is consistent with almost no lag for me.

    Fleets would be nice but as discussed many times before even that has to be carefully thought out before releasing it willy nilly.

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  20. Dez Lew

    Dez Lew Member

    18 May 2017
    So even though this is a team playing game like everyone is saying, it's still 100% my fault that the team sucks and loses? Lol okay. Even though I just played yet another battle where a player was literally sitting there and was no help the entire time. Even though when I teamed up with only 1 other person, who was the same infamy as me, we were able to raise 100 infamy together. Does that not prove my point?

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